Dear R.U.,

I know you didn't ask, but thought I'd get you in touch with some writers
that I think would be perfect for Getting It, which in quality, is living up
to all I hoped it would turn out to be.  I do visit it daily, and it
basically has turned into the only daily webzine with some real spine.

Anyway, besides Jim Hogshire (who I already mentioned) and Richard Metzger,
Kenn Thomas & Jon Vankin (who go without saying), here they are.  I made sure
they are all stylistically aligned with the Getting It message:

Skylaire Alfvegren ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - A great writer and a cool

Jaye Beldo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - One of my two favorite new writers on the net.

Greg Bishop ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Editor of The Excluded Middle.  Has
written two things for The Konformist.

Jack Boulware ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - You're probably already talking to him.
 See Sex, American Style.

Das Goat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - I've always got a kick out of his internet
writings.  Haven't heard from him lately, but he sure does great work.

Uri Dowbenko ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Check his stuff out on Steamshovel

Luke Ford ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - "The Matt Drudge Of Porn."  Has a sly, smart
ass style.

Ian Goddard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Ian is in a class by himself.

Adam Gorightly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - He just wrote a Manson book which I
hear is top notch.  I don't doubt it for a second.

Ruffin Prevost ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - The head of Parascope.  Most people aren't
aware what a fucking funny guy he is, but he's hilarious.

James Van Den Akker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Yeah, you've never heard of
him, because he's never written professionally.  But boy, is he funny.

Gary Webb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - The Dark Alliance Reporter.  I don't know what
he's doing for writing now, but would fit in well.

Jason Wynd ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - My other favorite new internet writer.  Real
great shit.

Paul Young ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Author of a great book on L.A. Urban
Legends, which hopefully will come out next year.

Well, check them out if you want.  I think all of them could fit in well with
your vision, so wanted to pass the info along.


Robert Sterling

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