-Caveat Lector-



The Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan gives New World Order Planners the
ability to silently, almost invisibly, change the attitudes and values of
the entire population of a people. They must achieve this before they stage
the appearance of their Christ. You will have trouble believing how much of
your daily life is being manipulated, but once you understand how this is
being accomplished, you can take steps to reduce its effect or eliminate it.
Learn to protect your loved ones.
Nothing seems so insidious to most people than the idea that some force is
manipulating and changing their life silently, invisibly. People react so
negatively, it seems they feel almost violated, almost raped. Back in the
early 1960's, as I recall, the American people learned that a process of
'invisible' advertising had been successfully developed and tested in
theaters, called Subliminal Advertising. Such an uproar of protest ensued
that the movie industry pledged never to use subliminals for advertising
purposes. This pledge came at just the right time, because Congress was
about to pass legislation making the use of subliminals illegal. The pledge
by the TV Industry defused the crisis and Congress never passed such
legislation. Even today, the use of subliminals is not illegal, even though
most people still believe it is.

But, the point here is that people do not like being manipulated or
bombarded with stimuli, especially if they do not know it is happening to
them. The fear of the unknown ranks very high. How would most people react
if they only knew how many times daily they were being secretly, invisibly
bombarded with stimuli -- with stories, with debates, with many
circumstances, many of which were deliberately created or triggered -- that
was changing their values and their attitudes? How would people react if
they really understood that they are not their "own person", despite their
fervent desire to be just that? These people would feel violated -- mentally
and emotionally raped -- and they would be very, very angry!

This is why so much effort is expended to get people to believe that
subliminals do not exist, and would not work if they did exist. This is why
the media tries so hard to sell its "integrity" and "honesty" with their
listeners, so their listeners would not believe that their favorite TV
channel could possibly be adversely effecting them in any way, shape, or

But, the media is ruining your life. In Seminar 1, "America's Leadership Of
The New World Order, we show, in detail, the many ways in which you and your
loved ones are being brutally molested by TV, movies, and the print media.
This molestation is not sexual; it is mental, emotional, and above all,
spiritual. In this article, we will be dealing with the most sophisticated
device of all for changing the lives, attitudes, and value systems of entire
populations of people, without the people being the least bit aware of what
is happening to them. This process is called the Six Step Attitudinal Change
Plan, and we have covered it before, in NEWS1006, and in Radio Transcripts,
CE1002 and CE1007. We encourage you to thoroughly read this material, so you
can completely understand how this terrible Plan works. While we do not
intend to detail the workings of this Plan as we did in these previous
articles, we want to list the ways in which this Plan is being utilized in
American Society today. After all, this Plan is so very effective that it is
being utilized in all areas of society in which the change from Christian
Values to Satanic Values is deemed necessary.

But, first, let us list the 6 steps of this Attitudinal Change Plan:


Step 1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in
public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.

Step 2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.

Step 3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated
becomes the SUBJECT

of the debate.

Step 4. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under
discussion gradually dulling its effect.

Step 5. People then are no longer shocked by the subject.

Step 6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate
the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to

This insidious method of changing the deeply-held attitudes of people is
being successfully directed toward the American population as a whole.
Millions of people are experiencing attitudinal changes on a wide variety of
subjects today. This attitudinal change is essential to achieving the New
World Order.

With the way this Plan works in the hearts and minds of all citizens firmly
entrenched in your minds, let us review some of the many ways in which it is
being used today to move American Values from Christian to Pagan.


1) Population Control Through Deathmaking: The New World Order goal is to
reduce the total world population by two-thirds by year 2,000 circa. As the
world nears the entrance to this New World Order, their minds must be
'voluntarily' changed to accept the following Population Reduction measures,
because these measures will be used extensively by the forces of Antichrist
once he arises to reduce the world's population by two-thirds. People might
as well get used to them now, and might as well be 'voluntarily' persuaded
to support them now.

a) Suicide/Euthanasia

It was a stroke of genius to design a campaign to get people to kill
themselves for the benefit of society, and make them think it was their
idea! Great nobility is being bestowed upon these poor pawns [I mean people]
who are being convinced that it is their "right" to "die with dignity", and
be "in control" of their final time. Whatever happened to the Christian
ideal that we give up our rights, just as Jesus Christ gave His up so He
could come die for us [Phillipians 2:4-8]? Whatever happened to the
Christian ideal that we were made in the image of God [Genesis 126], an act
of Creation that bestowed upon us great dignity and worth? Whatever happened
to the Christian ideal that God is in control of our lives and our eternity?
And, whatever happened to the Christian ideal that God controls our lives
and the time of our death? Or that we rest in Him and His Plan?

American society is clearly in Step 5 & 6 of this Plan. The sheer repetition
provided by Dr. Jack Kevorkian, and the many instances of suicides and of
loved ones assisting in the death of an ill person, and the endless debates
in all forms of media have provided the "sheer repetition" of Step 4. The
end is in sight for the completion of the sixth step very soon.

b) Abortion

American society is clearly in Step 6 here, as 1.5 million preborn babies
are murdered in the womb annually. Remember how we lost this war? We lost it
in state legislatures when our side compromised to legally allow abortions
ONLY in limited instances, narrowly prescribed instances, where the life of
the mother might be in danger, or when the conception was a result of rape
or incest. As "noble" as this compromise might have appeared to our ignorant
legislators, it opened the door to this forbidden practice just a tiny
crack. Soon, the Supreme Court kicked it wide open with Roe vs Wade, and now
abortion is practiced in all three trimesters of pregnancy.

We must never compromise; it opens the door to delayed defeat.

As a final thought on Abortion is in order. I asked former Black Magick
Satanist, Doc Marquis, how Satanists view abortion. Satanists view human
sacrifice as the ultimate sacrifice to Lord Satan, and the younger the
victim, the more precious, and powerful, the sacrifice. Thus it was, in
1986, the TV documentary program, "20-20", aired a segment on Satanism in
America today. One of the last parts of this segment showed women who were
Satanists, and obviously pregnant. They said they were giving birth to these
babies for the express purpose of sacrificing their infants to Satan. I was
not surprised because I had run into this practice in my research into the
occult. So, I asked Marquis, "If a sacrifice increases in power and
preciousness the younger the victim is, how does a Satanist view aborted
babies."? He looked at me deadpan, and said, "Satanists view aborted babies
as THE most powerful human sacrifice possible."

c) Infanticide

Although Infanticide is still largely hidden from public view, it is still
practiced in this country, to a degree that will shock you. An excellent
resource for this subject, is C. Everett Koop's book, "Whatever Happened To
The Human Race".

d) Preparation For Destruction of Africa

Over the past two decades, America has been bombarded with millions of heart
wrenching pictures of black people starving to death in Africa. We have gone
through so many campaigns to get massive foodstuffs to these areas that it
is starting to get old. People are starting to get fed up with it all, and
are undoubtedly starting to ask the question, "What is wrong with these
people? Can't they ever learn to feed and govern themselves?" In the New
World Order, Blacks are targeted for extinction. The only races allowed to
enter the final stage of this New World Order will be European whites and
Chinese. Everyone else is targeted for extinction. What better way to
prepare Americans and others throughout the world of the inherent
worthlessness of the Black race than to convince them of the inherent
worthlessness of Africa? The campaign is now on, and is aided by every new
revelation of massive problems in Africa, from chronic starvation to
disease, to ignorance, and on and on.

e) Organ Transplants

We recommend a great book on this subject of the New Age view of death,
dying, and the harvesting of human bodies for organs. The two authors are
Christian, and they have done their research well. The book is written by,
Paul de Parrie, and Mary Pride, Unholy Sacrifices Of The New Age, Crossway
Books, Westchester, Illinois, 1988.

And, to get the New Age viewpoint "straight from the horse's mouth", go to
your library and read "Omni Magazine, Vol. 9, Sept., 1987, article entitled,
'Redefining Death: Last Rights'. But, be prepared to be simultaneously
shocked and sickened.

