-Caveat Lector-

              Davidian lawyer calls for test
              of gunfire theory

              Letter invites government to join in
              re-enactment of last day of '93 siege


              By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News

              A lawyer for the Branch Davidians challenged the
              federal government Wednesday to join in scientific
              infrared field tests that he says will prove his
              experts' contention that agents fired guns at the
              group's compound on the last day of a 1993
              standoff near Waco.

              "The results of this demonstration will prove
              conclusively that the only possible explanation for
              the flashes seen on FBI FLIR [infrared video] tapes
              from April 19, 1993, is gunfire," Michael Caddell
              of Houston wrote in a four-page letter to the
              Department of Justice. "The refusal of the FBI to
              participate will certainly be interpreted as an
              admission of liability."

              FBI and Justice Department officials didn't have
              much to say about the matter Wednesday night.

              "We're reviewing the letter," said Justice
              Department official Myron Marlin, declining
              further comment.

              A Maryland scientist retained by the Justice
              Department to help defend the government in the
              pending Branch Davidian case said his company
              has found no recorded evidence of gunfire.

              "According to our analysis, it isn't gunfire," said
              Norris Krone, an aeronautical engineer whose
              Maryland Advanced Development Laboratory has
              used computer programs developed for a
              sniper-detection project to study the FBI infrared
              tapes. "It doesn't have a signature that resembles

              He declined to detail his lab's analysis, noting only
              that it determined that the FBI camera was too far
              away to record muzzle flashes from weapons on
              the ground and that white blips on the infrared
              videotape last too long to be from gunfire. He
              declined to say what might have caused the

              "I could speculate, but I wouldn't want to. It just
              leads to more controversy," he said.

              Disputed cause

              Officials with the FBI and the Justice Department
              long have vehemently denied that any FBI agent
              fired a single shot at the Davidian compound
              during the 51-day standoff. They have dismissed
              the allegations in the Davidians' wrongful death
              lawsuit as baseless, arguing that Davidians alone
              were responsible for the standoff's tragic end.

              Leader David Koresh and more than 80 followers
              died in a fire that erupted April 19, 1993, about six
              hours after FBI tanks began bashing the compound
              and spraying in tear gas. An FBI airplane circling
              the compound used an infrared video camera to
              capture the outbreak of the fire and the hours that
              preceded it.

              Infrared cameras record images in black and white
              by measuring and capturing temperature
              differences. For the crucial hours just before the
              compound burned, the FBI's infrared camera was
              set to make hotter objects appear lighter and cooler
              objects appear darker as it scanned the landscape

              Just after 12:08 p.m., the airborne camera recorded
              the white flashes of three fires breaking out in the
              compound within a three-minute period. Arson
              experts used that footage to conclude that sect
              members deliberately set the fires.

              In the hour that preceded the fire, the infrared
              camera also captured repeated bursts of white
              flashes erupting from both government positions
              and from the windows of the Davidian compound.
              On recently released, high-quality copies of the
              FBI infrared recordings, some bursts of white
              flashes come out of Davidian windows toward
              maneuvering FBI tanks.

              Others appear near FBI tanks and move in the
              direction of the compound.

              Flashes detailed

              In a time line sent to Justice Department lawyers
              along with his challenge Wednesday, Mr. Caddell
              indicated that his law firm has identified 32
              separate "flash" events.

              Nine of those flash events appeared to come from
              government positions and 15 from the Davidians,
              he wrote. He contended that eight were of unclear
              origin but were probably caused largely by
              home-made Davidian hand grenades or the
              launching of government "flash-bang" distraction
              devices - ordnance that government officials have
              denied using on April 19.

              The devices explode with a loud bang and a
              blinding flash and are commonly used to distract
              suspects. FBI agents fired them at least seven
              times in the last two weeks of the siege, using them
              to scare Davidians back into the compound when
              they came outside without government permission.

              FBI officials have insisted that its agents used no
              flash-bang devices during their final
              tank-and-tear-gas assault. But FBI records indicate
              that one of the earliest proposals pitched by its
              tactical experts included a plan to lob the
              distraction devices repeatedly into the building as
              FBI tanks pumped tear gas inside.

              The plan, dated March 11, proposed launching an
              assault on March 11 or on March 12, the day that
              Attorney General Janet Reno was sworn into

              Mr. Caddell has said that he believes that
              government agents involved in the April 19 assault
              began firing guns at the Davidians to defend the
              government's tanks.

              Citing experts

              He noted in his Wednesday letter that his
              assessment has been supported by scientific
              experts hired by outside media and the House
              Government Reform Committee, which recently
              began a new investigation of the Davidian incident.

              An expert for the House committee said last month
              that his preliminary evaluation of the infrared tape
              indicated that it did capture the thermal images of
              government gunfire. He was allowed on Friday to
              study the FBI's original copy of the tape for the
              first time and is still working on his final analysis,
              said committee spokesman Mark Carollo.

              "He stands by his initial assessment," Mr. Carollo
              said. "However, he has not submitted any formal
              findings, and we're still very early in the game."

              Mr. Caddell told the Justice Department on
              Wednesday that he will invite the House
              committee's expert and other outsiders, including
              representatives from the office of independent
              counsel John Danforth, to participate in a full field
              test of infrared cameras.

              He said he would also invite Dr. Krone's lab to
              participate, noting that his laboratory, retained as
              government experts, has offered "no credible
              explanation for the numerous flashes . . . flashes
              which have the abrupt, precise and repetitive
              signature of gunfire. . . ."

              The test would be staged at a Dallas-area gun club
              using an airborne camera similar to the one used
              by the FBI in Waco. It would record gunshots on
              the ground from firearms similar to those deployed
              by both government agents and the Davidians.

              Mr. Carollo said the committee "would welcome"
              such a test, adding that a "side-by-side analysis,"
              of the FBI's recording and a test recording might
              help resolve the gunfire issue.

              If the field test did produce results matching what
              was recorded on FBI cameras, Mr. Caddell said,
              he would ask a federal judge overseeing the
              ongoing wrongful death case to impose
              "appropriate sanctions against the persons
              responsible for perpetrating this massive lie. . . ."

              Government officials could avoid that by agreeing
              to admit that its agents did fire at the compound on
              April 19, he wrote. "We can then deal with the real
              issues in this case: who was shooting from
              government position, and when did that gunfire
              impede or prevent the escape of women and
              children from the burning building?"

                  ©1999 The Dallas Morning News

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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