-Caveat Lector-

The Bahama Islands are located east of Jupiter Island.


Grand Bahama is the third-largest Bahama island, about 65 miles east of Palm
Beach. If you are American and a touch homesick, go to a hill in West End.

Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH), a subsidiary of $30-billion Hutchison Whampoa
of Hong Kong and the world's largest port operator, has joined forces with
the Grand Bahama Development Company to create the $78 million Freeport
Container Port. Phase 11 of the joint venture involves a $72 million
development of 32 acres of land in addition to its 56 acres of stacking
area. When completed in August 1999, the facility will include 3,000 ft of
berths, seven huge Super Post Panamax Quay Cranes, 22 straddle carriers, and
a capacity to handle nearly a million TEUs a year. (TEU refers to totally
enclosed unit, or a 20-ft container). The port, with a dockside depth of 51
ft, can handle the largest container ships afloat.

Contiguous to the deep water container port and Freeport International
Airport, the forthcoming Grand Bahama Sea/Air Business Centre (S/ABC) will
include 786 acres for industrial development The airport, with an 11,000-ft
runway, is capable of handling all types of aircraft.



Global bloodshed was purportedly the end result of a British sisal
plantation owner's penchant for chopping down trees said to house
Chickcharnie nests. The plantation subsequently failed at great financial
loss to the owner, one Neville Chamberlain. Chamberlain went on to become
the British Prime Minister who met with Adolph Hitler in the interests of
peace. He got a world war instead.

Once a major producer of choice sponges, Andros today is the biggest
supplier of fresh water to New Providence Island. The island is also No 1 in
vegetable farming.

Hand-batiked fabric known as Androsia has been the quintessential souvenir
and product of Androsians since 1973.

The island's name has nothing to do with the Greek island of Andros.
Instead, the name is believed to recall a land grant to British men
evacuated from the island of St. Andro on the African Mosquito Coast.


This is the island most visitors erroneously call Nassau. That's because it
is the site of the nation's capital, named in 1695 for the Dutch Prince of
Orange-Nassau after he took over the British throne.

Since about two-thirds of the Bahama population live on the relatively small
island of New Providence, it is the mouse that roars.

Recent years have seen millions of dollars poured into redesigning Nassau,
filling in more of the harbour to create extremely high-priced commercial
property, and the total refurbishing of formerly government-owned
resort/hotels. People who have not visited Nassau for a few years may not
recognize it, especially the widened and spruced-up Old World-style plaza
facing the 19th century Parliament buildings. These architectural gems
predate the London Parliament buildings with their celebrated Big Ben clock

With more than 400 banks and trusts headquartered in this "Zurich of the
Tropics", there is an in joke that it might sink from the weight of all its
zillions of dollars, marks, pounds, rubles and francs. Actually, this
offshore financial centre is more obviously a fabulous shopping bazaar with
its world-famous Bay Street and side-streets marinating in a Caribbean
carnival atmosphere.

Historic sites abound. A million well-spent dollars went into restoration of
Fort Charlotte, cited as one of the best preserved of area historic sites.
There are botanical gardens, a zoo, several small museums and a full range
of restaurants, clubs and cabarets.

Across the busy harbour of Nassau lies Paradise Island, once the sleepy Hog
Island where earlier settlers kept their farm animals to supplement an
otherwise fishy diet. Today the appropriately named Paradise Island is the
venue for one of the most famous beaches in the world. It is also popular
with the glitterati-actor Richard Harris and an Arab sheik, who are among
those with waterfront "digs" on Paradise Island, known locally as "PI"

A bridge connects Nassau with its sister island, home to a huge casino,
championship golf course and the relatively new Atlantis resort. The latter
rises, like the magic return of ancient Atlantis, around the world's largest
outdoor aquarium. Plans are afoot for a partially submerged casino.

LOCATION: 185 miles southeast of Miami.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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