-Caveat Lector-

 Special Issue #4 ISSN 0707-7106
 Spring, 1996

 Alien Incompetency Theory:
 A Unified Theory to Explain UFO Phenomena
 by Chris Rutkowski

 One of the most significant issues in ufology today is the attempt
 to explain the wide variety of conflicting, confusing and bizarre
 elements of the UFO phenomenon.  In every subfield of ufological
 studies, there are aspects which strain the logic of even the most
 seasoned researcher and cause one to doubt the rationality of the

 To this end, a new theory has been developed by members of Ufology
 Research of Manitoba (UFOROM) which appears to explain most, if not
 all, of these baffling elements.  The theory, labelled AINT, is the
 Alien INcompetency Theory, and describes how all the confusing
 aspects can be explained by assuming one simple tenet: aliens are
 incompetent.  To illustrate the theory, one need only to look at
 examples from within the phenomenon itself, including its outlying
 subfields.  First, let us look at alien abductions.

 One of the basic premises of alien abductions is the conscious
 recall by abductees of their experiences aboard alien spacecraft.
 Nearly all abductees report that during their ordeal, the aliens
 create some sort of mental block within their minds so that they
 cannot remember what has occurred.  Yet, as evidenced by the huge
 number of abduction accounts published and under investigation,
 these mental blocks are ineffective.

 This is odd, considering the advanced technology and knowledge
 reported to be held by the aliens.  Some abductees report that
 their captors claim thousands of years of development beyond our
 own, yet they, too, have failed to produce a lasting screen memory
 that can withstand our feeble efforts to unlock it via simple
 hypnosis techniques duplicable by any charlatan or stage magician.
 Why would this be?

 (Vladimir Simosko, a UFOROM associate and noted Fortean researcher,
 has suggested some alternatives.  Aside from sheer incompetence,
 he notes two other possibilities:  1) aliens have a wacky sense of
 humor; and 2) they *want* us to remember, despite the pretense of
 intending us to forget.)

 Another curious observation is that nearly all abductees report
 aliens with roughly humanoid shapes and comparable sizes, but with
 different origins and purposes.  Some aliens tell their victims
 they are from Venus, some from the Pleiades and others from Zeta
 Reticuli.  Since space science has learned Venus cannot support
 life, this is obvious misinformation.  As for the Pleiades, these
 are stars much younger than our Sun and without hope for planets
 with suitable living conditions at this time.

 Some aliens claim their home planet has deteriorated from misuse
 and pollution, and wish to warn us about our own disruption of our
 planet.  Others suggest they need our biological material to breed
 new life (literally) into their gene pool, perhaps to regain such
 things as emotions or other human characteristics.  It is
 interesting that these scenarios imply that the aliens have somehow
 caused their own demise and that without our help they are lost.
 In other words, they made some serious mistakes.  It is not too
 much of a stretch to suggest they were incompetent in managing
 their resources!

 Of course, some aliens are said to claim that they are superior to
 us and have their own agendas.  This is precisely the claims an
 incompetent person would say to cover his or her mistakes in order
 to keep from being embarrassed.

 We can look at other aspects of abductions for further evidence.
 One abductee studied by John Mack described how she woke up one
 morning after her abduction, wearing lavender underwear.  This was
 baffling to her because she didn't own any underwear of that color.
 Mack quickly interpreted this to mean that the aliens had somehow
 made a mistake on board their craft during a busy mass-abduction,
 and mixed-up abductees' clothing.  Other abductees have reported
 returning from their abductions with slippers on the wrong feet
 and other items of clothing either missing or improperly fastened.
 In a case studied by Budd Hopkins, an abductee's earrings were
 found to be in backwards after her ordeal on board a craft.

 This all speaks to one explanation:  the aliens were incompetent.
 One would hope that superior beings who have been watching humans
 for many years would have easily picked up nuances such as the
 color of our clothing and the way jewelry is fastened to our bodies.

