-Caveat Lector-

On 21 Sep 99, , USGS wrote:

> Magnitude 7.6 earthquake near TAIWAN
> 23.81N, 121.00E  depth 33.0km  Mon Sep 20 17:47:18 1999 GMT
> An earthquake has occurred.  Following is information provided
> by the National Earthquake Information Service of the USGS.
> This information is preliminary and subject to correction.
> Time: GMT Mon Sep 20 17:47:18 1999
>      (EDT Mon Sep 20 13:47:18 1999)
>      (PDT Mon Sep 20 10:47:18 1999)
> Magnitude: 7.6, determined using its moment
> Epicenter: 23.81N, 121.00E (TAIWAN)
> Precision: A, where A is fine and D is coarse.
> Depth of focus:  33.0km below sea level at the epicenter.
> Note that the depth of focus is given as 33.0km, indicating
> that the depth was known to be shallow but could not be determined
> precisely.
> For a map showing this event, please consult the web page
>   <http://wwwneic.cr.usgs.gov/neis/bulletin/990920174718.HTML>
> Further info can be obtained from the USGS National Earthquake
> Information Center at <http://wwwneic.cr.usgs.gov/>
> or the USGS home page at <http://www.usgs.gov/>

Well, it looks like they have solved the Taiwan problem, one way or another.
This particular 7.6 is, I think, merely an "aftershock."


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