In brief summary, the New Age proposition on organ transplants is very
simple: they want to live indefinitely. Until medical science can 'solve'
the 'problem' of physical death, the only conceivable way to live
indefinitely is Organ Transplants. Thus, medical research, operating with
huge grants from government and private sources, has poured untold millions
of dollars into organ transplant research. Their success has been
phenomenal, as many, many Americans are alive today because of this newly
developed skill.

But, success has its price tag. This procedure has become so popular, so
widely used, that, in America today, there is a lot more demand for human
organs for transplant than there are organs available. This situation has
lead to high, high prices for organs. And, some organs seem almost
impossible to get.

At this point, the American entrepreneurial spirit entered the picture,
coupled with greed and no conscience on the part of many doctors and nurses
today. Working in great secrecy, doctors in many hospitals today are
literally declaring their victim 'brain dead' or some other kind of 'dead',
and are literally harvesting his or her organs. Listen to a portion of this
Omni Magazine article. "On his back, breathing rhythmically, R.H. --
six-three, 170 pounds -- is a handsome man. Yet even as one admires the
strong lines of his body, surgeons with scalpels incise the skin and muscle
of his chest and abdomen with long, sure strokes. Using a small electric
saw, they cleave the sternum as if it were made of balsa. There is
surprisingly little blood, but there is a certain amount of disarray in the
operating room (O.R.) when as many as eight doctors have their hands and
arms inside the cadaver, working quickly to disconnect the organs from their
many vessels ... As soon as each organ comes out, it is carefully packed in
an Igloo Playmate full of dry ice and rushed to a waiting helicopter for
delivery to a distant transplant team. Finally, after the major organs are
removed, a blond-haired surgeon from New York's Columbia Presbyterian
Medical Center ... tells the anesthetist to disconnect the I.V.'s and turn
off the respirator." [Page 60]

Of course, the patient is immediately quite dead, and his body is removed.
Later, a fake Death Certificate is issued, listing some cause of death that
sounds plausible. This is very similar to what happened in Nazi Germany from
the early 1930's to the early 1940's! Once the State became involved in the
Deathmaking in Germany, doctors boldly killed people whom they declared as
'living lives unworthy of life". After the victim had been killed, they
would issue fake Death Certificates. Of course, the one ingredient present
in America today is that this same Nazi mentality is joined with American
greed, as there is much money to be made in the harvesting of organs. If you
want full details as to how this coming New World Order system is identical
to Nazism in every detail, read NEWS1001, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1008, and
1017. Do not be deceived at this point; this coming New World Order is a
planned return to Nazism in all its horror, except that this system will be
global, leaving no 'neutral' country to which you might flee.

Now, you might ask, how pervasive is this 'Organ Harvesting'? Quoting from
this Omni article, "But over the next 20 years, the overwhelming demand for
organs may increase the pressure to simply declare the 'brain absent' dead.
There is already something of a black market for buying and selling organs.
If the cognitive-death definition were instituted, organ-merchandising
corporations might establish enterprises beyond Wall Street's wildest
insider fantasies. The world would find itself in a situation where death
itself would be an industry -- an economic incentive ... Many physicians
foresee the massive proliferation of 'Jefferson Institutes' devoted to
harvesting organs from the 'vegetative dead'. There is no end to possible
scenarios. Female vegetatives, for example, might be employed as surrogate
wombs ... The vegetatives could even be mated to produce fertilized eggs or
offspring ... Society has a ways to go before we set up human vegetable
farms." Imagine that!! Human Vegetable Farms!! It can't get more Satanic!

But, did you catch the meaning of that last statement, "Society has a ways
to go before we set up human vegetable farms"? This is a recognition on
their part that the American people have not yet been sufficiently
conditioned yet to accept this barbaric practice. This is why they use the
effective Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan so thoroughly.

We encourage you to study this paragraph carefully, because it testifies to
the truth of this coming New World Order far, far more persuasively than I
could ever do. Without the Christian moral authority, which declares that
all human beings are precious because they are created in the "image of
God", this type of scenario is plausible, awaiting only the right set of
circumstances to give it birth. Again, I say, this scenario of buying and
selling human beings, of raising human beings on a farm so their organs
could be harvested at the right time [just as we now do cattle] is nothing
more than the humanist concept taken to its fullest extent; after all, if we
are just 'advanced' animals, then we can be treated as animals.

Finally, this article states that if a person who is severely injured upon
arrival at a hospital has a donor card, the hospital will give that person
the very best care possible, "for your organ's sake." From this statement, I
postulate a thought. A question? If a person who is severely injured arrives
at a hospital, and cannot be identified, nor can anyone from Hospital
Administration locate relatives, has that person just become an 'organ
donor'? And, I look at those donor cards as potentially deadly. In the
sentence quoted, above, after the hospital personnel have given you the best
possible treatment, "for your organ's sake", might they not let you out of
there without 'donating fully'? This scenario is plausible if the person
cannot be identified, or relatives located.

The development of this Satanic, Neo-Nazi scenario is one of the strongest
possible proofs that we are, indeed, living in the eve of the appearance of

f) Fetal tissue harvesting

Using bodies of murdered preborn babies for medical research and modern
medicines is another Satanic and Nazi type development. While all Christians
find abortion exceedingly repugnant, exceedingly Satanic, we still further
revolted when we consider using these murdered bodies as medical resources!
As medical researchers continue to develop more and more uses for the body
tissues of dead babies' bodies, they will dramatically increase the economic
demand for such tissue. This new economic demand may be the final stimulus
that might lead to the establishment of the "human vegetable farms" as
quoted in the Omni Magazine article, above. Please understand how important
a New Age/New World Order magazine Omni Magazine is. Omni is one of the
'Cutting Edge' New Age magazines. Controversial, shocking concepts are first
introduced within its pages years before mass media picks the subject up.
You might say that Omni play the role of Step #1 in the Six Step Attitudinal
Change Plan.

We will be creating a separate article soon, just on Fetal Tissue
harvesting, but allow us to inform you just what is involved in this
Satanic, Hitlerian procedure. "Pregnant women, 13-18 weeks, are placed on an
operating table, the cervix is dilated, the bag of waters is broken, the
fetal [read babies'] head is guided into position just above the open
cervix. The fetal skull is drilled open and a suction device is placed into
the brain. The brain tissue is then suctioned out and placed immediately on
ice to preserve its viability. The fetus [read baby] is then aborted [read
murdered]." [These additions within these brackets are from The Cutting Edge
Ministry]. (Quote taken from: "Recycling Babies: The Practice of Fetal
Tissue Research" by Judie Brown, http://user.mc.net:80/dougp/ftrnews4,

As of now, the main medical use for murdered babies' bodies is the brain
tissue; but, since the New World Order is revived Nazism, we can expect
that, very soon, more and more uses will be discovered so that the entire
body of the baby will be of some commercial use.

On January 20, 1993, President Clinton signed an Executive Order lifting the
ban on Fetal Tissue research. You may add this abomination to the many
others this President has committed.

There are two major goals behind this Satanic practice. First, this is a
very effective way in which to limit population growth, prior to the actual
establishment of the New World Order. Second, this practice is proving to of
unlimited growth potential for doctors, research companies, and
pharmaceutical companies. On the way to the New World Order there is no
reason not to make as much money as you can, right?

In Radio Transcript, CE1038, we list the many reasons we think the United
States of America is the Economic Babylon of Revelation 18. We encourage you
to read it carefully. But, for this article, we just want to say that, as we
are discussing these horrific issues, we can just see America's sins piling
high, up to Heaven, can't you? We wish to quote you just a portion of this
Scripture, so you can see how completely it applies to the deplorable
spiritual condition of America today. Read and weep! [Rev 18:1-6]

"And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having
great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried
mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is
fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul
spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have
drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the
earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth
are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies."

