-Caveat Lector-

>From NewDawnMagazine

> The Public Relations of Modern Warfare
> Will the Real Nazis Please Stand Up!
> For the last seven months we have been fed a diet of propaganda — the public
> relations of modern warfare — about Kosovo, that distant and foreign land, a
> province of Yugoslavia but now a ‘protectorate’ of the allied forces. A land
> where people — white people, doctors, lawyers and scientists — are being
> ‘ethnically cleansed’ by a ‘butchering modern day Hitler’. So far, the PR
> campaign (the spin as opposed to the facts) goes something like this….
> Ethnic cleansing practiced by Slobodan Milosevic is systematic and brutal, like
> the extermination of Jews in Nazi Germany. Representing the people of the free,
> democratic world, America has responded to this grave humanitarian tragedy in a
> timely and appropriate manner. With NATO, America has lead an effort to end the
> suffering and misery of ethnic Albanians, their torment and distress cannot be
> allowed to continue in the civilised 20th century! The air strikes, and the
> capitulation of President Milosevic, has proven that the standards and
> principles of the free world can triumph over evil. NATO can look proudly upon
> its achievements in Kosovo, where ‘Operation Joint Guardian’ will bring peace
> and a new humanism to the once war torn province. On the dawn of the 21st
> century, we will continue to work with our partners towards the goal of a world
> that is safe for all peoples, under the guiding hand of the United Nations…..
> In the final conflicts of the 20th century, public relations has become the
> politically correct term for propaganda, and while hundreds of noteworthy
> conflicts are being fought around the globe, NATO and US public relations
> experts have selectively focused our attention upon the ‘regime’ in Yugoslavia,
> and its leader, "that butchering modern day Hitler, Slobodan Milosevic."
> The tactic of comparing the enemies of the US to Hitler, is tried and true. The
> Bush administration used it on Saddam Hussein, and before that, they tied the
> Nazi fanatic with various Latin American ‘dictators’. During the 1989 invasion
> of Panama, American soldiers showed reporters Hitler’s portrait hanging in
> Manuel Noriega’s home — a US Army colonel later admitted psychological warfare
> experts had planted the Fuhrer’s portrait and a voodoo altar shown to TV
> cameras.
> The ghost of Adolf Hitler has been given a thorough airing in the Yugoslav
> crisis. The great irony is that those who condemn Milosevic as a modern day
> ‘Hitler,’ are themselves using the propaganda techniques that were refined and
> employed by the Nazis during World War Two.
> "Propaganda is a weapon, and a frightful one in the right hands", said Adolf
> Hitler, in Mein Kampf. Explaining how this ‘weapon’ could be employed to win the
> hearts and minds of the masses, Hitler said propaganda must be limited to a very
> few points and a slogan, which must be harped upon until the last member of the
> public understands the point being made.
> The war in Yugoslavia has been defined by two rallying cries — the slogan —
> ‘ethnic cleansing’, and the mantra, ‘humanitarian crisis’. In the mobilisation
> of public opinion behind the bombing of Yugoslavia, the Clinton administration
> endlessly repeated the phrase, ‘ethnic cleansing’ and NATO dwelled upon the fact
> that the only way to eliminate this "systematic, and methodical policy" within
> Kosovo, was by endless days of carpet bombing. The principal value of the phrase
> ‘ethnic cleansing’ is that it conjures up the image of Nazi Germany. The ‘ethnic
> cleansing’ in Kosovo, NATO argued, was the 1990s version of the Holocaust, while
> all of Serbia was compared to Nazi Germany.
> Humanitarian crisis, on the other hand, is something that the US, the UK and
> NATO helped to create by escalating a serious situation to catastrophic
> proportions. The bombings undermined, and maybe permanently destroyed, a
> promising democratic movement in Belgrade, which was the best hope of getting
> rid of Milosevic. Further, US/NATO actions have caused considerable disruption
> and danger in surrounding areas, including the Yugoslavia republic of Montenegro
> and also Macedonia.
