-Caveat Lector-

They also have to have the planets in a Star of David formation with 4
Gemini on one side.More on that later.

Alan DeWalton wrote:
> I try not to get involved in "date-setting" nor in "numerology",
> however I thought the following might be of interest just to
> show how occult-oriented religio-eco-political manipulators may
> themselves be involved in this kind of astrological/occult input
> when it comes to deciding what and when they are going to accomplish
> some of their agendas.
> Sincerely;
> Al
> EXCERPTS from  [UFOpals] ENDTIME predictions (fwd)
> http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1260.cfm
> Antichrist will deliberately set out to "fulfill" each of the
> Messianic prophecies and expectations.
>    December 6, 1999 was carefully chosen because of several
> occult
> factors.
> 1)  This date produces two (2) sets of '666' .  Remember,
> occultists
> believe that numbers have inherent power, either to
> support your plan of action, or to oppose it.  They believe a
> good plan
> can be unsuccessful simply and only because it was
> implemented on date(s) which did not add up to the right
> numbers.
> Since this date is in December, the 12th month,
> and because 12 is 6 + 6, the month itself provides two (2) 6's.
> Then, the day of the month provides the third 6 to produce a
> '666'.
> The second set of 666, is provided by the three (3) nines in
> the year,
> 1999.  Satanists have always viewed a 9 simply as an upside down
> 6;
> therefore, the last three digits of the year provide the second
> set of
> '666'.
> 2)
> The Moon is in the right phase.When a witch wants
> to perform a "good, positive" spell or event, he or she will
> carry
> this event out during a Full phase or nearly full phase of the
> Moon.  However, when the witch wants to perform an "evil,
> negative" spell or event, he will carry this event out during
> an
> Empty, or nearly empty, phase of the Moon.  As you can see
> from the above Moon Phase Chart for December 6, 1999, the
> Moon is nearly empty. In fact, December 6 is only one day
> before the absolutely empty New Moon.
> 3)  This new star will occur during the time period leading
> up to Christmas , possibly enabling the Illuminati to stage one
> of the largest stage productions ever in conjunction with the
> annual celebration of the Christ Child.  As part of this star
> lighting up, a recreation of the trip of the Magi 2,000 years
> ago may
> be reenacted.  Just as these new "Magi" are within a
> matter of days of reaching Bethlehem, this star may suddenly
> appear in
> the sky.  Listen to the words of apostate author and leader, Jay
> Gary,
> writing in his book, The Star of 2000 .  "Now as we approach
> A.D. 2000,
> the spiritual journey of the wise men could be reenacted before
> our eyes
> ... with horses and camels over the original Middle East route."
> [p.
> 23-4]
> ************************************************
>   March 6, 2000 was chosen for the appearance of Antichrist
> because of
> several occult factors.
> 1)  This date is precisely 13 weeks after an extremely bright
> star had been created by the lighting of Jupiter .  The
> number 13 is an extremely important number to the occultist.
> The occult gematria of numbers lists Number 13 as meaning,
> "Depravity and Rebellion" [Doc Marquis, Former Illuminist
> Witch].  The Bible confirms this meaning of the number 13.
> Remember, Illuminists plan to bring about the New World
> Order by utilizing the most depraved and blackest of all Black
> Magick witchcraft, so this time period between the advent of
> the
> Jupiter Star and the appearance of Antichrist fits
> perfectly.
> 2) The Moon Phase is absolutely correct.  Once again, when you
> check March 6, you will see that the moon is the blackest
> possible, i.e., the New Moon.  Since the appearance of
> Antichrist is going to be the blackest day in human history,we
> find it only fitting that the Moon Phase would be the blackest
> possible. This date may very well see the most powerful Black
> Magick witchcraft in world history, as the Man of Perdition
> appears.
> 3) The planets in our Solar System are lined up in a favorable
> way according to occult Astrology .  Satanists are huge
> believers in Astrology.  They would never think of staging the
> appearance of their beloved Antichrist unless the Astrological
> signs are most favorable.  This lineup is most favorable.