 Simosko would again note that this could be a display of an alien
 sense of humor, or perhaps an "intelligence test" of some sort.
 Regarding further refinements of AINT, he offers four postulates:

 1) If the aliens are intervening to "help us along," they are
 incompetent because it isn't working out too well; humans remain
 relatively unsophisticated and not very "tuned-in" to the universe.

 2) If the aliens are intervening by holding us back, it isn't
 working all that well, either, since although an overwhelming
 majority of humans are tuned-out, there are a number who are
 attempting to raise the level of consciousness:  Mother Theresa,
 the Pope, Sun Ra, the Dalai Lama, Sharon Stone, etc.

 3) If the aliens are trying *not* to intervene, they're even more
 incompetent than the other postulates would indicate.

 4) If there are several different groups of aliens, some helping
 and others preventing our advancement, this is proof of
 incompetence because they cannot "get their act together."

 Another aspect of the UFO phenomenon is crash/retrievals.
 Associated with the idea that some alien ships have crashed on
 Earth is the concept that terran government or military bureaucrats
 have failed to keep the crashes secret, allowing some documents to
 be leaked to UFO researchers.  (More on this later.)

 The most famous crash story is that of the Roswell incident, in
 which a flying saucer apparently crashed during an electrical storm
 in New Mexico in 1947.  While researchers have spent many years
 tracking down witnesses and speculating as to where the ship might
 have done down, the obvious question has never been asked:  Why did
 it crash in the first place?  One only needs to consider accidents
 of terrestrial vehicles in order to realize the answer: pilot or
 driver error.

 It would be truly remarkable to consider that an alien pilot who
 has navigated his (or her or its) craft through interstellar space
 using highly-advanced technology and propulsion would be unable to
 maintain level flight through a mere thunderstorm.  There is only
 one reasonable and possible explanation: the pilot was incompetent.
 Considering the large number of saucer crashes now claimed by
 researchers, it would seem that many aliens have difficulty flying
 their vehicles.  Surely this could imply that many are incompetent.

 We can look to crop circles as further support for AINT.
 Allegedly, crop circles constitute a form of "communication"
 between aliens and ourselves.  It is implied they are trying to
 warn us of or prepare us for some upcoming fateful situation
 through the creation of "agriglyphs," consisting of complex
 mathematical patterns and obscure symbols.  Why would they attempt
 to communicate with us in such a fashion?  Why not just send
 a radio message or write something in English or Japanese on
 a sheet of cardboard?  Why 100-foot-wide Mayan lettering in
 marketable durham?

 Obviously, their communication skills are less than exemplary,
 especially since researchers cannot come to an agreement as to
 the exact messages (other than something about impending "earth
 changes").  The aliens must be, of course, incompetent.

 What about the infamous Men-in-Black (MIBs)?  They are described as
 human in appearance, though possessing some characteristics that
 give them away.  Their facial pallor is often olive or grey in
 color and their eyes are wide and staring.  Their movements are
 jerky and their speech stilted.  They may ask people unusual
 questions or otherwise show an unfamiliarity with terran customs.
 For example, in response to the query:  "Hey, buddy! What you
 lookin' at?  You want a knuckle sandwich?", a MIB might say, "Yes,
 please, with some mayonnaise."  Such actions easily show they are
 not humans at all; if their purpose was to mimic humans, their
 imperfections show that they are, again, incompetent.

 Contactees often will share their imparted knowledge from their
 alien mentors.  Unfortunately, practically all contactees claim
 contact with different aliens from different planets and with
 different messages to humankind.  (They are similar to abductees in
 this way.)  When pressed to ask their channelled entities for more
 palpable proof of their claims, or perhaps a useable prediction or
 two, the contactees are told by the aliens that Earth is "not
 ready" for the knowledge or, instead, give a vague diatribe about
 "parallel vibrational states" or "temporal matter disruptions."

 An examination of other channelled material finds many other
 examples of alien doubletalk and bafflegab.  Rather than accepting
 the channelled information as revelations from higher beings, the
 lack of content of the messages suggests something else: the aliens
 themselves don't know the answers or lack the information as well.
 Again, we can ask how an incredibly advanced civilization would not
 be able to give one single example that would prove their
 superiority.  Could it be that they do not know the answers,
 despite their reputed intelligence?