> Up until the US/NATO bombing on March 24th, there had been, according to NATO,
> 2000 people killed on all sides, and a couple of hundred thousand refugees —
> indeed, a humanitarian crisis, but also the type of crisis happening all over
> the world. It would be an understatement to say ethnic cleansing is a tragedy,
> but it is happening, on an equal to or greater extent, in other parts of the
> world as well as Kosovo. For example, the crisis in Kosovo is numerically
> identical to the US State Department figures last year which showed Colombia
> with 300,000 refugees and two or three thousand people killed.
> Hitler said that harping upon "very few points", would call the masses attention
> to certain facts, processes and necessities. "The greater the mass that
> propaganda is intended to reach, the lower the purely intellectual level of the
> propaganda will be." We can see Hitler’s advice is working well: the media
> absorbed with over-reporting of the refugee crisis, shuttle diplomacy and the
> triumphant movement of NATO ground forces into Yugoslavia.
> During the air war we were told over and over again, morning to night, with
> close to 100% unanimity thundering that US/NATO actions were necessary to "save
> lives". And thus, many people tended to believe their absurd claims, even
> though, with a moments reflection, the absurdity of such claims would be
> realised.
> Many important facts have been under reported in the Kosovo crisis. Such facts
> include Viktor Chernomyrdin’s dire warning on 27th May that "the world has never
> in this decade been so close as now to the brink of nuclear war"; NATO's new
> interventionist role; the setback of Russia-US relations; China’s veto of the UN
> Security Council resolution on Yugoslavia; and shelving the ratification of the
> Russian/US arms limitation agreement START II.
> Hitler maintained that the "power to forget is enormous". Such forgetfulness is
> an important propaganda tool in modern warfare. The Balkans, like Iraq, used to
> be a ‘friend’ of the United States. In the 1980s Washington looked upon Slobodan
> Milosevic with favour to the extent that he initiated market policies and
> dismantled state industry in Yugoslavia. But in the 1990s the rules of the game
> changed and Serbia became a thorn in the side of US concerns. Milosevic joined
> Saddam Hussein on America’s list of "Most Wanted".
> In his recent essay "Kosovo Peace Accord", Noam Chomsky notes that in the
> Yugoslav war the marching orders from Washington are the usual ones: "Focus
> laser-like on the crimes of today’s official enemy, and do not allow yourself to
> be distracted by comparable or worse crimes that could easily be mitigated or
> terminated thanks to the crucial role of the enlightened states in perpetuating
> them, or escalating them when power interests so dictate."
> The war in Yugoslavia shows that the US has neither permanent friends, nor
> permanent enemies, only permanent interests. As our attention is focused upon a
> few important points within the current conflict, we forget that two hundred
> thousand Serbs were expelled from Croatia in 1995 with US support. (Croatia has
> since become a US ally and one of NATO’s "frontline states in the war against
> Serbia"). Over the past fifteen years, more than one million Kurds have been
> driven from their villages in Turkey, with not only support, but even military
> hardware from the US. Turkey, meanwhile, retains NATO membership and endorsed
> the bombing of Yugoslavia.
> Had political conditions dictated, the media could have presented the
> suppression of the Palestinian intifadah from 1987-91 or the massacres that
> unfolded in Beirut in 1982, under the auspices of the Israeli state, in no less
> inflammatory terms than the events in Kosovo. And what of the savageries
> inflicted by the French on Algeria or the United States on Vietnam, or the
> Russians in Afghanistan, or the Indonesians in Timor etc, etc, etc. Such is the
> "power to forget".
> Control of the Press
> Propaganda necessarily involves the capitulation or control of the press.
> Censorship of the press during the Yugoslav crisis has been open and blatant,
> assisting in the reportage of ‘very few points’. While the Nazis employed the
> tactic of shutting any domestic press outlet that did not push the party
> message, NATO’s goal was to shut down the press inside Serbia, by bombing
> television stations, and electricity lifelines.
