-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the Internet Conspiracy Community:
From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: More On Mumia
Date: Friday, October 15, 1999 10:01 PM

As my in box indicates, there are strong
feelings on all sides of the Mumia Abu-
Jamal case. Two days ago a death warrant
was signed for the state-sponsored murder
of Mumia. The following article written
by Rick Finley is must reading for anyone
interested in hearing the side of the
story other than that of the media and
the police whose brutality was a focus
of Mumia's activism prior to his arrest.
The case I cited is JUST ONE example of
witness tampering and unethical actions
perpetrated by the authorities in an
effort to imprison and murder Mumia.

The unconscionable witness intimidation
proven and displayed openly in court in
this case is proof of injustice and is
prima facie evidence of an effort to
frame an innocent man. What is more,
even if you suspect Mumia, not the
man seen running from the scene, shot
officer Faulkner, how could anyone with
clear conscience send a man to his DEATH
in a case where there's even the slightest
degree of doubt... in a case where witness
tampering was necessary to get a conviction?!

Keep up with news on & protests for Mumia Abu-Jamal:



By Rick Finley (04/11/96)

At 3:52 a.m. on December 9, 1981, award-winning
black journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal was driving a
taxi-cab when he saw his brother being beaten
on the sidewalk by a Philadelphia police officer.
Jamal got out of his car to break up the scuffle,
a crowd gathered, and in the ensuing confusing,
both the officer and Jamal were shot. The
officer, Daniel Faulkner, died, and Jamal was
arrested and taken to the hospital for care.

Mumia was beaten at the scene of the crime and
at the hospital. When he awoke in his hospital
bed, he found a grinning police officer trying
to squeeze the contents of his urine bag back
into his body. This animosity from the police
was not a surprise. Mumia Abu-Jamal was a
founding member of the Black Panther party at
the age of fifteen, a member of the radical
black group MOVE, and an extremely vocal critic
of police brutality and police corruption in
the city of Philadelphia. The police had been
keeping Jamal under surveillance for years,
and the incident involving Faulkner was a
beautiful opportunity, in their eyes, to put
him out of the way.

Jamal was charged with the murder of the police
officer, and one of the most unconstitutional
and one-sided trials in recent history began.

There were three main aspects of the prosecution's
case. The first aspect was the testimony of three
"eyewitnesses" who testified that they had seen
Jamal shoot the police officer. The prosecution's
star witness was a woman named Cynthia White, a
prostitute with 38 convictions in Philadelphia
alone, with three cases pending. Other witnesses,
who even passed polygraph tests, claimed that
White was not even at the scene. Why then, would
she tell such a lie? It turns out that the police
offered to not only allow her to continue being a
prostitute, but to protect her with plainclothes
police officers while she was doing it. Sounds
like a good incentive to give a false testimony.
It should also be noted that none of the
prosecution's witnesses took polygraph tests.

Another prostitute, Veronica Jones, was informed
by police that she would be allowed to work
the street unhindered if she would give testimony
similar to White's.

The third witness for the prosecution, Mark
Scanlan, not only misidentified Jamal at the
scene as being the driver of a Volkswagen, but
admitted to having been drinking, and confessing
that he "could have been mistaken" about where
the events took place.

The second part of the prosecution's case was
an alleged "confession" given by Jamal at the
hospital after the shootings. The does its best
to cover several discrepancies in this
"confession", but they are much too large to
ignore. First of all, the prosecution did not
even reveal this story until two months after
the shooting, even though if it had been made
the night of the murder, as they say, it would
have been splashed all over the headlines the
next day.

The second weakness in this allegation lies in
the fact that this confession was never included
in the police report. The officer who made the
report could have testified that this was true,
but he was sent "on vacation" for the trial,
and Jamal was not allowed by the court to
subpeona him. Even without this officer's
testimony, the confession story was contradicted
by Dr. Anthony V. Colletta, who worked in the
emergency room. Despite this, it remains an
integral part of the prosecution's story.

