-Caveat Lector-

>From Chris Kornkven's website. Plenty of information on another egregious
government cover-up and dereliction of American Veterans who were conned into
fighting Bush's contrived war. The first book looks very good and is recent.

Falcon's Cry: A Desert Storm Memoir

Click here to view more information on this book, and where to get it.
by Major Michael Donnelly, USAF, Retired

The Library   <A HREF="http://www.globaldialog.com/~kornkven/Library.htm">Libr
Updated 15 June 1999

The following listings are of books or documents I have found useful in
researching the Gulf War issue. Some have links to other sites where you can
get the information, some are just listings showing how to get the books.

I have posted these listings as a way of helping veterans and do not endorse
all books here.

If you are aware of a document or book that should be posted here please send
me a note with how or where to get it. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since I have added quite a number of titles, I decided to break them down by

Click on the category below to find the go to the titles you are interested
in. If I have the book or have read the book, additional information is
provided, if not, I have provided a link to more information about it.

When you follow some of the links, you may have to do a search using a
keyword from the title of the book.
If you do not find a book listed in one of the sections, most browsers
support searches within the pages loaded. Do a search for a keyword in the
title and it may be found in another section.

Library Sections
1. Books of interest to Gulf War Veterans
2. Medical
3. Reference books
4. Technical
5. Congressional Titles
6. Poetry
7. Coalition Members
8. Miscellaneous

Gulf War Veterans Books

Web Author's comment: The below book was written by a TRUE HERO of Gulf War
veterans. Michael, his Sister, Father and others near him, have continued to
fight on behalf of Gulf War veterans in the face of adversity that would make
most individuals give up fighting. I am VERY proud to have met him. To see
his continued courage is truly uplifting.



Falcon's Cry: A Desert Storm Memoir

Click here to view more information on this book, and where to get it.
by Major Michael Donnelly, USAF, Retired
with Denise Donnelly
the Falcon's Cry Web site

Operation Desert Fox is underway, and once again, attention is focused on
Saddam Hussein and Iraq as the threat of another Gulf War looms on the
horizon. Major Michael Donnelly can argue that the Gulf War hasn't ended for
him. He continues to fight, only the enemy changed from Saddam Hussein to ALS
(Lou Gehrig's Disease). It is the Major's assertion that this disease--that
now has him confined to a wheelchair and unable to speak--is due to his
exposure to toxins during his service in the Persian Gulf. Major Donnelly and
his family have been very high profile in fighting for recognition of Gulf
War Syndrome and related llnesses. He even testified before Congress and was
recently interview on LARRY KING LIVE about his moving story. His recently
published memoir, "Falcon's Cry," has received rave reviews and glowing
endorsements since its publication last month (see below).

I'm sure visitors to your website would be interested in learning about Major
Donnelly and reading his heart-wrenching story. If
you would like to link your site to our website page describing his story,
here is the URL info:


* Reviews, endorsement and a description of "Falcon's Cry" follows.

Falcon's Cry
A Desert Storm Memoir
By Major Michael Donnelly, USAF, Retired
with Denise Donnelly
02-2121341-8858619">Amazon.com: A Glance: Falcon's Cry</A>

"[I]n this remarkable, gripping book, [Donnelly] has embarked on one last
bombing run--a devastating attack against the Pentagon, Veterans Affairs
Department, and other repositories of dangerous federal health
policies...."Falcon's Cry" is also a heart-wrenching examination of what it's
like to have your body wither away while your mind remains lively and
sharp.... The book is a frightening, inspiring tale of bravery and
persistence." Gannett News Service

"Donnelly has become a powerful spokesman for his fellow veterans and has
helped persuade Washington lawmakers to look further into the illnesses that
vets believe were caused by exposure to chemical weapons and Iraqi nerve
agents. Told with the help of Donnelly's sister, this gripping account could
do much to unseat Pentagon assertions that "Gulf War Syndrome" is a myth
constructed by stressed-out veterans." Publishers Weekly

"A moving memoir of the author's experiences as an air force pilot throughout
the 1980s and the Persian Gulf War....The sections of Falcon's Cry dealing
with the war are dramatic and unlikely to disappoint anyone who watched the
"CNN War" on a TV set....Donnelly's tale of his personal sacrifices of
health, mobility, and career quite naturally overshadow the victory in the
Gulf. An honest, deeply felt look at the human cost of war." Kirkus Reviews

