-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 14:56:20 +0200 (IST)
From: barry chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: scroll

by Barry Chamish

    A "lost" Dead Sea Scroll has reportedly been uncovered and if
it is proven authentic, it reveals a new understanding of how the
ancient Israelites viewed their God, his angels and their place
in the heavens. Called the "Angel Scroll," it is a thousand lines
long, was purchased in Jordan in 1970 by a group of Benedictine
monks and spirited away to their German monastery. Upon his death
in 1977, one of the group, Father Gustav Mateus, bequeathed his
photographs and hand transcriptions of the scroll to an unnamed
Jerusalem college administrator. He handed the material over to
Stephan Phann, a member of the team of scholars translating the
scrolls held by the Israeli government, and his findings were
released to the newsmagazine The Jerusalem Report.

    Phann has declared that, "If the scroll is a hoax, it's a
very good one. It's a serious literary work." But others are more
skeptical. The existence of Father Mateus has not been proven and
the Jerusalem Report, little more than a source of disinformation
for the Labor Party, is hardly a reliable venue. That said,
experts are in general agreement that the text of the scroll so
far released "feels" genuine.

    What little of the scroll that has been released, reveals its
storyline is a journey to the heavens accompanied by angels.
According to Phann, the text is full of "divine chariot-throne
themes with elaborate details of angels ascending heaven's
multiple gates." And this should be of great interest to the
minions (most inspired by Von Danieken) who take a literal view
the bible's words, putting the many references to wheels within
wheels, flying scrolls, pillars of fire, etc. into a UFO context.

    Longtime Israeli ufologist, now a student of kabala,
Mordechai Spasser believes it would be a mistake to interpret the
new scroll from a UFO viewpoint. "What I've read appears to me to
be philosophy on an astral plane, or simply, Jewish mysticism."

    Keeping that possibility in mind, or melding it with the
popular UFO readings of extant Jewish holy scriptures, here are
two passages from the Angel Scroll, with my literal
interpretation following both:

"And the Angel Pnimea said to me: "And son of man, lift up your
eyes and see all the secrets...that are in the fourth gate which
is the gate of birth. And I saw, and it was like the womb and the
chambers of the stomach, and its waters gush and roar like the
breakers of the sea on the wall of the cave, which cannot
withstand its fury. And here is a seed of life in the water
emanating from the seed of man and from the seed of the woman for
male and female that He created. And the seed that is joined from
the two seeds is not like a clean slate. It is written inside and
outside and it has within knowledge and understanding before its
creation and before its creation in the womb. And the beginning
of the child is not in the birth or in conception nor is its end
in death."

It appears that the narrator was shown an advanced real-time
version of our pathetic ultrasound technology. He stands before a
gate, or unknown to him, a monitor and sees male ejaculation into
the womb, including a closeup of sperm and egg. He witnesses
conception and is then told the secrets of DNA and genes.
Pointedly, God has created both within mankind.

"According to the plan of that day, the Voice went forth to me
and directed me and he drove me by the Spirit. And a vision was
revealed to me from the Most High, and Pancimeia, Prince of
Angels lifted me up in the Spirit and I ascended heavenward above
the high places of the clouds and he showed me the great world
and the image of the gods. And I pondered the appearance round
about and there was no time and no place and their appearance
from the dwelling places of light was like a rainbow in the
clouds. And they had no bodies and no bodily structure and the
dominion of darkness was over all of the earth round about."

Now this is one accurate description of a trip in the Space
Shuttle. First the traveller passes above cloud level. He
observes the high places of the clouds, possibly those ridges
unseen at ground level. Then he sees the earth from space and it
is surrounded by darkness. He is shown images of the gods and
their homes on a control monitor and marvels at the fine color
quality and at the bizarre fact that there is no firmament to the
images on the screen.

That said and interpreted, I for one, am looking forward to
reading the full text of the Angel Scroll.


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