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her
plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her
iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double
according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her

We know, from prophecies in Daniel, that soon after Antichrist arises to
take control of the world through the 10 Super Nations that have just been
created, Antichrist destroys completely 3 of these original 10. We kind of
think America will be one of these 3 who are totally annihilated. For,
today, on the eve of the appearance of Antichrist, I think I can see
America's sins "reaching unto heaven". Can't you?

g) Cannibalism

Americans are today being conditioned to accept the idea of eating human
flesh, cannibalism! Several decades ago, a Grade B film, entitled "Solient
Green" first introduced the subject, as people were eating delicious green
wafers that turned out to be processed human flesh. Then, a few years ago,
many Americans flocked to movie theaters to watch the move, "Silence of the
Lambs", another conditioning vehicle about eating human flesh. Dr. James
Dobson, several years ago, in his radio program, 'Focus On The Family',
reported that cannibalism was one of the newest rages in Pornography.

Finally, in this Omni Magazine article, quoted above, the final segment of
this article about harvesting human organs, talks at length about eating
human flesh!

"In tracking the dead and the near dead, I was haunted, so to speak, by the
words of Carleton Gajdusek. The Nobel prize-winning virologist is famous for
his discovery of the slow virus in the Fore people of New Guinea. During his
research he intensely observed their mortuary ritual of eating the brains or
intestines of their kin", Gajdusek told Omni. 'They always dissected their
relatives with love and tender care and interest.' It was Gajdusek's opinion
that, were it not for the viral infection in the tissue, eating brains would
have 'provided a good source of protein for a meat-starved community' ...
With the great advances in life-support technology and organ
transplantation, the dead today do indeed have much 'protein' to offer us --
in the form of their organs and body parts. We are the neocannibals." [Page

We are the neocannibals! Is there anyone now who does not believe the
Satanic nature of this coming New World Order? This Omni Magazine article is
again serving the role of introducing a controversial subject by a respected
expert speaking from a respected forum. The respected expert is the Nobel
prize-winning virologist, Carleton Gajdusek, and he is speaking from Omni
Magazine, the respected forum. We have all the ingredients of Step #1 of the
Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan. This article was written in 1987, well
before "Silence of the Lambs" and other conditioning vehicles.

2) Population Control By Conflict -- Fostering conflict between men and

a) Feminist movement today

We believe that population control is being fostered by the radical feminist
movement today. But, this is not our original idea. Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger,
Professor, Syracuse University Division of Special Education &
Rehabilitation, and the Director, of the Training Institute for Human
Service Planning, Leadership and Change Agentry, wrote about this concept in
his book, "The New Genocide of Handicapped And Afflicted People". Certainly,
if you deliberately foster conflict between men and women, you accomplish
several goals that are near and dear to the hearts of any Satanist, and
which contribute to their goal of dramatically limiting the growth of
population in the Industrialized world in this era immediately preceding the
New World Order.

1) If men and women are fighting amongst each other, and widely distrust
each other, the plan is that fewer marriages will take place, and fewer
sexual liaisons will occur. Both possibilities will limit the number of
children conceived and born. How many women will want to get married if the
typical man is the stereotype being created and shown on the TV sitcom, "Men
Behaving Badly"?

2) If marriages that already exist can be destabilized and even broken up,
the number of children can be reduced. Society as a whole is also
destabilized, another major part of the Plan.

Certainly, some of the most vociferous advocates of Abortion today are
Radical Feminists. Population control and the destabilizing of our current
society are two of the foremost goals of the Radical Feminist movement
today. Who would have thought that such a movement could accomplish these
New World Order goals?

b) Homosexuality and Lesbianism conditioning

One of the predictable results of fostering conflict between men and women
would be the growth of homosexuality and lesbianism. If you cannot have a
relationship and sexual activity between heterosexuals, many people will
seek sexual gratification within members of their own sex. Certainly, such
sexual activity has absolutely no chance of ever conceiving babies.

In this area of Population Control Through Fostering Conflict, our society
is now well into Steps 5 & 6 of the Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan. Most
Americans long ago stopped being offended by the thought of homosexual or
lesbian relationships. And the steady repetition as called for in Step #4
has been going on for years; it is to the point now where Gay Pride Parades
are being legally forced upon the towns and cities which still do not want
them, and these parades routinely show such public debauchery that is quite
unimaginable to anyone who still possesses a vestige of Christian morality.
But, of course, it is very predictable that homosexuals and lesbians would
want to condition American society to finally accept sex between the very
young and the older, and to accept public sex. Not only is this a logical
extension of their own published agenda, but Jesus Christ predicted that the
society of the Antichrist would be "as in the days of Sodom" [Luke
17:29-30]. With the concept in mind that American society would become like
Sodom in the days immediately prior to the Kingdom of the Antichrist [the
New World Order], I am again reminded of the account of the physical
destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19:1-5. Read this passage and
weep, for America's physical destruction will occur just as in the days of
Sodom and Gomorrah. As I think of that inevitability, I think of our article
already mentioned, above, where America is probably the Economic Babylon of
Revelation 18, CE1038. With the thought of how Sodom and Gomorrah were
destroyed, read the prediction of destruction in Revelation 18.

Before we leave this discussion, I want to point out something which every
bible scholar and teacher I have ever read or heard, has seemingly missed
about the Sodom and Gormorrah account. In Genesis 19:1-3, we read how God's
Holy angels came into Sodom, having taken the form of males. They went to
Lot's house, who immediately recognized them for who and what they were. He
pleaded with them to eat supper and then stay the night in his house. Fairly
quickly, the men of Sodom surrounded Lot's house. We pick up the Scriptural
account here. "But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men
of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from
every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the
men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may
know them."

This term "that we may know them" literally means sexual intercourse. Now,
these men, homosexuals, were comprised of "young" and "old", so we know that

Man-Boy Movement within Sodom had been successful in recruiting young boys.
but, then we realize, with horror, that these men intended to copulate with
these angel-men right out in public!! Now, wait a minute! Why weren't they
afraid that they would be arrested once they began their public sex orgy?
The answer is at once simple, yet profound. They were not worried that they
would get arrested simply and only because the laws in Sodom and Gomorrah
allowed public sex! For this to happen, the citizens of these cities had to
approve of homosexuality. For this to be the case, the public schools and
government institutions had to not only approve, but teach the very young
that it is quite perfectly normal.

Do we see this happening in America today? We see, at least, that homosexual
men have sex so often in public that police come along and close the park or
the rest stop, down. But, in America, if laws were changed, and public sex
was legalized, then American homosexuals could have public sex, without fear
of being arrested, just as their 'brethren' in Sodom and Gomorrah. And,
considering the freedom American homosexuals feel in simulating sex acts in
public during their 'Gay Pride' parades the last few years, we can only
assume they feel that this change in laws, to legalize public homosexuality,
is very close, indeed.

2) Disarmament: CE1067, Radio Transcript contains the full discussion of the
importance of Disarmament in creating the New World Order. We shall just hit
the highlights here.

a) Nations

Disarmament was planned well before the advent of the nuclear bomb, as Alice
Bailey boldly wrote, in April, 1940, ""In the preparatory period for the New
World Order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be
optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organise any equipment
for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation."
[The 'Guiding Spirit', Master D.K., writing through Theosophical leader,
Alice Bailey, in the book, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", Page 191]

"This disarming of the nations will not be optional". The plan is for each
nation to systematically turn over their weapons to the planned One World
Governmental body, which, just a few years later, became known as the United
Nations. Since the U.N. was established, the world has fought several wars
under either the U.N. umbrella or as and "Alliance" of nations, as the Gulf
War was fought. But, in every case, combatants have gone to the U.N. to
plead their case and to either obtain or resist, U.N. declarations.
President Bush showed that, in this era he dubbed The New World Order, our
mighty country was quite incapable, and without authority, to act on our
own, without U.N. approval.