> We checked the lineup of the planets in our Solar System on
> December 6, 1999, and found no discernable lineup; but there
> is a significant lineup on March 6, 2000.  When you look at
> this
> chart, bear in mind that this astronomy program which we used
> Beginning in January, 2000, the universe continues to exit the
> Zodiac House of Pisces and will begin entering into the House
> of Aquarius.  This lineup of 8 planets [Saturn, Jupiter, Mars,
> Earth, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Neptune] is called a
> Grand Alignment in Astrology.  This Grand Alignment will be the
> first
> to occur in this new House of Aquarius, making it a most
> propitious event, the kind of event like staging the Christ of
> the
> Age of Aquarius!  Astrologers view the House of Pisces as a
> "spiritual" house, which has been dominated by Christianity;
> however, they view the House of Aquarius as an occult house,
> where all the values and attitudes are opposite.  Thus, this
> lineup
> on March 6, 2000, is perfect for the most dramatic change in
> values and attitudes imaginable on Earth, i.e., the staging
> of the New Age Christ!
> New Age author, Bill Cooper, explains this plan the best in his
> book, Behold A Pale Horse , so we will quote him.
> "According to many, the great pyramids were built to
> commemorate and observe a supernova explosion that occurred
> in the year 40000 B.C.  Dr. Anthony Hewish, 1974 Nobel Prize
> winner in physics, discovered a rhythmic series of radio pulses
> which he proved were emissions from a star that had exploded
> around 4000 B.C.  The Freemasons begin their calendar from
> A.L. In the Year of [Lucis], ... by adding 4000 to the modern
> year.  Thus, 1990 + 4000 = 5990 A.L.  George Michanowsky
> wrote in< EM > The Once and Future Star  that, 'The ancient
> Sumerian cuneiform ... described a giant star exploding within
> a
> triangle formed by ... Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and
> Lambda Velorum ... located in the southern sky ... An accurate
> star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had
> exploded
> within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6000 years'.
> According to the Freemason's calendar, it [this exploding star]
> will occur in the year 2000, and indeed, it will."
> "The spacecraft Galileo is on its way to Jupiter, a baby star
> with
> a gaseous makeup exactly the same as our sun, with a load of
> 49.7 pounds of plutonium, supposedly being used as batteries to
> power
> the craft.  When its final orbit decays in December,
> 1999, Galileo will deliver its payload into the center of
> Jupiter.  The
> unbelievable pressure that will be encountered will cause a
> reaction exactly as occurs when an atomic bomb is exploded by
> an
> implosion detonator.  The plutonium will explode in an
> atomic reaction, lighting the hydrogen and helium atmosphere of
> Jupiter
> and resulting in the birth of the star that has already
> been named LUCIFER ... documents I read while in Naval
> Intelligence
> stated that Project GALILEO required only five
> pounds of plutonium to ignite Jupiter ..." [Page 72, Emphasis
> was in
> the original]
>         We have been able to substantiate this information from
> another
> credible occult source.
> While Bill Cooper only stated that Galileo would decay its orbit
> in
> December, 1999, our source for the specific date of December 6
> has
> emphatically stated that the orbit will be forced to decay on
> this
> specific day, using their small guidance rockets toturn the
> spacecraft
> into Jupiter. < P >
> It seems pretty outrageous to think of Jupiter becoming astar.
> Some investigation of the makeup of Jupiter on somescientific
> web sites is in order, especially because of Cooper's bold
> statement
> that Jupiter has a makeup "exactly" like that of
> our Sun.  Here are a few comments about Jupiter from the NASA
> web site
> located at: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo/Jovian.html#king
> "Jupiter contains two-thirds of the planetary mass of the solar
> system. In composition it resembles a small star.
> We were still not sure exactly why Jupiter could not ignite,
> especially if it were hit with the huge atomic explosion of
> 1,750
> Megatons, as occult sources are saying will occur when the 49.7
> pounds of plutonium in the spacecraft Galileo is turned into
> the planet on December 6.  After all, the largest thermonuclear
> explosion on earth was the Russian test of only 100 megatons in
> 1961.
> The answer we received from a Christian scientist, Dr.
> Kent Hovind, [www.drdino.com] explained the science to us so
> we could understand. In the NASA excerpt, quoted above, we
> learned that "most" of the mass of Jupiter is Hydrogen and
> Helium, a most explosive mix, if it is mixed with sufficient
> oxygen in order to burn this mixture.  Dr. Hovind says Jupiter
> does not contain enough oxygen in order to sustain the type of
> continuous burning that would be needed to produce a star.
> Now, we understand and now it all makes sense.  No matter how
> large the
> initial explosion might be, the lack of sufficient quantities of
> oxygen
> would snuff out any resulting fire rather quickly.
> Yet, the Guiding Spirits of key occult leaders are adamantly
> saying
> that, when this nuclear payload of Galileo explodes
> with 1,750 megatons of force, Jupiter will light up.
