-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the Internet Conspiracy Community:
From: Linda Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [BRIGADE] Berger Rejects Constitution
Date: Thursday, October 14, 1999 10:59 AM

Dear Brigade,

"In addition, the United States also will continue to abide by the terms of the
rejected Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, U.S. National Security Adviser
Sandy Berger said.... ``Under the Vienna Convention (governing treaty law) a
country that signs a treaty cannot do anything inconsistent with that treaty
unless the president -- not the Senate ... essentially renounces the treaty,
and we have no intention of doing that,'' ..."

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!


From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Thu, 14 Oct 1999 10:39:37 EDT
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thought this story might be of interest because of Sandy Berger's apparent
belief that the Constitution doesn't count. ``Under the Vienna Convention
(governing treaty law) a country that signs a treaty cannot do anything
inconsistent with that treaty unless the president -- not the Senate ...
essentially renounces the treaty, and we have no intention of doing that,''
Berger said in a telephone interview. Does this mean that by treaty we have
eliminated the role of the Senate in ratifying treaties?


Clinton To Fight For Nuclear Pact, Keep Test Halt
Reuters, Thursday, October 14 1999 12:37 AM EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Clinton vowed Wednesday the United
States would eventually ratify a treaty banning nuclear arms testing despite
the Senate's rejection of the pact, and said a U.S. nuclear test moratorium
still stood.

``This agreement is critical to protecting the American people from the
dangers of nuclear war. It is therefore well worth fighting for. And I assure you
the fight is far from over,'' Clinton said on the White House lawn.

``When all is said and done the United States will ratify the treaty,'' he said.

Clinton said the United States would continue its nuclear weapons testing
moratorium in place since 1992.

``Russia, China, Britain and France have joined us in this moratorium. Britain
and France have done the sensible thing and ratified this treaty. I hope not
only they, but also Russia, China will all, along with other countries, continue
to refrain from nuclear testing,'' he said.

In addition, the United States also will continue to abide by the terms of the
rejected Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, U.S. National Security Adviser
Sandy Berger said.

``Under the Vienna Convention (governing treaty law) a country that signs a
treaty cannot do anything inconsistent with that treaty unless the president --
not the Senate ... essentially renounces the treaty, and we have no intention
of doing that,'' Berger said in a telephone interview.

He said, however, the United States for now would lose the benefits of the
monitoring and inspection systems that would be implemented if the treaty
was ratified by all 44 nuclear capable nations and went into effect.

The treaty defeat also makes it harder to persuade the newest nuclear
powers, India and Pakistan, to desist from further tests, Berger said.

It was important for the United States to reassure the world it would continue
to exercise leadership in nonproliferation, he said.

Clinton spoke shortly after the Republican-controlled Senate handed him one
of his bitterest foreign policy defeats, rejecting the treaty by a 51-48 vote.

The final vote was far short of the two-thirds majority needed to ratify the
treaty. Republican opponents said the pact failed to adequately ensure
against cheating by nuclear powers and would leave the United States
unable to guarantee the reliability of its nuclear arsenal.

Clinton termed the rejection ``reckless'' and ``partisan'' act, which followed
failed negotiations to delay the vote.

``We have to keep this issue alive and continue to argue it in the strongest
and most forceful terms,'' he said. ``The test ban treaty is strongly in
America's interests. It is still on the Senate calendar. It will not go away.''

``I wish we could have had a responsible alternative. I worked until the 11th
hour to achieve it. This was a political deal and I hope it will get the treatment
from the American people it richly deserves,'' he said.

--------------  end  ------------------

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