-Caveat Lector-

     In the biography of Whitley Strieber given in "Popular Authors" (or some
series along those lines; I don't have my xerox in front of me), Strieber
revealed that in the '60s he was in England attending the London School of
Economics, filming a documentary on the Process Church of the Final
Destruction (a Scientology offshoot, influential with Charles Manson, and
according to Ed Sanders, a group with intelligence connections)
... Shortly thereafter, he reported, for the FIRST TIME he began experiencing
"missing time" and sensing an "alien" presence, as well as having odd
feelings like imagining he was seeing things through the eyes of the Texas
university sniper/assassin ...
     Was Strieber --primarily an imaginative horror-fiction author--
"programmed" in England, given the basics of his "alien gospel" which he has
expounded ever since?
     If so, exactly who "programmed" him, and for what "social engineering"

Date:   Friday, December 5, 1997 11:59:42 AM
Subj:   The CIA & The Secret School

     In: UFO Conspiracies & Cover-Ups; Special Issue, No. 1, 1998
Editor: Timothy Beckley "The Secret Government" or "The
perplexing puzzle of Whitley Streiber's Secret School", pages
45-53. by John Chambers (M.A. in English from the University of
Toronto; was  full-time instructor in English at Dawson College,
Montreal, Quebec, and a senior editor at McGraw-Hill; publishing
& managing editor with International Thomson Transport Press,
both in New York; now an adjunct professor at Florida Atlantic
     Mr. Chambers interviewed Whitley Streiber in March 1996
at the Gulf Breeze UFO Conference at the Clarion Resort Hotel in
Pensacola, Florida.
     "The goal of this telepathic rape by disinformation,
according to many in  the UFO community, is to draw public
attention away from what is really  taking place: The unbridled
use of vastly superior, other-worldly power by a  group that has
steadily become answerable to no one." (Quoting Chambers from
his article.)
     "Ironically, while Strieber himself did not seem to be
suggesting - or even  thinking, at least consciously - that his
own writings could be understood in terms of this conspiracy,
his speculations made some who found his latest revelations in
'The Secret School' too extraordinary to be believed, wonder
whether the Secret School was really a set of memories implanted
by the Secret Government."
     ". ... learning to live outside time ... I'm hoping the
Secret School will be a mnemonic device and enable a lot of
people to remember their own childhood experiences.  I think
every encounter starts in the Secret School", stated Streiber.
Quoting Chambers: (referring to his travel back to lost
     Strieber seemed from time to time to back away from a
literal interpretation  of these experiences.
     Again, from Chambers: Later in the conference was when the
astute researcher  hinted at this 'other meaning to this reality
altogether' in statements the  implications of which he did not
seem to be fully aware of himself.
     At this  session, Strieber spoke extensively of the Secret
Government within our government.
     He began by chronicling his personal experience of the CIA.
It was an organization that he hated.  "I know a lot about the
CIA," he declared.  "I know a lot of people in the CIA and I've
been very close to  the CIA at certain times in my life."
     But, he went on, "I don't like the  CIA. I think it's a
disaster, a national catastrophe of the first order, a SATANIC
monstrosity ..."
     Continuing: Then Strieber made the startling statement that,
for some at the conference,  seemed to undermine the authenticity
of the 'Secret School' and open the  discussion out to very
different vistas.
      "In my childhood," he said  quietly, " I was tested at a
university in San Antonio, in about 1954-55,  for a long time,
with a lot of tests - this was the same time I was having  my
encounters as a child.  Intelligence tests, I guess they were; I
don't  remember them very clearly.  My brother was subjected when
he was the same  age to the same tests at the same place by the
same doctor.  We were never  told what these tests were about.
We were never told by our parents why it  was done."
     "One of the things that I have been quietly researching over
the past few  years is CIA mind control activities that took
place back in the 50s, using  drugs, hypnosis, and involving
children especially bright kids.  Because I  fear that I may have
been part of that ... I want to find out all about it.  I want to
understand it more."
     Quoting from Chambers: "he even-almost compulsively-returned
once more to the subject of implants, alien or otherwise, and
spoke of their capability  to interact with the brain and to
cause hallucinations.  He had recently had  a particularly
powerful experience with the visitors, he said -- and, just
before that experience, he had smelled a strong, tangy odor that
frequently introduced his encounters.
     "They've started waking me up with smells," he  explained,
"in order to make this harder for me.  In any case, there is a
particular odor that's sort of a combination of cigarette smoke
and burning  cardboard, I would say.  It wakes me up."
     "And," he concluded --and to what extent was he aware of
what he was implying?-- "And, I know that temporal lobe epilepsy
is associated with  odors."
     But nothing he would say now will be as inherently mind
blowing as what he  had --almost unwittingly, it seemed!--
already intimated: That his own Secret School might have been a
product of the Secret Government.
     Really, all that there was left for him to do now was to
rhapsodize about what all this had  done for him, those years of
recalling these soul-shaking events that seemed  to have
dominated his entire early inner life, and perhaps, just
perhaps-might have been hallucinations so incredibly real as to
seem to be  as real as life itself, because they were fashioned
out of a technology that came from a technologically higher life
form than our own.
     (KK's comments: OR a very low form of human who is very
willing to utilized their fellow  humans in any way shape or form
for the "fatherland.")

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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