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But the information flow works both ways, Brin said. To prove his point, he laid out 
this paradox: "In all of human history, no government has ever known more about its 
people than our government knows about us. And [yet] in all of human history, no 
people have ever been anywhere near as free."

W I R E D   N E W S
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Big Brother Is Your Friend
 by Chris Gaither

BERKELEY, California -- The omnipresent cameras are coming, says science fiction 
writer David Brin. The question isn't when, but what they'll be pointing at.

Surveillance cameras will be perched on every lamppost and windowsill, beaming the 
minutiae of daily life to police headquarters. Street crime will plummet, Brin says.

  See also: First Amendment? Not on the Job

After all, look at the low crime rate in Britain, where watchful bobbies have access 
to more than 500,000 cameras.

It doesn't stop there in Brin's future world. Everyone carries a camera, beaming 
images straight to the Internet. A cop pulls over a kid for speeding, and the whole 
scene is played out in the public domain.

"What will the result be when this happens? A dramatic increase in professionalism and 
in legitimate arrests, and also an incredible renaissance in sarcasm on our city 
streets," Brin said at Saturday's California First Amendment Assembly at the 
University of California, Berkeley. "Because nothing like this will ever change human 

"Now,you may not like this image, but anybody who tries to harm you is going to get 
caught," he said.

Brin, an astrophysicist and author of such novels as The Postman, painted this surreal 
vision for attendees pondering whether freedom and privacy can coexist in the next 
millennium, when businesses and the government will probably know more about you than 
you know about yourself.

Because whether we like it or not, Brin said, the cameras are imminent. The government 
already uses them as its eyes and databases as its memory.

"All you accomplish by banning them is making sure that elites have the powers of 
gods, and that you don't," he said.

Take, for example, increased monitoring in the workplace, where bosses can count their 
employees' keystrokes and time their bathroom breaks.

Here's Brin's solution: Turn the cameras around to the top 50 execs in the company. 
Bosses can still spy on you, but you get to spy right back.

"Given a choice between privacy and accountability, all of us can be relied upon to 
choose privacy for ourselves and accountability for everybody else," Brin said.

Brin's vision was not universally shared. Earlier in the day, an attorney with the San 
Francisco-based Electronic Frontier Foundation put forth the alternative solution to 
what she called the rash of "data Valdez incidents that spill information out to 
anyone who wants to see it."

Citing such security breaches as Microsoft's baring of millions of Hotmail accounts 
and the exposure  of customers' credit cards numbers on an Italian smut site, 
assistant staff counsel Deborah Pierce pushed for stricter limitations of information 

She called for banks and other consumer services to curtail their creation of mammoth 
personal-info databases and for Big Brother to chill out -- a view Brin would find 

"We need to stop the government's current fetish for collecting more information than 
it really needs," she said.

But the information flow works both ways, Brin said. To prove his point, he laid out 
this paradox: "In all of human history, no government has ever known more about its 
people than our government knows about us. And [yet] in all of human history, no 
people have ever been anywhere near as free."

Open government, gadflies, and a vigilant press reconcile the conundrum, he said, 
because, "In all of human history, no people knew as much about their government."

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W I R E D   N E W S

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