-Caveat Lector-


Shooter's diary published on-line

Updated 3:41 PM ET September 23, 1999

DENVER, Sept. 23 (UPI) An on-line magazine has published portions of a diary
it says was written by Eric Harris, one of two students at Columbine High
School who shot 15 people dead last April, including themselves.
In one excerpt carried by http://salon.com/ Salon.com, Harris allegedly
writes, "I hate the f___ world."

But the journal has only about a dozen entries over a one-year period, and
the Denver Post on Thursday reported Jefferson County Sheriff John Stone as
saying the diary may not be authentic.

"The theme sounds the same, but not the words," Stone said. "I think we've
got a bogus deal there. I don't believe those are legitimate excerpts."

In the alleged journal entries, Harris appeared to hate indiscriminately. He
aimed his venom at blacks, Hispanics, whites, slow drivers and even Star
Wars buffs.

One entry reads: "You know what I hate? Star Wars fans: Get a friggin' life,
you boring geeks. You know what I hate? People who mispronounce words, like
'acrost,' and 'pacific' for 'specific,' and 'expresso' instead of
'espresso.' You know what I hate? People who drive slow in the fast lane,
God, these people do not know how to drive. You know what I hate? The WB
network!!!! Oh Jesus, Mary Mother of God Almighty, I hate that channel with
all my heart and soul."

The excerpts offer solutions that range from global to local.

"If you recall your history, the Nazis came up with a 'final solution' to
the Jewish problem: Kill them all," an entry read. "Well, in case you
haven't figured it out yet, I say, 'Kill mankind.' No one should survive."

Then later: "I live in Denver, and dammit, I would love to kill almost all
of its residents."

At some point Harris focused on his school and wrote in a forward- looking
passage: "Don't blame the school. Don't f___ put cops all over the place.
Just because we went on a killing spree doesn't mean everybody else will.
The admin. is doing a fine job as it is. I don't know who will be left after
we kill, but dammit, don't change any policy just because of us."

Another entry delivered a morbid threat, saying, "If there's any way in this
f_ -up universe we can come back as ghosts, we'll haunt the life of any one
who blames anyone besides me and V (vodka)."

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