-Caveat Lector-

Dear Brigade,

"Nevertheless, the indignation from Sen. John McCain and Elizabeth Dole --
talk about "retreads" -- is laughable not only because it's as reactionary as
anything Democrats are used to pulling, but because it represents the fact
that these people will grasp at anything to prevent Buchanan from "stealing"
votes they consider theirs....."

Another great column from our friends at WorldNetDaily.com - fyi
GO PAT GO!!!!!!!


From:   "Loretti, Anthony J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:          Mon, 27 Sep 1999 13:48:36 -0500


Below is another excellent article from the boys at WorldNetDaily.com. The
blatant GOP attempts to slander Pat and mischaracterize his book are
transparent, not to mention dishonest and cowardly.  These are the acts of
desperate people, and I'll tell you why they are desperate:

If Pat goes Reform party, he will most likely have a double-digit standing
in the polls, right out of the gate.  Then Pat gets the matching funds he
needs to mount a full-scale national campaign, something he's never been
able to do before.  Give the voters a few months of daily exposure to
Pitchfork Pat and anything is possible!  Millions of disillusioned
citizens who have never before voted (like myself), will begin to take an
interest...  And then?

Linda, if we get that far, anything can happen!  NO ONE has EVER BEFORE
had the potential of energizing masses of previously non-voting citizens
like Pat can!  This HUGE factor completely INVALIDATES the "election
analysis" of all these talking heads that claim Pat can not win (are you
listening Rush?).  Pat can win!!

Go Pat Go!    Sincerely, Tony Loretti


Jon E. Dougherty
WorldNetDaily Exclusive Commentary
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

GOP fears Buchanan

I suggested in a column a week or so ago that the "mainstream" Republican
Party was fearful of Pat Buchanan's planned bolt from the "Big Tent" to the
smaller, but certainly more energized, tent of the Reform Party. A story in
Friday's Washington Post confirmed my suspicions.

According to the Post, GOP presidential candidates and lackeys in the
"conservative" press world are busy attacking Pat because he dared to
suggest duplicity as a reason the U.S. entered World War II. The fact is he's
probably right, but he never said the U.S. should not have fought W.W.II.

Nevertheless, the indignation from Sen. John McCain and Elizabeth Dole --
talk about "retreads" -- is laughable not only because it's as reactionary as
anything Democrats are used to pulling, but because it represents the fact
that these people will grasp at anything to prevent Buchanan from "stealing"
votes they consider theirs.

Buchanan, who just released a new book questioning merely the timing of
our entry into W.W.II -- not the morality of it -- is right to assume his
candidacy worries not just the GOP mainstream but the Democrats as well.
Al Gore is, in Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan's own words, unelectable, and
Bush -- as far as millions of Americans can tell -- either doesn't stand for
anything yet or continues to support Big Government foundations that his
party used to systematically oppose.

I guess the GOP feels that anything they can do to win is all right, even if
means lying their tails off to get into power. Gee -- and they claim not to
at all similar to Democrats.

I think the real ire being vocalized by Republicans has more to do with a new
poll, also released Friday. The poll shows that some 19 percent of registered
voters would consider voting for Buchanan as a third party (presumably
Reform) candidate. "Experts" like Rush Limbaugh have already tried to parse
the meaning of this poll as insignificant -- naturally -- but they've had to
do so
by ignoring the fact that in 1992, when American voter dissatisfaction was at
its highest in recent years, ol' "crazy" Ross Perot got 19 percent of the
popular vote, after leading both "mainstream" candidates for most of the
summer. Perot and "fringe element conservatives" were blamed for electing
Clinton and not George Bush in 1992 rather than Bush's lying (about taxes),
lackluster administration and his inability to solidify conservative support.
Even after Dole's pitiful 1996 performance -- with no substantial vote count
being taken from Republicans or Democrats by Perot -- Republican stalwarts
continue to blame "us defectors" for setting the GOP up to lose again in
2000. And they call us paranoid and delusional.

If I were a "mainstream party" candidate, I'd be worried about Pat Buchanan
too -- as well as a number of other GOP and independent candidates.
They're out there precisely because the two main political parties are
bankrupt, ideologically challenged and aren't offering much new in the way of
throwing off the yoke of an increasingly oppressive federal government. These
GOP (and Democratic) stalwarts are just ticked off because fewer people are
taking them at their word (repetitive lying has a way of withering support
for a

Unlike 99.99 percent of Americans who live outside the Washington beltway,
Capitol Hill politicians don't have a clue how strong the anti-establishment
movement has become. Let them discover it in November 2000.

Until then, you GOP whiners, if you can't be right about what you're saying,
then be quiet about it. Your ranting and raving against Buchanan and Co. is
embarrassing to real conservatives, it's being viewed as grabbing at straws,
and it makes you look more ridiculous than before -- when most of you were
busy playing Bill Clinton's doormat.

-----------  end  -------------

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