This, my friends is standard Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan. For years
now, the world has been subjected to the terrible idea that individual
nations should give up their sovereignty to the United Nations [Steps 1
through 3). But, the repeated instances of wars waged under the U.N. flag,
or after U.N. resolutions, and all the debates we have witnessed over the
years on numerous subjects, have provided the sheer repetition for which
Step 4 calls. Soon, probably after a contrived, planned 'crisis', the final
step will be taken. All governments will pledge their political and economic
surrender to the U.N. We feel this may not happen until after Antichrist
arises, when people will agree to just about anything he wants, just because
of his many miraculous 'signs and wonders'.

And, if you believe that political leaders are not necessarily following the
Plan set forth by Master D.K., writing through Alice Bailey, you should
carefully consider this fact. On August 14, 1941, just a little over a year
after Bailey wrote this disarmament plan, President Roosevelt and Prime
Minister Churchill, issued the "Atlantic Charter", one of the most
influential documents in the Twentieth Century. Listen to point #8,
""Eighth...all of the nations of the world...must come to the abandonment of
the use of force. Since no future peace can be maintained if land, sea or
air armaments continue to be employed by nations which threaten...
aggression outside of their frontiers...the disarmament of.. nations is

When the United Nations gets complete, absolute power over all the nations
of the world, New Agers naively believe that the U.N. will exercise
'benevolent' and 'wise' leadership. However, I would like to show you the
REAL Plan, again quoting Alice Bailey, "The atomic bomb does not belong to
the three nations who perfected it ... It belongs to the United Nations for
use (or let us hope simply for threatened use) when aggressive action on the
part of any nation rears its ugly head." [Page 548]

You are now reading that part of the New World Order Plan that will fulfill
Biblical prophecies in Daniel, Joel, and Revelation that speak of
unprecedented wars and destruction and death shortly after the Antichrist
arises. I believe this is how at least 2 of the 3 Super Nations are totally
annihilated by Antichrist as Daniel 2 and 7 foretell. Now, how do you feel
about the United Nations, all our Government rhetoric notwithstanding? How
do you feel now about our troops, and troops of other nations, exchanging
their own helmets for the blue helmets of the U.N.? Conditioning,
Conditioning, Conditioning., using the old tried and true, Six Step
Attitudinal Change Plan. The world has now experienced almost enough of the
sheer repetition of Step #4; soon, we shall rapidly move into Steps #5 & 6.
Then, we will all have lost our freedoms.

Remember the lesson of the Tower of Babel, which was the last time Satan
attempted a One World Government, Economy, and Religion. God opposed it, and
caused the one language all the people spoke to change into many groups of
languages. This action caused nations to arise, scattered throughout the
globe. Satan is now bringing all the nations together again, just as the
Bible foretold would happen in the Last Days. Our lesson to be learned is
this: God's Plan is many sovereign nations, none of which would absolutely
rule the world; Satan's Plan is a United Nations, to ultimately be ruled by
his man, Antichrist.

b) Citizens

We do not know your feelings about Gun Control, which has to be one of the
most emotional, explosive issues of our time. But, let me tell you a little
fact of history. Whenever a democracy takes power, no one cares about the
guns of the people; but when a totalitarian regime seizes control, the first
action of the new government is to take away the guns from their citizens.
Since we have repeatedly shown this coming New World Order to be the Kingdom
of Antichrist, and a revival of Nazism, you can expect that gun confiscation
will be very, very high on their agenda.

Using all the elements of Steps 1 through 4 of the Six Step Attitudinal
Change Plan, our government leaders from all levels of government have been
trying to convince the majority of citizens that we need to have all guns
confiscated. Seizing on all sorts of crime statistics, plus the many
tragedies of deranged men shooting people in public places (Step #4, Sheer
Repetition), government leaders have successfully placed restrictions and
regulations on gun purchase and ownership, and have even been successful in
outlawing certain types of guns. And, always, their rhetoric has been
flowery and full of good intentions.

But, remember with whom you are dealing here. You are dealing with
government leaders who are very supportive of the New World Order. You must
surely see the danger in believing anything they say or anything they want
to do. Americans, beware!! Be alert!! Be steadfast, and immovable!!

3) De-sensitization of Individuals, Men and Women

We have repeatedly warned over the past few years that the New World Order
planners face the same difficulty Hitler faced when he was preparing to
begin his slaughter of 18 million people, including 6 million Jews. He
needed enough young German men who would be willing to "pull the trigger".
If German young men and women had not been willing to actively participate
in the Holocaust, Hitler would have been powerless to carry it out.
Fortunately for Hitler, enough young men had been

de-sensitized, emotionally hardened, through various elements in German
society prior to Hitler's ascension into power, that Hitler had his required
manpower to "pull the trigger".

The needs of the New World Order planners are identical in nature but
enormously greater in scope. Whereas Hitler needed the manpower to kill his
18 million, New World Order planners need the manpower to kill 4 billion

What are the elements in our society that might be hardening the minds and
emotions of our precious youth? What are the common elements that reach
across our nation, from "sea to shining sea" that might commonly manipulate
them? Of course, our mass media: TV, radio, magazines, newspapers,
computers, to name a few. Do we see anything in these media which might
harden our youngsters, might de-sensitize them?

A. Television

1) Cartoons-- probably the most violent of all children's programming, and
de-sensitizing children who are too young to be able to distinguish reality
from fantasy. Children who have been fed a steady diet of cartoons are known
to act out violently with other children far more readily.

2) Violent Shows that feature "action" violence, and more violence and
violence simply for the sake of violence. There is absolutely no doubt but
that the Bible condemns this type of show.

* In 2 Cor 13:11, commands us "Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be
of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and
peace shall be with you." We are to "live in peace".

* In Phillipians 4:8, the Apostle Paul warns us to guard what we allow to
enter our minds. "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever
things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there
be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Can anyone defend the "virtue" of these violent shows? Parents, it is time
to stop allowing your children -- but especially your most vulnerable
children, your boys -- to watch this deviant material in this type of
programming. You are de-sensitizing your children!! You are playing directly
into the hands of the New World Order Planners. Do you want to find out,
probably on Rewards Day, that your beloved son was one of the killers of
Antichrist's army? Many, many decent, God-fearing German parents discovered
this horrid truth about their sons after World War II. Let it not happen to

* Shows that depict sex or sexual innuendo. These shows are terribly
damaging and de-sensitizing to young, developing boys. Young teen boys are
most interested in sex, anyway, because their hormones begin raging at
puberty, and the young girls are at their peak beauty and attractiveness. In
this day and age, it is difficult enough for parents to keep their sons pure
without allowing them to drink in this kind of filth through TV shows and
movies. In many instances, always unbeknownst to you parents, children
rather quickly gravitate from sexual innuendo in TV shows, to mild
pornography to hard core pornography. And, your young men are developing a
harsh, "users mentality" toward women as a result of this influence.

B. Radio

The harshest influence in radio, and other audio channels, is popular music,
especially Rock Music. Rock Music, and especially MTV, do great damage to
the sensitivity of young men. What are the themes of Rock? There are seven
main themes:

(1) Nihilism -- a negative attitude toward life, with no solutions ever

(2) Suicide -- is explicitly encouraged.

(3) Man is little more than, or better than, a machine.

(4) Violence and rebellion .

(5) Sex is the most ancient of themes. Sub-themes of sexual Rock are too
disgusting to speak about, but I have listed them all in the book.

(6) Spiritism, occultism, and outright Satan worship. All religions are
taught to be equally valid. Standard witchcraft is everywhere in the lyrics.

(7) Drug usage glorification.

[Dan and Steve Peters, "Why Knock Rock?," Bethany House Publishers,
Minneapolis, Mn., 1984, p. 153-156. Also, see:"The Devil's Disciples," Jeff
Godwin, Chick Publications, Chino, Ca., 1985, p. 310-311.]