> "... and the dragon gave him his power , and his seat, and
> great
> authority." [Revelation 13:2, speaking of Antichrist]
> "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the
> beast ..." [Revelation 13:4]
> ______________________________________________________
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>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: ENDTIME predictions ...now it is December 6, 1999 thru (13 weeks later) 
>March 6, 2000.
> Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 11:59:46 -0700
> EXCERPTS from  [UFOpals] ENDTIME predictions (fwd)
>  http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1260.cfm
> Antichrist will deliberately set out to "fulfill" each of the
>  Messianic prophecies and expectations.
>    December 6, 1999 was carefully chosen because of several occult
> factors.
> 1)  This date produces two (2) sets of '666' .  Remember, occultists
> believe that numbers have inherent power, either to
>  support your plan of action, or to oppose it.  They believe a good plan
> can be unsuccessful simply and only because it was
>  implemented on date(s) which did not add up to the right  numbers.
> Since this date is in December, the 12th month,
>  and because 12 is 6 + 6, the month itself provides two (2) 6's.
>  Then, the day of the month provides the third 6 to produce a '666'.
>  The second set of 666, is provided by the three (3) nines in the year,
> 1999.  Satanists have always viewed a 9 simply as an upside down 6;
> therefore, the last three digits of the year provide the second set of
> '666'.
>  2)
>  The Moon is in the right phase.When a witch wants
>  to perform a "good, positive" spell or event, he or she will carry
>  this event out during a Full phase or nearly full phase of the
>  Moon.  However, when the witch wants to perform an "evil,
>  negative" spell or event, he will carry this event out during an
>  Empty, or nearly empty, phase of the Moon.  As you can see
>  from the above Moon Phase Chart for December 6, 1999, the
>  Moon is nearly empty. In fact, December 6 is only one day
>  before the absolutely empty New Moon.
>  3)  This new star will occur during the time period leading
>  up to Christmas , possibly enabling the Illuminati to stage one
>  of the largest stage productions ever in conjunction with the
>  annual celebration of the Christ Child.  As part of this star
>  lighting up, a recreation of the trip of the Magi 2,000 years ago may
> be reenacted.  Just as these new "Magi" are within a
>  matter of days of reaching Bethlehem, this star may suddenly appear in
> the sky.  Listen to the words of apostate author and leader, Jay Gary,
> writing in his book, The Star of 2000 .  "Now as we approach A.D. 2000,
> the spiritual journey of the wise men could be reenacted before our eyes
> ... with horses and camels over the original Middle East route." [p.
> 23-4]
> ************************************************
>   March 6, 2000 was chosen for the appearance of Antichrist because of
> several occult factors.
>  1)  This date is precisely 13 weeks after an extremely bright
>  star had been created by the lighting of Jupiter .  The
>  number 13 is an extremely important number to the occultist.
>  The occult gematria of numbers lists Number 13 as meaning,
>  "Depravity and Rebellion" [Doc Marquis, Former Illuminist
>  Witch].  The Bible confirms this meaning of the number 13.
>  Remember, Illuminists plan to bring about the New World
>  Order by utilizing the most depraved and blackest of all Black
>  Magick witchcraft, so this time period between the advent of the
>  Jupiter Star and the appearance of Antichrist fits
>  perfectly.
> 2) The Moon Phase is absolutely correct.  Once again, when you
>  check March 6, you will see that the moon is the blackest
>  possible, i.e., the New Moon.  Since the appearance of
>  Antichrist is going to be the blackest day in human history,we
>  find it only fitting that the Moon Phase would be the blackest
> possible. This date may very well see the most powerful Black
>  Magick witchcraft in world history, as the Man of Perdition appears.
>  3) The planets in our Solar System are lined up in a favorable
>  way according to occult Astrology .  Satanists are huge
>  believers in Astrology.  They would never think of staging the
>  appearance of their beloved Antichrist unless the Astrological
>  signs are most favorable.  This lineup is most favorable.
>  We checked the lineup of the planets in our Solar System on
>  December 6, 1999, and found no discernable lineup; but there
>  is a significant lineup on March 6, 2000.  When you look at this
>  chart, bear in mind that this astronomy program which we used
>  Beginning in January, 2000, the universe continues to exit the
>  Zodiac House of Pisces and will begin entering into the House
>  of Aquarius.  This lineup of 8 planets [Saturn, Jupiter, Mars,
>  Earth, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Neptune] is called a
>  Grand Alignment in Astrology.  This Grand Alignment will be the first
>  to occur in this new House of Aquarius, making it a most
>  propitious event, the kind of event like staging the Christ of the
>  Age of Aquarius!  Astrologers view the House of Pisces as a
>  "spiritual" house, which has been dominated by Christianity;
>  however, they view the House of Aquarius as an occult house,
>  where all the values and attitudes are opposite.  Thus, this lineup
>  on March 6, 2000, is perfect for the most dramatic change in
> values and attitudes imaginable on Earth, i.e., the staging
> of the New Age Christ!
