-Caveat Lector-

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Subject: [TheEagle-L] Fwd: Secret experimentation has gone on in
underground installations, withgenetics.
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 16:24:46 MDT
From: "Alan DeWalton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Excerpt from : http://www.islandnet.com/~persewen/body_manipul.htm
[this is a segment, check out the link above to view the entire

>A great deal of secret experimentation has gone on in underground
>installations with genetics. This
>author has had the privilege of debriefing someone who worked at the
>Area 51 underground installation.
>He was murdered after having had several long interviews with this
>author. Truth is stranger than fiction.
>It goes without saying that the Illuminati has gathered up every
>hair-brained idea for controlling and
>manipulating the human race. That doesn’t mean everyone of them has been
>attempted, but they have the
>means to carry out very bizarre experiments in their underground
>facilities, such as the ones at Area 51.
>There is no question that they have tried to augment natural human
>features and replace natural human
>parts. Who knows what weird transgenetic or cybernetic beings have been
>created? This author knows
>that they have been successful in some of their work at reshaping
>humans. This author has accumulated a
>great deal of information on the underground installations from
>eyewitnesses, but there is no way of
>knowing what is accurate and what is disinformation. However, a few
>details are definite. These
>underground installations are massive and they involve genetic
>manipulation to create new species or
>breed special types of people. In the Vol. 2 book, we discussed the
>Aquaman subspecies that the NWO
>has created with gills and special skin. These people look like normal
>people unless observed closely.
>They had extra genetic material inserted in the genetic material that
>created them. They are called
>Transgenic humans because they still closely resemble other people. In
>order for transgenetic humans to
>pass their new added features to the next generation they need to mate
>with other similar transgenetic
>humans. However, the NWO has been secretly creating Chimeras. Chimeras
>is the widely used name for
>beast-men. This research is generally not for the public to see but is
>done in some of the underground
>facilities listed in Appendix 2. An example would be a creature that was
>half human and half some other
>beast. On a BBC TV show on Oct. and Nov. 1988, the british showed the
>result of a gorilla being
>artificially inseminated with a human sperm. The experiment was done by
>british researchers working for
>the government and the result ended in a child looking remarkably like a
>normal person. However, the
>common people who viewed it were outraged.



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