In Seminar 1, we spend considerable time and effort to demonstrate the
terrible effect that Rock Music has had on American society, and how it was
very instrumental in bringing American youth into practicing the values of
Satanism. But, for the purposes of this article, it is equally true that the
development of Rock Music also followed the Six Step Attitudinal Change
Plan. Step 1 occurred in the mid-1960's, when easy Country type soft rock of
the Elvis Presley era turned radically different, with the advent of the
Beatles. The Beatles sang songs that glorified drugs and Eastern Mysticism.
The public was shocked at this radical change [Step 2]. But, then other
people rose up to defend the right of the kids to listen to whatever they
wanted to [Step 3]. Sheer repetition wore people's resistance down, to where
the Beatles and other like groups filled stadiums with their concerts. Then,
Steps 5 & 6 occurred so rapidly as to almost be a blink of the eye. Today,
the Beatles are mainstreamed, and virtually no one thinks anything is wrong
with their music. Thus, their values and attitudes, so present in their
music, is reaching more young people than ever!

Then, in the early- to mid-1970's, the same Six-Step Plan occurred when more
macabre Rock bands burst on the scene. These groups were typified by the
group K.I.S.S. whose costumes and lyrics seemed so Satanic. Other
performers, like Ozzie Osbourne, tried to shock people by their antics,
their looks, and their lyrics. People were horribly shocked [Step 2], but we
moved through Steps 3 & 4 very rapidly. Today, we have completed Step 6,
which is full acceptance. Today, even this formerly shocking Satanic music
is mainstreamed, to where no one seems concerned anymore. Thus, even more
teens today are listening to this "mighty fine music".

Parents, if your child is listening to Rock Music, you must take it away and
throw it out of your home, no matter what the reaction is from your child.
He is being very

de-sensitized and his soul is being led far, far away from the Love and Soul
Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray, pray and pray some more, and then
attack the Rock Music your children are listening to!!!

C. Computers are a major influence on children, both girls and guys alike,
in desensitizing them, but, again, boys seem to be more impacted. Computer
action games are very violent, and many use occultic symbols. Games that
blow people and things up, that have individuals and groups physically
battling are also good examples of the type of stimuli which harden the
hearts and minds of its victims. The Internet is also full of such vile
material, from pornography to sexual perversions, to violence, to talking
with strangers about anything under the sun, that you must take control of
this medium, as well.

D. Magazines are a major contributor to the desensitization of children both
boys and girls. Not only do they promote violence but they also have a way
of teaching both boys and girls to care only for themselves, to be selfish.
Girls' magazines are excellent in arousing a narcissistic attitude amongst
their young readers. Most horribly, also, 'Detective' magazines are so
explicit in their stories about crimes against women, that studies have
shown a link to actual crime against women.

E. Comic Books are very, very Satanic these days. Their looks, their story
lines, and their themes seem to be very close to that of hard Rock Music.
What a change from my day, late 1950's-early 1960's, when comic books were
either comedy or Superman/Batman action. Today, occultism, violence, and
perverted sex seem to be the order of the day.

We have spent some time now, discussing the influences that many avenues of
our mass media are exerting upon our young people. And, in most of these
instances, the Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan is being followed closely.
But, you say, so what? We cannot possibly be that influenced by our mass
media, right?! Read the following statistics and then you tell me how great
a potential mass media has to impact our daily lives with these very
sophisticated techniques.

Each day, the average American:

* Perceives 20,000-30,000 printed words, out of the 70,000-80,000 to which
we are exposed.

* Listens to radio 75 minutes, hearing several thousand more words.

* Is exposed to another 70,000-80,000 more words from the 6.5 hours of daily

* Is exposed to over 500 advertising messages daily.

* These advertisements bombard us with 100,000 words. (Wilson Bryan Key,
"Subliminal Seduction: Ad Media's Manipulation of a Not So Innocent
America," New American Library, New York, N.Y., 1981, p. 79.)

Did you realize that you were being bombarded with 100,000 words per day, by
the various mass media outlets? Advertisers do understand this, which is why
they are willing to spend billions of dollars per year in advertising
budgets. Do not be deceived; our enemy of our souls, Satan, is wandering
around, seeing whom he can devour. Let him not devour your soul, or the
souls of your precious children. And, remember this, also: New World Order
planners understand more about the intricate workings of our minds than we
do, and certainly more than they should know. Do not be quick to dismiss
something just because it sounds "weird", or far-out. Do your own research,
as did the Bereans of Paul's day, searching the Scriptures and other
writings, to see if these things are so!

This is only a partial listing of the many influences today which are
desensitizing our young people, to the point where tens of millions of them
would participate in the coming planned Holocaust where 4 billion people are
slated to perish. Take action now, in the power and authority of Jesus
Christ, to reclaim your children for the Lord!

4) Convincing people to change lifestyle dramatically

Have you noticed that, in the past few decades, virtually everything you
enjoyed doing has, at one time or other, been declared to be unhealthy for
you? From coffee to eating meat to eating fish, to exercising, to not
exercising, etc., everything we in the American society enjoy doing, is
declared to be killing us! In the early 1970's, before I knew anything about
the coming New World Order, I began to reject these claims, simply on the
basis of common sense. If even a fraction of these fear claims were true,
Americans would be dying like flies; but, instead, our life expectancy
continues to climb!

But, as I have so clearly pointed out, in both Seminar 1 and Seminar 2, the
New World Order agenda is driving all this fear mongering. Their goal is to
persuade a significant proportion of us that this current Industrial Economy
lifestyle is killing us and the planet and cannot be sustained very long.
Then, these convinced people will voluntarily give up their lifestyle,
adopting a "Low Entropy" lifestyle. This type of lifestyle is
counterculture, where the participants live a very low standard of living,
eating simply, driving old cars, if any at all, etc.

Remember, the ultimate plan is to dissolve this current Industrial society,
replacing it with an agricultural society like that which existed three
hundred years ago. The American Indian lifestyle at that time is our model,
which is one of the reasons New Age and Gift stores have experienced a
resurgence in every Native American. The other reason is that their religion
was so close to that of the current New Age Movement.

a) Become vegetarians

One of the common denominators of occult groups from every era is that they
taught, and followed, a vegetarian diet. Hitler was a strict vegetarian! The
New Age religion teaches vegetarianism. Much of witchcraft, both White and
Black Magick, teaches vegetarianism. Today, massive efforts by all sorts of
environmental groups, state and federal government agencies, are mounting
efforts to convince us it is unsafe to eat all kinds of meat.

The Federal Government is mounting the most serious effort, by over
regulating, on the basis of fear. Remember the "Mad Cow Disease" in England?
That scare caused tens of thousands of cattle to be killed, even though the
actual number of cows actually found to have this disease was 10! Whenever
you see an article attacking our eating of meat, or about the "unsanitary"
conditions of meat slaughter and packing houses, just understand you are
seeing the working out of the New World Order Plan to change the lifestyle
of everyone on earth to a vegetarian diet.

b) Accept elimination of our Industrial Economy, and go back to farming
economy of 300 years ago -- Al Gore's book, "Earth In The Balance" is the
greatest single example of the working out of this part of the Plan. Gore
regularly attacks many of the facets of our current standard of living. He
continually calls this Industrial lifestyle 'unsustainable', and he calls
the automobile the greatest threat to our planet that mankind has ever
faced. Get this book, read it, and weep. It is full of 'facts' and
'figures', most of which are without footnotes, and he appeals to the
emotions terribly. He paints the false picture that mankind is about to
destroy this planet, unless we move to the New World Order very soon.

If you go to the Internet, and type in 'New Age' in the search engine, you
will find these themes in abundance. I encourage you to read it, and email
me the important things you find, as I simply cannot keep up with all the
data that is out there. Many of you have emailed me, suggesting that I visit
certain sites, and I have found some of them very helpful. Changing our
lifestyle is one part of the Plan that you will see the most of in your
daily news.

c) Extreme Environmentalism, i.e., Ozone Depletion, Global Warming, or is it
Cooling, Deforestation, Elimination of Fishing, Water Impurity Lies,
Pollution of Lakes and Streams -- I only have to offer you the Plan as
written in the mid to late 1700's: "When we come into our kingdom [New World
Order], our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity
upside down in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who
will ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed by us,
according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the
course of many centuries?" {The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,
Protocol #13}

This quote, now over 200 years old, is all you need to keep in mind when
considering the claims about environmental issues. A global "crisis" demands
action by a global government and that, my friends, is THE Plan!!

