-Caveat Lector-

Admirably put, to illuminate the sheer absurdity of the con-game known as

"Banking" charges are on a par with "taxes," exacted from us by "government"
largely to pay the salaries of the tax collectors, collectively the
"government."  Somehow, after these salaries (and fringe benefits) are
deducted from our tax dollars, there's just never enough left over to pay for
those "services" taxes are ALLEGEDLY being collected for.

Lest we see through the con and object to being subjected to EXTORTION by
members of a small Mafia-like "secret society" masquerading officiously as
"public servants,"
they've had to put the fear of God in us with their "enforcers," the IRS, to
define anyone who refuses to be a VICTIM of criminal extortion as,
ironically, the "CRIMINAL" here --
and thus the purpose of "Law" itself is perverted, making it a means of
preserving and institutionalizing INjustice instead of protecting the just
from predation by criminals.

Such "Catch-22" double-binds (mindfucks) are SO fundamental to
"civilization," SO ancient (beginning with Sumer), that few of us ever dare
QUESTION the incongruity of their "purpose" with their results, asking
ourselves: "What's wrong with this picture?"

The greatest mindfuck of all is what hypnotizes human beings into believing
in every ideal and hypothetical ("as if") abstraction as somehow "ultimately"
MORE real, more trustworthy, than what's obvious to their physical senses,
sans "pretty lies" or alibis.

Let me give you a gross and absurdly simple example:
One day you stumble upon a man angrily and with all his strength stomping a
puppy dog to death. Your senses instantly inform you of what is actually
happening here, in the REAL world, and your immediate reaction is visceral
and emotional -- you are horrified and outraged, and if you have any "heart,"
your first impulse is to try and STOP this villain from injuring and killing
a small defenseless animal.
BUT the man realizes that his actions are being witnessed by another person
--it's now become a PUBLIC act, not a private one-- who is judging him
harshly and may intervene to prevent this act or even punish him for it, so
he turns to you and ... "EXPLAINS."

His WORDS put into your MIND the picture of some "reason" --an IMAGINARY
picture, involving some other "reality" (time, place, events) which YOU have
NOT perceived with YOUR senses-- that shoves aside the evidence of your
physical senses, taking up the space which PERCEPTION had occupied until
then, becoming a SUBSTITUTE for it.  You become UNconscious of the reality
before your very eyes while giving full attention to a DIFFERENT,
UNEXPERIENCED "picture" presented to your IMAGINATION, looking inward at a
"simulated reality" in your own head instead of outward at the REAL world.
The man who's stomping a puppy to death PERSUADES you that it's "justiifed"
by blah-blah-blah (e.g., the pup has rabies but it hasn't manifested yet, so
he's "really" protecting others IN THE FUTURE) -- or the act witnessed is
unfortunate but "forgivable" because blah-blah-blah (e.g., the puppy has
killed someone dear to him IN THE PAST [insert pathetic verbal pictures
evocative of GREATER sympathy] and he's simply "lost control," blindly
avenging himself) -- or, one way or another, it's "really" for everyone's
good, if "seen" in another context that you haven't SENSORILY perceived, and
puppy dog achieve their end --or if you're naive and gullible enough to
surrender your own judgment uncritically to anyone who invokes the right
concepts (buzz-words, for instance "responsibility" or "principle" or other
presumed values "higher" than LIFE)--
then you tell yourself, with a sigh of relief, that the brute isn't "REALLY"
murdering an innocent, defenseless animal, he's doing SOMETHING ELSE --the
same physical act reinterpreted abstract-symbolically, never mind what it
"appears" to be to your senses--
and you no longer respond emotionally with horror and outrage but with

Hence the man killing the puppy, in your trancelike state, is NOT "killing"
the "puppy."

Could there be anything more like "hypnosis" than such a complete denial of
what is physically real, and to be judged accordinglly, in favor of some
created by WORDS ALONE, with no perceptible substance in present time & space?

Think about that, and repeat the above example, substituting OTHER HUMAN
BEINGS --even YOURSELF, in some cases-- for the "puppy" who is being
brutalized by what is undoubtedly a savage, but a MODERN savage clever in
rhetorical skills who can offer you all the "reasons" in the world for such
behavior, so many "explanations" to justify
sacrificing the intrinsic value of human life to some purely verbal-symbolic
CONCEPT "BEYOND" it -- and thanks to your deficiency in CONSCIOUSNESS, all
with YOUR consent, and worse yet (in its effect on others!), your COMPLICITY
in HIS savagery   ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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