-Caveat Lector-

>>Gordon Novel has photographs of the tank
that show that it is undamaged, and also
has photographs apparently doctored by the
FBI showing it ripped open. However, a lawyer
on the legal team informed me that a small
cap was missing from the tank in the photos
that prove it was not ripped open. Yesterday
I learned that such tanks, when overheated,
do not explode, instead a safety value pops
off and a jet of gas shoots out of an escape
valve. This could easy explain both the
fireball and why the tank was not ruptured.

Is this the same Gordon Novel from JFK assassination days?

The following are excerpts from James DiEugenio's DESTINY BETRAYED:
Novel was perhaps the primary CIA contact for the New Orleans part of the
anti-Castro efforts.  A communications and electronics expert, he had funds
channeled to his Evergreen Advertising Agency, a CIA front, to fuel the
effort.  With this, he helped pay for radio commercials that contained
cryptic messages to alert agents to the Bay of Pigs invasion date.  Novel
and his first attorney, Jerry Weiner, originally denied his Agency
connections.  But after Garrison uncovered Novel's participation with Ferrie
in the Houma arms raid and the New Orleans States-Item broke a story about
his CIA connection, Novel and his second attorney, Steve Plotkin, dropped
the denials and changed their response to a "no comment."  Later, this ploy
was also dropped; in a letter discovered in his abandoned New Orleans
apartment, Novel revealed his CIA employment.

Novel was connected through the Houma weapons raid on the Schlumberger
warehouse not only to Ferrie but also to Bannister.  It was at Banister's
office that many of the stolen munitiions were stored for later use at the
Bay of Pigs.

Novel denied that the Houma operation was a heist at all.  He claimed it was
nothing but a "patriotic" pickup of stored war material.  Privately, he said
that on the day of the pickup, he was phoned by his CIA contact and told to
lead a group to the Schlumberger bunker, and then transport the weapons by
laundry truck to their eventual debarkation point, Miami.  He said the
people he worked with -- Ferrie, Sergio Arcacha Smith, and Layton Martens,
Ferrie's then roommate -- were all supposed to be working with the CIA.

Novel's statements were critical to the Garrison probe because he not only
provided a CIA link to Ferrie and Banister, he also stated that he knew both
Clay Shaw and Dean Andrews.  Novel's specialty was electronics.  He also
owned a restaurant which he almost never frequented. Shaw was in the
international trade business and wrote plays.  We have seen that Andrews was
an undistinguished attorney.  How did Shaw know Novel?  How did Andrews know
Novel?  And who was Novel's "CIA contact" who called him the day of the
Houma "raid"?

These questions became even more compelling in view of what Novel did next.
He had appeared before the Grand Jury on March 16, 1967, and discussed some
general matters.  But on March 22, the day he was scheduled to return for
more detailed questioning, he disappeared.  He had sold his interest in the
restaurant and cleared out his apartment.  He then began a national and
international junket denouncing Garrison from Columbus, Ohio, McLean,
Virginia, and Montreal, Canada, sidestepping the DA's efforts to extradite

But Novel had slipped up when he left New Orleans in such a hurry.   Two
young girls who rented his apartment found a letter written by him.  One of
their friends gave it to Hoke May, a reporter, who in turn gave it to
Garrison.  A handwriting analyst verified it as Novel's.  It was dated in
January 1967, before Garrison's probe was made public.  Made out to a "Mr.
Weiss," it began:

I took the liberty of writing you directly and apprising you of current
situation expecting you to forward this through appropriate channels.  Our
connection and activity of that period involved individuals presently about
to be indicted as conspirators in Mr. Garrison's investigation.
The letter went on to warn that Garrison was close to discovering Novel's
association with Double-Chek Corporation in Miami, another CIA front that
coordinated the anti-Castro Bay of Pigs efforts in Florida.  He added that,
when questioned by the FBI, "My reply on five fqueries was negative.  Bureau
unaware of Double-Chek association in this matter."

Novel was getting frantic and said he could not use the Fifth Amendment,
immunity, or legal dodges and had to be out of New Orleans by March.  He
then threatened that if the Agency left him out in the cold or harmed him,
he would release sealed Agency files on the matter to expose it.  Novel
closed by urging the Agency to aid him: ...appropriate counteraction
relative to Garrison's inquisition concerning us...may be handled through
military channels vis-a-vis DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency] man.  Garrison
is presently colonel in Louisiana Army National Guard....

The Agency took Novel's threat seriously, and came to his rescue.  It
supplied Plotkin as his attorney, and his journey across America smearing
Garrison began.   But now neither Plotkin nor Novel could credibly deny
their Agency ties.   Garrison could therefore show the connection between
the CIA and Ferrie, Banister, and perhaps even Clay Shaw. (134-138)

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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