The third and final part of the prosecution's
case is the physical evidence, and like the
other two aspects of their case, it doesn't
stand up either. Faulkner was shot by a .44
caliber pistol, while Mumia carried a .38
caliber. The prosecution did not even perform
sufficient tests to show whether the gun was
recently shot or fired the fatal bullet, or
if they did, the results were harmful to their
case and they did not report them. The final
weakness in the prosecution's theory is the fact
that the angle the bullet entered Faulkner's
body was inconsistent with the position Mumia
was in to shoot him, since the prosecution
claimed Jamal was standing over Faulkner when
he shot him.

At least four witnesses claimed that there was
a third man, a black male, at the scene, who shot
the officer, and took off running in an easterly
direction. Keep in mind the fact that Jamal almost
died as a result of his wounds, so running was not
a viable option. New evidence suggests that two
other witnesses had similar stories and were
intimidated by the police and told not to speak
to the defense.

The preceding was a summary of the prosecution's
lies regarding the case, Jamal also had his
constitutional rights violated repeatedly during
the trial itself.

In most cases involving a defendants indigence,
a public defender is allotted thousands of dollars
in order to secure experts. In Jamal's case, he
was allotted a mere 150 dollars for each of the
four experts he requested. In addition to this,
the police refused to give him anything more
than the names of over 100 witnesses at the
scene, basically making it impossible to locate
them for testimony.

The prosecution withheld evidence regarding
testimony that was unfavorable to them, and they
used peremptory challenges to remove black jurors
from the jury, an illegal tactic. The only juror
approved by Jamal was removed without Jamal's
knowledge, and was replaced by a white juror who
had confessed to bias against Jamal.

The court did not allow Jamal to proceed as his
own attorney, and appointed an attorney for him
who has since been disbarred for unrelated reasons.
The court also banished Jamal from the courtroom
on numerous occasions, violating his right to be
present at his own trial, his right to assist his
own defense, and his right to confront the
witnesses against him.

Outside of the courtroom, the prosecution
effectively used the press against Jamal, who was
not allowed to speak to it because of a decree by
Philadelphia prison authorities. In one story,
printed in the New York Post, Faulkner's widow
claimed that during the portion of the court
proceedings in which Faulkner's shirt was shown
to the courtroom with bullet holes in it, Jamal
turned towards her and smiled. The story made
many people indignant, as it should have--if it
were true. Unfortunately for the prosecution, it
was later proven that Jamal was not even in the
courtroom when the shirt was presented.

With all this against him, it is not surprising
that Jamal was found guilty, and sent to a trial
to determine whether or not he should be executed.
During this trial, the judge had the audacity to
tell the jurors not to worry about sentencing
Jamal to death, for he would be granted numerous
appeals and he probably would not get the death
penalty regardless of what they did.

The prosecution also used Jamal's political
beliefs to attempt to sentence him to death,
even though the Supreme court has ruled twice
since then in cases involving a white supremacist
and a Satan worshiper, that the beliefs of a
defendant cannot be used in determining whether
or not to use the death penalty. When Jamal's
case was appealed to the Supreme Court, it was
not even granted a hearing.

Jamal was sentenced to death, and currently
sits on death row.

[ His execution is now scheduled for Dec. 2,
1999: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/mumia.htm ]

What can you do to help him? Recognition is the
key. Public outcry has been the only thing that
has helped Mumia Abu-Jamal so far, and pressure
must be kept on politicians. Despite letters by
35 members of congress, Nelson Mandella, Jesse
Jackson, and more, Jamal continues to be unheard.

If you want to help, contact Amnesty International,
or check out the Refuse and Resist page on the net
at http://www.calyx.com/~refuse/mumia/index.html.
Keep your eyes open for a benefit concert for Jamal
around April 20th, with both speakers and musicians.
Above all, get the word out about Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Only blind eyes and deaf ears can allow such a
travesty of justice.

The last thing you can do is simple. E-mail this
message out to everyone you can. This is not a
good or bad luck chain letter. There are no
threats of death, dismemberment or lifelong
poverty. If, however, you have felt powerless in
the past about your ability to help people, this
is a way to make a difference. Chain letters such
as these are exponential, and everyone who sends
the message on to just five friends can inform
an incredible amount in the long run. There is
no minimum to send, just do what you can.

E-mail your Congressional representatives here.
[ http://visi.com/juan ]

Copyright (c) Rick Finley ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

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