Whenever I read an article or hear a news story on one of these subjects, I
just want to shout, "Liar, liar, pants on fire", as I did when I was a kid.
While I am on this subject, be aware that The Environmental Defense Fund or
the Environmental Resource Task Force, or by whatever other name it
concocts, is a New World Order agency that has been in the news lately. All
its reports are false, but are intended to convince Americans that the "sky
is falling" in environmental matters. The mass media continues to report
these groups with a straight face, giving them a cloak of respectability and

5) Changing People's Religious Beliefs

a) Discrediting Christianity -- Movie Industry, TV shows, Scandals, Liberal
Christians attacking Fundamental Christians, National News Media

We really do not have to talk very strenuously to convince you that these
avenues of media constantly depict Christians in a very derogatory manner.
In movies or sitcoms, Christians are always depicted as half-crazy, or
demented, or perverted. Christian leaders and clergy are especially favorite

But, lately, the target has shifted and narrowed a bit. The Mainstream
Christian Churches, [Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, most Presbyterian
groups, Congregationalist, Southern Baptist, American Baptist, Anglican, to
name a few] have joined forces with the Ecumenical Movement, as typified by
the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches. These
groups, either knowingly or unknowingly, are already marching toward the
coming global religious system of the False Christ, a position which the New
World Order Plan assigns to the Roman Catholic Pope.

Therefore, Liberal Christianity no longer poses a threat to the New World
Order Plan. Only those nasty Fundamental, Bible-believing Christian Churches
still represent a threat. Therefore, we have been the target of insidious
stereotyping. Have you noticed that, beginning in the mid-1980's the mass
media began to call Arab terrorists "Fundamentalists"? Arab terrorists are
not "Fundamental" followers of Islam. I have read many statements from
various Arab leaders vehemently denying that the Koran teaches the terrorism
practiced by the groups led and armed by Iran and Libya.

However, we believe that this very clever linkage between "Fundamentalist"
Arab terrorists, which everyone hates and despises, and "Fundamentalist"
Christians, is the stereotype which convinces many Americans that, in the
final analysis, we are as much a danger to society as are the Arabs. In
fact, you see this stereotype most clearly when the media automatically
denounces all of "Fundamental" Christianity for the bombing attacks on
Abortion Clinics. Do not be deceived: we Bible-believing, Fundamental
Christians are systematically being discredited in the minds of many, many
Americans. Soon, we might reach the "critical mass" in the minds of too many
Americans, that we are dangerous and that society has got to "deal" with us.
Once the Southern Baptist Convention and the Church of the Nazarene signed
the Concordat with the Roman Catholic Church, we Fundamentalists became a
"persecutable minority". In other words, our numbers are now small enough
that we can be persecuted and eliminated.

Again, this is one area of your daily news in which you can easily see
articles designed to discredit Christianity. If any of you see articles like
this, or especially, articles in which Christians are specifically targeted,
please send them to The Cutting Edge at:

35 Elizabeth Street, Attleboro, MA 02703

Please ensure that you put your name and phone number, and the full name and
date of the newspaper or magazine article. Otherwise, your information is
useless to this ministry, because we cannot quote it.

b) New Age religious beliefs propagated through various channels

Movies and TV shows, i.e., Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Profiler

Books, i.e., Shirley McClaine, "Dancing In The Light", Michael Jordan

Rock Music and New Age music

c) Conditioning To Accept Legalization of Drugs

Do not be surprised that I included this topic under "Religion" changes.
Another of the common denominators of different occult groups of every era
is the usage of drugs. Drugs are so essential to the practice of the New Age
and to witchcraft, that is it fair to say, that if there were no drugs,
there would be no witchcraft! Drugs aid dramatically in "expanding a
person's consciousness", which really means two things: 1) It means
annihilating previous religious morals and dogma, and 2) It opens the
person's heart, soul, and mind for further demonic influence.

Starting in 1988, former Secretary of State George Schultz, serving under
President Reagan, shocked the world when he proposed legalizing drugs, in a
major speech. Certainly, this qualified as Step #1 in the Six Step
Attitudinal Change Plan, and I so noted it in my seminars, and, later on
radio. Predictably, Step #2 was automatically initiated by Schultz's
proposal, as people were horrified. Soon, Steps #3 and #4 were realized.
Since then, many, many 'influential' people, from all walks of life,
including medicine, have come out in support of Schultz's formerly radical
proposal. Today, California has just legalized the use of Marijuana for
'medical' reasons, and Massachusetts is considering taking this action. Of
course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Soon, Marijuana will be
legalized in many states, until, finally, the Federal Government steps in to
give up their opposition.

For the moment, you can completely disregard President Clinton's opposition
to the legalization in California, and elsewhere. We all know he is fully in
tune with the New World Order agenda, which is why many people are
thoroughly confused as to why he is so unexpectedly "opposing" California's
legalization of Marijuana. But, if you understand the workings of Step #4 in
the Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan, you will easily understand why he is
"against" this proposal. You see, Step #4, sheer repetition through
Controlled Conflict, is so important in successfully changing people's
values and attitudes, that, if there is no natural opponent to the
controversial subject, someone steps forward to "oppose" it. This creates
the Controlled Conflict, producing the necessary 'sheer repetition' to
change people's minds. President Clinton is filling this role precisely. His
unexpected "opposition" to the legalizing of Marijuana in California simply
stimulates the debate. And, the debate convinces more people daily that this
formerly radical idea should be adopted.

This process is insidious, is it not?

d) Conditioning to Accept Legalization of Other Crimes

* Murder

New Age doctrine teaches that there is no such thing as 'murder'. When
someone is killed, his or her spirit is just "released into the
Reincarnation Cycle" earlier than it would otherwise have. Perhaps you have
just done the victim a 'favor', if that person was living a 'Life Unworthy
of Life', or was having immense trouble in their life. Such trouble might be
a sign that this person was simply living out "Bad Karma" which had
accumulated in their previous life or lives.!

But, there is another reason that these Neo-Satanists teach that there
should not be any laws against murder; the God of the Jewish Bible
originated the prohibition against it, and they are out to undo everything
He instituted! God foretold this would happen in the Last Days', didn't He?
"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out
the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws." (Daniel
7:25) The context in this section in Daniel is clearly End of the Age, and
the Kingdom of Antichrist. The prophecy says that he shall think to change
the laws. This is the real reason this law will be changed.

In fact, all the Ten Commandments will be changed, either by outright laws
or by practice. For example, we see today that God's name is being taken in
vain very commonly in everyday speech today. There is no actual law against
it, but common cultural bias against it historically kept profanity at a
much lower level. The same is true for the Commandment to honor father and
mother. We see a tremendous increase in utter disrespect for parents, and we
see that laws have been passed recently which steps in between the parent
and the child; for example, a parent no longer can forbid his or her child
from having an abortion, because the State has stepped in between them. But,
the same parents can forbid the school from giving their child aspirin
without permission! If this situation sounds crazy and chaotic, it should,
because while God is the God of order, of control, and logical thinking,
Satan is the god of disorder, of being out of control, and of total
illogical thinking.

* Prostitution

New Age elements are earnestly attempting to legalize prostitution. We
consistently see articles to this effect in newspapers and magazines, and on
TV. The authors of such articles call prostitution the 'victimless crime',
as they argue that we should not attempt to 'legislate morality'. Excuse
me?! Not 'legislate morality'? Laws have always been written to accomplish
precisely that! Murder is considered immoral, as is stealing, and lying;
therefore, laws have been created to prohibit this kind of behavior. But, I
have kind of gotten ahead of myself, haven't I? The entire Ten Commandments
are slated to be annulled. We are just seeing the beginning of the End in
these specific issues in our daily news. The others will follow, until all
of God's prohibitions, from the Ten Commandments, to all His laws in the
Pentateuch, are swept away. In NEWS1054, we showed that TV shows and movies
feature sex as a regular feature. Is this not an annulment of God's
commandment against Adultery in Exodus 20:14? Of course it is, and our
culture has just swept all these prohibitions completely away! In this area,
prostitution, TV and movies have again done their 'duty' to convince people
it is not wrong by creating such shows as 'Pretty Woman' which casts a
prostitute in one of the lead roles, and showing her to be 'normal'.