> Censorship occurred at all levels during the Balkans conflict: from the ability
> of journalists to report ‘in the field’, to Pentagon briefings and high level
> diplomatic meetings. Many reporters have said access to the war zone was
> severely limited by the dominant military force on the ground in Serbia and
> Kosovo, and by NATO bombing raids. Travel restrictions in the Balkans war zone
> left reporters to cover daily press briefings at NATO headquarters in Brussels,
> Belgium, at the Pentagon and the White House in Washington.
> The press corps ‘trapped’ at NATO headquarters, and at the Pentagon, rarely
> tried to pin officials down on anything questionable or vague, and NATO
> spokespeople would typically obfuscate answers to journalists questions. The Web
> magazine GRIDLOCK and LOAD reports one such example from NATO spokesperson Jamie
> Shea, noted for his sometimes strange and confounding pronouncements, including
> this one made in late May:
> I am confident of success because all of those conditions for the defeat of the
> Belgrade regime are now in place. I suppose we could say that it is not yet the
> end; it perhaps is not yet the beginning of the end. But it is certainly the end
> of the beginning — there is no doubt about this — and I think that that decisive
> turning point is being reached.
> In the arena of diplomatic negotiations, information for the press was tightly
> controlled. Following a meeting between Viktor Chernomyrdin, Finnish President
> Martti Ahtissari and US Deputy Secretary of State, Strobe Talbott, journalists
> were told by Chernomyrdin’s minder: "Perhaps the only thing on which the parties
> to the trilateral negotiations showed full unanimity was their desire to
> minimise information for the press".
> Cable News Network (CNN) has played an important role in censorship of
> information during the Balkans crisis. CNN has been criticised for anti-Belgrade
> reporting by its ‘star’ correspondent Christine Amanpour, whose marriage to
> State Department spokesman Jamie Rubin is the source of constant speculation
> even in Washington of "insider trading" of information.
> Throughout the Balkans conflict, CNN (along with the British Broadcasting
> Corporation (BBC)) has been the major source of televised footage aired in news
> broadcasts throughout the world. Critics have pointed out that with few
> exceptions, only successful and bloodless uses of weapons were broadcast on
> television. This censorship ensured that public support for the conflict
> continued. If the public saw real weapons killing real people, they might get
> squeamish!
> The language of double speak laced the voice overs that accompanied television
> footage: when NATO bombed civilians it was a "mistake", while the Serbs carried
> out "atrocities." As NATO ground troops entered Yugoslavia, it was interesting
> to note the change of televised footage to either troop movements, Serb booby
> traps or the "wanton destruction" of whole villages by the retreating Serb army.
> The devastation caused by NATO's bombing raids is nowhere to be seen or heard.
> In another blatant example of media suppresson, comments by Russian President
> Boris Yeltsin were censored. Speaking to an audience of Russian writers, Yeltsin
> described NATO actions as barbaric. He said that the unleashing of war on a
> sovereign state without Security Council approval could only be "possible in the
> time of barbarism". But Yeltsin's comments were quickly stifled. His minders
> went into full ‘damage control mode’. They requested that Reuters, who had
> videotaped his speech under a media pool agreement, refrain from distributing
> it. Reuters never aired the footage, but provided the US NBC News network with
> raw footage.
> NATO’s real character, that of a barbarian force, has also been exposed in
> recent revelations by Spanish fighter pilots, who disclosed NATO’s intentions to
> level civilian infrastructure.
> Speaking to the Spanish weekly Articulo 20, (No. 30, June 14, 1999) Spanish
> fighter pilots admitted that NATO deliberately attacked civilian targets and
> that the alliance was destroying Yugoslavia by bombing it with novel weapons,
> toxic nervous gases, surface mines dropped with parachutes, bombs containing
> uranium, black napalm, sterilisation chemicals, spraying poison on crops and
> using other weapons which "even we still do not know anything."
