
We don't need a 3rd Party;  we need a 2nd Party!

-----Original Message-----
From: Shonda Ponder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 9:56 AM
Subject: United Nations 54th Anniversary...


For Immediate Release

Date:          October 14th, 1999
Contact:       Patricia A. Saye
Phone:         (702) 732-2233
Fax:           (702) 798-7818
E-Mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Las Vegas, Nevada -- On Sunday, October 24th, 1999 the United Nations will
be celebrating their 54th Anniversary.  We too, will be celebrating their
anniversary on that same date, and would like to invite you to the United
Nations Flag Burning Ceremony, in honor of former Army Specialist, Michael
G. New, across the street from the Foley Federal Building, down town at 2:00
p.m.  The U.N. Flag was donated by Michael's father Daniel.

The Charter of the United Nations Conference on International Organization,
and came into force on October 24th, 1945.

On October 10th, 1995, the 1/15 Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Division of
the U.S. Army came to attention at 0900 in Schweinfurt, Germany.  All but
one of the 550 soldiers were wearing a sky-blue baseball-style cap with a
United Nations insignia on the front.  One was wearing the olive-drab flat
cap that in authorized to be worn with the Battle Dress Uniform.  With this
simple act of disobeying a direct order, Spc. 4 Michael New set the stage
for a legal battle that has profound implications for the future of American
generations.  St issue is the authority of the president of the United
States to order American soldiers into service under the United Nations
without the constitutional permission of Congress.

America stands at a crossroads in history.  Will we face the future as an
independent Republic?  Or will our grandchildren grow up in a New World
Order governed from New York City, where we as a Member State, can be
consistently out-voted by a hundred other countries who do not share our
heritage, our values, and our interest?  This legal case may well determine
the future of our nation.

 This press release was provided by :
America's Media Alliance
Shonda Ponder, president

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