>  New Age author, Bill Cooper, explains this plan the best in his
>  book, Behold A Pale Horse , so we will quote him.
>  "According to many, the great pyramids were built to
> commemorate and observe a supernova explosion that occurred
>  in the year 40000 B.C.  Dr. Anthony Hewish, 1974 Nobel Prize
> winner in physics, discovered a rhythmic series of radio pulses
>  which he proved were emissions from a star that had exploded
>  around 4000 B.C.  The Freemasons begin their calendar from
>  A.L. In the Year of [Lucis], ... by adding 4000 to the modern
>  year.  Thus, 1990 + 4000 = 5990 A.L.  George Michanowsky
>  wrote in< EM > The Once and Future Star  that, 'The ancient
>  Sumerian cuneiform ... described a giant star exploding within a
>  triangle formed by ... Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and
>  Lambda Velorum ... located in the southern sky ... An accurate
>  star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded
>  within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6000 years'.
>  According to the Freemason's calendar, it [this exploding star]
>  will occur in the year 2000, and indeed, it will."
>  "The spacecraft Galileo is on its way to Jupiter, a baby star with
>  a gaseous makeup exactly the same as our sun, with a load of
>  49.7 pounds of plutonium, supposedly being used as batteries to power
> the craft.  When its final orbit decays in December,
>  1999, Galileo will deliver its payload into the center of Jupiter.  The
> unbelievable pressure that will be encountered will cause a
>  reaction exactly as occurs when an atomic bomb is exploded by an
> implosion detonator.  The plutonium will explode in an
>  atomic reaction, lighting the hydrogen and helium atmosphere of Jupiter
> and resulting in the birth of the star that has already
>  been named LUCIFER ... documents I read while in Naval Intelligence
> stated that Project GALILEO required only five
>  pounds of plutonium to ignite Jupiter ..." [Page 72, Emphasis was in
> the original]
>         We have been able to substantiate this information from another
> credible occult source.
> While Bill Cooper only stated that Galileo would decay its orbit in
> December, 1999, our source for the specific date of December 6 has
> emphatically stated that the orbit will be forced to decay on this
> specific day, using their small guidance rockets toturn the spacecraft
> into Jupiter. < P >
>  It seems pretty outrageous to think of Jupiter becoming astar.
> Some investigation of the makeup of Jupiter on somescientific
> web sites is in order, especially because of Cooper's bold statement
> that Jupiter has a makeup "exactly" like that of
> our Sun.  Here are a few comments about Jupiter from the NASA web site
> located at: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo/Jovian.html#king
>  "Jupiter contains two-thirds of the planetary mass of the solar
>  system. In composition it resembles a small star.
>  We were still not sure exactly why Jupiter could not ignite,
>  especially if it were hit with the huge atomic explosion of 1,750
>  Megatons, as occult sources are saying will occur when the 49.7
>  pounds of plutonium in the spacecraft Galileo is turned into
>  the planet on December 6.  After all, the largest thermonuclear
> explosion on earth was the Russian test of only 100 megatons in 1961.
> The answer we received from a Christian scientist, Dr.
> Kent Hovind, [www.drdino.com] explained the science to us so
>  we could understand. In the NASA excerpt, quoted above, we
>  learned that "most" of the mass of Jupiter is Hydrogen and
>  Helium, a most explosive mix, if it is mixed with sufficient
>  oxygen in order to burn this mixture.  Dr. Hovind says Jupiter
> does not contain enough oxygen in order to sustain the type of
> continuous burning that would be needed to produce a star.
>  Now, we understand and now it all makes sense.  No matter how large the
> initial explosion might be, the lack of sufficient quantities of oxygen
> would snuff out any resulting fire rather quickly.
> Yet, the Guiding Spirits of key occult leaders are adamantly saying
> that, when this nuclear payload of Galileo explodes
>  with 1,750 megatons of force, Jupiter will light up.
>  "... and the dragon gave him his power , and his seat, and great
>  authority." [Revelation 13:2, speaking of Antichrist]
>  "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the
>  beast ..." [Revelation 13:4]

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