 One can also ask why aliens would choose to abduct people from
 lower castes or social status rather than those in positions of
 authority.  Why don't they land on the White House lawn?  Perhaps
 they don't know to do so.  How could they not know this?  They are

 Even the implants found inside some abductees are curious.  Each
 one is of a different size, shape and/or compost, and while there
 is a trend for some to be found in abductees' noses, others are
 found in feet, shoulders, wrists and knees.  Surely, if the aliens
 are conducting a scientific test, their methodology would be
 consistent.  In fact, the implants appear to be little more than
 chunks of metal or calcified plastics rather than
 microtransmitters.  Perhaps the alien doctors don't know
 what they are doing.

 In all of these examples, it is possible to interpret the aliens'
 actions as being far from superior.  In fact, they seem rather
 ridiculous.  But, if the aliens are really superior beings from an
 advanced civilization on a distant planet, why are they acting in
 such an illogical manner?  We can point to a parallel situation
 here on our own planet.  Why, given our own relatively-advanced
 technology and level of knowledge, is bureaucratic infighting
 delaying the construction of the space station?  Why is NASA
 nearly bankrupt?

 We also can look at examples in areas other than space science.
 Why would politicians lobby for tighter controls on cigarettes
 because of cancer dangers, but pass bills that would subsidize
 farmers to grow tobacco?  Why do bureaucrats create subcommittees
 to investigate wastes of time and taxpayers' money?  Why would
 politicians sponsor a covert activity to break into a
 psychiatrist's office in a hotel?  (For that matter, why would
 people vote for politicians, knowing their track records for
 honesty and integrity?)  Why can't my subscription to a magazine
 get renewed, even when I send the check in four months before the
 subscription expires?  And why are 60% of all automobiles recalled
 by the manufacturer during the first year they are on the road?

 The answer, of course, is incompetence.  Bureaucratic bungling,
 political wrangling and general ineptitude are responsible for most
 of the problems in the world today.  Politicians and bureaucrats
 create such confusion that it is clear they themselves have no idea
 what they are doing.

 Now, imagine a highly-evolved technical civilization on a distant
 planet.  Its society functions well, with the exception of a
 comparatively small number of its population.  These would no doubt
 be their most ineffective politicians and bureaucrats.  What better
 way to remove them from the general gene pool and workforce than to
 send them off on interstellar voyages that, with relativity, would
 return them many, many years later, if at all?

 Because they are incompetent, they would be confused as to their
 mission.  They would be clumsy pilots and navigators and, because
 they lack the true knowledge of their society, they would be unable
 to tell anyone anything about their purpose or scientific
 capability with any degree of understanding or common sense.

 As evidence that this is true, a cursory study of the terrestrial
 government cover-up of UFO crashes shows incompetence as well, but
 this time with regard to human bureaucrats.  The presence of a vast
 number of leaked documents shows that the government (even a
 "shadow" variety) cannot function effectively because it is, after
 all, still a government (which, by definition, is incompetent).

 Therefore, we can observe that bizarre aspects of the UFO
 phenomenon are explained best by assuming the aliens are
 incompetent.  More to the point, they must be the most incompetent
 examples of their race, namely the bureaucrats.  The Alien
 Incompetency Theory is borne out by an examination of the available
 observations and claims of witnesses, and can finally explain what
 is going on.  An understanding of this situation will certainly
 change the way ufologists will approach their subject.

 March, 1996

 Winnipeg, Canada

 Standard disclaimer:  The above material has nothing to do with
 the University of Manitoba.

 The Swamp Gas Journal is copyright 1996 by Chris Rutkowski
 Snailmail: Box 1918
 Winnipeg, Manitoba
 Canada R3C 3R2

 The Swamp Gas Journal is an irregular publication associated with
 Ufology Research of Manitoba (UFOROM).


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