> "The North Americans are committing there one of the biggest barbarities that
> can be committed against the humanity. Much and very bad things will be told in
> the future about what was happening there, because, by the way, judging by what
> we talked about with the British and German officers, it was designed in order
> to divide the Europeans and keep us subjected for many decades," one of the
> Spanish pilots stated.
> The suspicions that NATO’s repeated bombings of civilian victims and
> non-military targets are not the result of war ‘errors’, were confirmed by pilot
> Captain Martin de la Hoz:
> Several times our Colonel protested to NATO chiefs why they select targets which
> are not military targets. They threw him out with curses saying that we should
> know that the North Americans will lodge a complaint to the Spanish Army, once
> through Brussels and again by the Defence Minister. But there is more, and I
> want to tell it to the whole world: once there was a coded order of the North
> American military that we should drop anti-personnel bombs over the localities
> of Prishtine and Nish. The colonel refused it altogether and, a couple of days
> later, the transfer order came.
> A Long Range Plan?
> In 1997, the establishment journal Foreign Affairs published an article by
> Zbigniew Brzezinski titled "The Geostrategy for Asia". In the article, the
> former National Security chief under Carter, outlined the way that NATO
> "entrenches American political influence and military power on the Eurasian
> mainland."
> Brzezinski argued that a wider Europe and an enlarged NATO would serve the
> short-term and longer-term interests of US policy. A larger Europe would expand
> the range of American influence without simultaneously creating a Europe so
> politically integrated that it could challenge the United States on matters of
> geopolitical importance, particularly the Middle East.
> NATO's actions in Yugoslavia may well be the first of many we will see in this
> area as the US gears up to implement its "geostrategy for Asia". The possibility
> of a struggle for access to the region and control over its raw materials, labor
> and markets could outstrip last century’s "scramble for Africa".
> In the wash up of the Balkans crisis, the IMF and the World Bank will assist in
> the ‘reconstruction’ of war torn Yugoslavia, which will repay its debt via
> abundant mineral resources, that include substantial deposits of lead, zinc,
> cadmium, silver and gold and an estimated 17 billion tons of coal reserves.
> US President Bill Clinton has already laid the groundwork for further
> intervention in the area. During a recent speech to newspaper editors, he noted
> the potential for ethnic conflict in the Ukraine, Moldova, southern Russia, the
> Caucasus nations of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, and the new nations of
> Central Asia. Clinton discussed the fact that ethnic conflicts could pose a
> threat to what is "among our most critical interests: the transition of the
> former communist countries toward stability, prosperity and freedom."
> The Spin vs the Facts……
> The UK government and US administration, along with NATO, used lies and untruths
> in order to win support for a bloody war in Yugoslavia. Such untruths are the
> same as propaganda, used by Hitler during World War Two. Representing key
> corporate and institutional interests, NATO waged a war of aggression, without
> UN sanction, against an independent and autonomous state.
> The air strikes prove that continual carpet bombing of civilians and vital
> national infrastructure will eventually bring the capitulation of the target
> country, and this strategy, including the use of depleted uranium weapons, will
> be employed in all future conflicts.
> Operation Joint Guardian will bring important rewards to the US and our new
> friends. Working in partnership with the IMF we will help achieve a fully
> monetised economy in the former Yugoslavia. We will create an environment in
> which private enterprise can flourish enabling access to natural resources and
> an enormous labour force which can produce goods. Our success in Yugoslavia will
> provide a springboard so that we can continue to spread capitalism and
> consumerism into all states of the former Soviet Union.
> On the dawn of the 21st century, we will work with our partners towards a new
> humanism, and a new world order. A world sponsored by our military and corporate
> interests, and the selective intervention of NATO and the United Nations.
> <Picture>
> Susan Bryce is an investigative journalist and researcher. Her interests include
> democracy and freedom, the technologies of political control, environmental
> health and global politics. She can be contacted at PO Box 66 Kenilworth Qld
> Australia 4574, or on +61 0754 723060. email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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