-Caveat Lector-

Terrorist link to virus downplayed
Officials call encephalitis outbreak 'Mother Nature at work'
NEW YORK, Oct. 11 - The CIA looked into rumors that the recent encephalitis
outbreak was the work of terrorists and concluded it wasn't, an agency
official said Monday. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity,
said there's no evidence Iraq or any other foreign government was involved
in the outbreak.
Symptoms of the strain include fever and headache. In rare cases, the virus
can cause neurological disorders and death. The elderly, young and those
with weakened immune systems are most vulnerable.
THE CIA "looked into rumors which appeared in British media and elsewhere,"
the official said. City officials also downplayed any suggestions of
bioterrorism. "Nothing indicates that this was anything other than a natural
outbreak," Jerome Hauer, the director of the city's emergency management
office, said Sunday. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
also said there was no evidence to suggest the recent outbreak was anything
other than "Mother Nature at work."
Analysts at the CIA who deal with biological weapons said an Iraqi defector
had claimed in April that Saddam Hussein was developing a strain of West
Nile-like encephalitis for use as a biological weapon, The New Yorker
reported in its Oct. 18-25 double issue that hit newsstands today.
The report recalled by the analysts was published April 6 in the Daily Mail
of London. It was an except from the book "In the Shadow of Saddam," written
by Mikhael Ramadan.
Ramadan claimed that he worked as one of Hussein's body doubles and that
Hussein had told him of a plan to develop a strain of West Nile encephalitis
that would kill 97 percent of people in an urban environment. The magazine
said Ramadan was believed to be hiding somewhere in Canada or the United
States. A strain of a West Nile-like virus has claimed the lives of six
people in the New York area since it was discovered in early September. The
mosquito-borne virus has infected 54 people in the New York metropolitan
area - 39 in New York City, nine in Westchester county and six in Nassau.
Symptoms of the strain include fever and headache. In rare cases, the virus
can cause neurological disorders and death. The elderly, young and those
with weakened immune systems are most vulnerable.
© 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop & LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
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