Of course, prostitution is a violation of the Commandment against Adultery
(Exodus 20:14), which is defined as any sex outside of marriage. But, if you
want to see how God views prostitution specifically, read these Bible
passages: [Proverbs 3:13-22; 5:3-23; 7:5-27] This last verse is very
instructive, because it gives us a glimpse of how God looks at the house
where a harlot lives and does her 'work'. Listen: "Her house is the way to
hell, going down to the chambers of death.".

Watch your daily news, and you will see all the Ten Commandments being swept
away, preceded by arguments to do just that, as well as all of God's
prohibitions in the rest of the Pentateuch.

6) Conditioning to Accept Existence of Aliens -- See full discussion of this
issue in our following articles: Seminar 1, Radio Scripts CE1030, NEWS1023,
and NEWS1029

This situation is getting ridiculous!! After years of putting up with grade
B movies about strange aliens from other worlds, Star Trek, and Star Wars,
TV and movies, we are suddenly flooded with all sorts of movies and shows,
and pseudo documentaries about extra-terrestrials, life on Mars and beyond,
and ever increasing occultism all throughout. We have listed some of these
shows, below.

a) Movies and TV shows, i.e., Star Wars, Star Trek, X-Files, Profiler

b) Comic Books, Magazines, Science Fiction novels

c) "Eyewitness" accounts

What is going on here? Let us begin with a few facts.

1) First, an admission from New Agers themselves: ""...In 1982, Michael
London of the L.A. Times gathered together a group of 8 people experienced
in UFO and extraterrestrial encounters for a special screening of Steven
Spielberg's movie "E.T." London noted the following reactions of the group
to the movie:

"`This is a true movie, not a romance. It's part of a CONDITIONING PROCESS
possibly be arriving? This brings us to fact #2.

2) When the Anti-Christ stages his appearance, he will claim to be an
Master from another dimension, i.e., an alien being that is friendly and
just has our best interests at heart. New Age leaders understand that a
belief in the claims of the Anti-Christ will be accepted more easily, and by
many more people, if these people will have been conditioned to believe in
the existence of friendly aliens!

3) This is the reason that researchers, even a secular researcher like
Jaques Vallee, have discovered that aliens are teaching occultism, and New
Age doctrine, to those people who have claimed to have been visited and/or
abducted. Vallee discovered that these people all tell much the same story.
And, much of what they were taught while in contact with these 'aliens' is
standard New Age occult doctrine! Vallee even discovered that the aliens
were teaching the same 6 key goals as Communism and the Illuminati have been
teaching for years! ["Messengers Of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults", by
Jacques Vallee. Remember, this man is not Christian, but is an objective

4) Vallee also discovered that aliens were teaching standard occult
practices to their 'abductees', such as out-of-body experiences, mental
telepathy, automatic writing, using crystals for power, even to the point of
crystal powered spacecraft, and many more.

5) New Age author William Cooper also sheds some light on the reason aliens
are such an important part of the Plan for the New World Order. Since the
Tower of Babel, God has used the existence of separate, sovereign nations as
one of the most important obstacles to ever uniting mankind into one global
government. William Cooper's book, "Behold A Pale Horse", p. 27, "...Secret
Societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat
from outer space in order to bring humanity together in a one-world
government which they call the New World Order." Remember Orson Welles' War
of the Worlds radio program which convinced its listening audience that
Martians do exist, and that they were invading Earth? How about the current
movie, 'Independence Day'?

The shocking reality is that Satan has been manipulating world events to
achieve his One-World Government, Economy, and Religion through Secret
Societies, Communism, the New Age, and UFO's. The final merger into the New
World Order is almost complete. Further, UFO Aliens and Space Ships are
nothing more than demons which the Holy Spirit has allowed in this final age
to physically manifest themselves in our realm. Aliens do exist; they are

Finally, they are planning to enable Anti-Christ to perform many deceitful
signs and wonders during the time of his appearance. Do not be deceived.
Just the fact that we are now being inundated with alien and UFO programs is
another proof that the appearance of Antichrist is very close.

One other matter upon which we would like to touch, is the supposed
'discovery' of 'life' on Mars. We discuss this issue thoroughly in NEWS1029.
Several years ago, I ran into the Plan to 'discover' life on Mars at the
very end of the Preparatory Period leading into the New World Order. The
reasons for creating this myth are to further increase the believability of
all these alien and UFO shows, and to destroy the Judeo-Christian belief
system, which clearly states that God created a unique world here, with a
people that are made in His image, and for which Jesus Christ came to redeem
from sin. This entire belief structure would hopefully come tumbling down in
ruins if people could be led to believe in life on Mars!

One more thing, do not believe in the carefully created myth that the
Federal Government agency, NASA [National Aeronautics and Space
Administration] is an objective scientific organization interested only in
provable scientific fact. Nothing could be further from the truth. NASA is a
Federal Government agency that is fully in synch with the plans and purposes
of the New World Order. Careful advertising has been carried out which
paints this picture of scientific objectivity; in the same vein, TV stations
and newspapers, and magazines, all run carefully created advertising that
trumpet their 'objectivity' and 'professional journalism'. Why? Because
their research shows that the listening public is far more likely to believe
their stories if they have first been conditioned to believe in the
'objectivity' of the station. Do not be deceived.

7) Fundamentally Changing Our System of Government

Here is the New World Order Plan in a nutshell. In order for the United
States of America to enter into the final New World Order global government,
we have to dissolve our current system of the government of the people,
which is protected by our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. But, this
tremendous change must occur with the people's consent and blessing!! Now,
you might ask, why would any thinking American be willing to dissolve a
system of government that has given us unprecedented freedoms for over 200
years, and which has allowed freedom of expression and pursuit of happiness
and prosperity, which has, in turn, created the most wonderful standard of
living the world has ever seen in its history?

The first step is to create an entire class of citizens who are not
thinking. Thus, it is that the New World Order Plan envisioned capturing
control of the American school system, as far back as the turn of the
century, and gradually 'dumbing down' the curricula. As everyone knows, this
has been done very, very well. And, when the heat begins to come down on
government officials for the falling academic standards, their response is
to blame everything and everybody else for the mess, and to propose
increased funding as the solution! We are now at the point where tens of
millions of young adults cannot read enough to enjoy reading newspapers and
magazines to stay informed. All they want to do is watch TV and movies, and,
if they get any news at all, they get it from TV stations, all of which are
controlled by New World Order interests.

The guys are only interested in either sports or the computer, and girls are
only interested in the stylish 'Lifestyle' sections of newspapers and in
glamorous magazines. We are at the point, described in Cooper's New Age
book, 'Behold A Pale Horse', "Experience has proven that the simplest method
of ... gaining control of the public is to keep the public undisciplined and
ignorant of basic system principles on the one hand, while keeping them
confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on
the other hand. This is achieved by: 1) disengaging their minds; sabotaging
their mental activities; providing a low-quality program of public education
in mathematics, logic, systems design and economics; and discouraging
technical creativity. 2) engaging their emotions, increasing their
self-indulgence, and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities
by: (a) unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks -- mental and
emotional rape -- by way of a constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in
the media -- especially the TV and the newspapers. (b) giving them what they
desire -- in excess -- 'junk food for thought' -- and depriving them of what
they really need. 3) Rewriting history and the law, and subjecting the
public to the deviant creation ... The general rule is that there is profit
in confusion; the more confusion, the more profit. Therefore, the best
approach is to create problems, and then offer the solution ... Keep the
public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the
other animals. {Pages 56-57]

If you study this rather lengthy discourse carefully, you will find the
genesis of many, if not most, of the problems with which our society is
facing right now.

