-Caveat Lector-

 I have read a lot of material on catastrophism
>since I first encountered *The HAB Theory* in 1976, and there is
>considerable evidence that *something* happened within the lifetime of the
>human race that completely disrupted life on this planet. But it demands
>serious scholarly attention,

hi, the following comments fit in exactly with the HAB theory I'm afraid.
The HAB theory says that disaster by plate reshuffle happens every 7500 years
or so ....

>Scientists have never found Noah or his ark, but they believe in his flood.
>It happened about 7,600 years ago, when the Mediterranean Sea, swollen by
>melted glaciers, breached a natural dam separating it from the freshwater
>lake known today as the Black Sea.

COMPELLING evidence that there was a Great Flood, as told in the Old
Testament story of Noah's Ark, has been found far below the waters of the
Black Sea by an American expedition.

Underwater surveyors, led by Robert Ballard, the renowned oceanographer who
found the Titanic and other sunken ships of the 20th century, have
discovered an ancient coastline at a depth of 450ft.


ck here: The Times: World News:Evidence of Great Flood is found Story of
Noah's Ark backed by coastline discovery</A>

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