But, back to this Plan to dissolve our current wonderful system of
government, replacing it with the greatest dictatorship in world history
through Antichrist and his United Nations, and doing so with the
enthusiastic approval of the American citizenry. How can this be
accomplished? By convincing us that our current system does not work, and
cannot ever work.

Education is the first key, to produce non-thinking citizens, as we noted
above. This has largely been accomplished. I remember hearing the results of
a poll taken several years ago, in which American high school students were
asked to describe the differences between the American system of government
and the Russian Communist system. Almost a majority of the students
responded by saying that there was not any difference, and most of the rest
were hard pressed to describe very many differences! This is devastating
news, and shows how close to the End we truly are.

Scandals of government officials is another way to achieve this goal. We
have listed some of these areas of scandal, below. Since this part of the
Plan is in such full swing, we have not attempted to show news stories for
each one. Just open your daily newspapers and your magazines, and listen to
TV. All we want to say is that, while the current Administration and
Congress is experiencing unprecedented scandals, this type of behavior can
be found in every Presidential Administration, and his accompanying
Congress, since President Eisenhower.

* Misuse of political power.

When the American voter continues to reelect officials who have blatantly
refused to carry out previous campaign promises, you can ascertain how
unthinking our citizens are. When government officials blatantly misuse
campaign funds, and government resources on private matters, and still get
elected, or still get to keep their current position, you again can
ascertain how unthinking we have become. And, when politicians can keep
telling big lies, many of which are uncovered, and still get elected, you
know these American 'sheep' are ready for the slaughter!! All we need is the
'Judas Goat' that will lead us up the slaughter ramp. The Plan calls for
that to occur during a series of planned 'crises'.

* Consistent overspending and overtaxing.

When the American public tolerates the high level of taxation -- from
Federal level all the way down to the local level -- you know we are ready
for physical bondage. Why? Because we have already demonstrated our
willingness to submit to economic bondage!! It does not matter that TV and
newspaper journalism has consistently uncovered vast examples of government
waste of money and resources, the public keeps electing the officials who
were responsible!! In fact, this journalism to uncover the "Fleecing of
America", as one show is called, fits in perfectly with the Six Step
Attitudinal Change Plan! Therefore, the journalists who wrote the 'scathing
expose' know they are furthering this part of the New World Order Plan, to
so disgust the voters and so turn them off on our system of government, that
they will accept an alternative offered to them; particularly when this
offer is made by the Superman/Antichrist, who will so wow everyone with his
power, his persona, and his signs and wonders. This scenario is rapidly
unfolding, and soon, Antichrist will be making his pitch to us to change our
government, to trust our future with him and his 'Ascended Masters' Wisdom'.

* Consistent examples of sexual impropriety involving homosexuality and

This, also, is self-explanatory. But, one new factor has emerged with
President Clinton. His philandering has been extremely well documented, and
he is the only President in history to have a lawsuit filed against him,
evidently with a fair amount of evidence that will stand up in court. Polls
consistently show that Americans believe these allegations, at least in
part. Yet, Clinton was reelected, by a wide margin! How can this be? Thirty
years ago, an American politician would have been defeated at the polls, or
removed from office, if just a fraction of the scandals hit them that have
hit Clinton. Yet, Clinton got reelected, as polls showed many young voters
unconcerned about these sexual and financial improprieties. Polls showed two
factors were at work here. First, many voters had done, in their lives, the
things of which Clinton was accused. Second, the voters who expressed
unconcern over these scandals said they were merely interested in the
'issues'; in other words, they were merely interested in what government can
do for them.

New World Order planners now know, according to Cooper's writings, above,
that the American people have been sufficiently changed as to allow the
final economic and political changes to sweep them into the dictatorship of
the Antichrist.

8) Conditioning Public To Accept the Mark of the Beast

Based upon Revelation 13:16-18, Bible scholars have consistently stated
their belief that they only way in which these prophecies could be fulfilled
is if the economy under Antichrist were cashless. Prior to the advent of
sophisticated computers, they had no idea how this would happen; they just
knew it had to happen, somehow. Even occult writers have been talking about
the necessity to go to a cashless system in the New World Order.

The first cashless system of buying and selling was the system of paying for
purchases, and for bills, by check. This system started way back when. Then,
beginning not too long ago, other systems have been introduced, each of
which conditions us just a little bit more to tolerate cashless, electronic
spending and purchasing. We list some of these systems, below. We need to
point out, before we discuss these three systems, that the heavy promotion
now occurring with each of them follows the Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan
perfectly. And, in the credit and debit card advertisements, the emphasis
has gone global, worldwide. In fact, the next time you are watching TV for
any length of time, keep track of all the advertisements that have a global
emphasis. You will be surprised.

The lights are about to be turned out on us, and no body seems to know, much
less care!!

a) Credit Card promotion

We have such a proliferation of credit cards that now no one seems to even
give them a second thought. What was such a radical idea when they were
first introduced has now become mainstream in our economy. But, the credit
card was just the precursor to the debit card.

b) Debit Card promotion

Debit cards automatically withdraw funds from your checking or savings
accounts. When they were first introduced, many people looked upon them with
skepticism ; but, not any longer. Today, ATM machines are so popular as to
defy the mind. And, so many people are now willing to use debit cards for
purchases that special debit machines have been installed in grocery stores,
and in some nonfood retailers.

But, there is a major problem with using credit and debit cards throughout
our economy. Thieves are stealing them at record rates. Someday, after
Antichrist has arisen, he will promote the formerly unthinkable: inserting
electronic chips encased in glass under our skin, either under the right
hand or in the forehead. People would buy and sell with these devices by
having them scanned at cash registers. The Antichrist will promote the idea
that this device will completely stop thievery, and he will be right. But,
his plan will fulfill Biblical prophecy, of Revelation 13:18!

The reason we believe that this event will not occur until after he arises
is that New World Order writers have made it quite clear: the taking of the
Mark of Antichrist -- the Mark of the First Beast -- will occur during a
worldwide Satanic Ritual of Initiation. People all over the world will be
gathered together to pledge their allegiance and spiritual loyalty to
Antichrist. As a sign of their pledge, they will take this electronic mark.
Therefore, each person will know that they are taking this mark because of
their spiritual decision to accept Antichrist for who he claims to be. Then,
God will be fully justified in condemning each person for taking this
electronic mark, and throwing them into Hell [Revelation 14:9-11]

In the months prior to this global Satanic Initiation, however, all the
media of the world will be busily attempting to convince everyone to take
this mark. In addition to telling everyone that it is a symbol of their
loyalty to 'The Christ', they will promote other benefits, one of which is
to put a stop to thievery of cards, as we discussed above. When this
campaign gets under way, you can be assured of two things: 1) More
'benefits' to taking this mark will be discovered than you ever imagined
before. 2) The Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan will be used mightily during
this promotion. When the global Satanic Initiation begins, all the unsaved
people in the world will be convinced that they need to take it. In fact, a
great many people will have been so immensely convinced, that they will show
great exultation when they take theirs, much as the enthusiasm we see during
football and basketball games!

c) Veterinarian Microchips now being used, promoted heavily

When this campaign began, I took it as a very serious sign that we are,
indeed, at the very eve of the appearance of Antichrist. This electronic
marking device for our pets is the precursor to the human Mark of the Beast
which will follow. And, the very fact that we see this pet implantable mark
now on the market, and being promoted heavily, is a very strong sign,
amongst many others, that Antichrist is very close to appearing.

This article has turned into the longest we have ever written, because the
Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan is being used in so many, many areas of our
society, to condition us in so very many avenues for the coming of the
Kingdom of Antichrist. Now that you know what is happening to you, you must
take corrective action, beginning with getting right with Jesus Christ. This
is Spiritual Warfare. Unprecedented in scope and ferocity.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
Bargain Books

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