"This is a sad story. And a true one....In this limpid, often riveting
memoir, Donnelly and his sister Denise chronicle his brilliant military
career, his rapid demise, and, most of all, the heartbreaking indifference
with which his and other Gulf War veterans' suffering was met....While
unnerving, the writing is always measured, rich with facts, and devoid of
self-indulgence. Michael Donnelly is both an officer and a gentleman." Boston

"A truly moving experience. Anyone who is considering making war, anyone who
wants to prevent it, anyone who has gone to war or sent a father, husband, or
child to war should read this book." Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize-winning
journalist and author of Against All Enemies

" [This] book is a fascinating and tragic portrayal told with clarity and
pathos of the situation in which one hero of Desert Storm finds himself
today. It is an excellent read; reminding us of the heroic sacrifices that go
with war."
E. R. Zumwalt, Jr.
Admiral, USN (Ret.)

In 1996, just a few years after his tour of duty in Desert Storm, Major
Donnelly was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) at the unusually young
age of 35; the onset of this illness marked the beginning of a kind of
torture beyond the scope of even the most rigorous military survival
training. Betrayed by his body, eventually paralyzed and confined to a
wheelchair, he experienced another betrayal perhaps even more difficult to
comprehendbetrayal by his country. For despite the fact that over 110,000
Desert Storm veterans are sick, many dying of mysterious cancers and
neurological diseases, including more than ten times the normal incidence of
ALS and despite all evidence pointing to U.S. troops having been dosed by low
levels of Iraqi nerve agents and exposed to chemical weapons' fallout the
Pentagon adamantly denies any connection between their illnesses and their
service in the Gulf War.
Major Donnelly believes the truth about Gulf War Illnesses will be uncovered
by studies funded in the recently passed Omnibus Appropriations bill, as well
as   through stories like his own, and he fervently hopes that America can,
at last, "get it right." "Falcon's Cry: A Desert Storm Memoir," Michael
Donnelly's unforgettable story, is his courageous attempt to unearth the
truth and force an acknowledgment of that truth by the government he and his
fellow veterans defended with their lives.

MAJOR MICHAEL DONNELLY retired from the U.S. Air Force in October 1996 after
15 years of active duty. He served on Connecticut's Persian Gulf Veterans'
Information Commission, formed at the order of the legislature to assist
Desert Storm veterans in receiving the benefits and support they earned. He
lives with his wife Susan and their two young children in South Windsor,
DENISE DONNELLY, a professional writer and the sister of Major Donnelly, has
been a fiction editor at the Missouri Review and has taught English and
creative writing at Tufts University and the University of Missouri.
She lives in Rockport, Massachusetts.
PRICE $27.95 ISBN 0-275-96462-0. 272 pages. PUBLICATION DATE: 08/30/98
Praeger Publishers.
To order, call 1-800-225-5800


If you returned home through Bangor Maine as thousands of soldiers did, this
book is a must read!
I recall when I came home through Bangor...and when the plane was landing all
I could think of was how many water trucks it
took to water all the trees.

An American Homecoming
By Brian Swartz
Published by Bangor Publishing Co. Book Division
P.O. Box 1329
Bangor, ME 04402-1329
Tel. (207) 990-8290
271 pages, illustrated
Price: $10.95

Click here to view more information on this book, and where to get it.

On March 8, 1991, with the Gulf War won and American troops homeward bound,
an American Trans Air L-1011 landed at Bangor International Airport in
Bangor, Maine. Aboard were more than 200 paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne
Division,  en route to Pope Air Force Base and Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
The soldiers anticipated a routine refueling stop for their aircraft and a
brief layover for themselves. They deplaned into a cold,  but sunny winter's
morning and headed for the telephones in the airport terminals. Loud cheers
and thunderous applause suddenly swelled through the terminals as the weary
paratroopers encountered an unexpected surprise; some 100 Maine residents,
their ranks swelling by the minute, heartily greeted the returning veterans
and extended to them a friendly and joyous homecoming.
As a high school band played patriotic songs, civilians with little
connection to the Persian Gulf packed the terminals to welcome back the
paratroopers. Desert BDUs mingled with ski jackets and parkas as men, women,
and children eagerly shook the soldiers' hands, listened to their war
stories, and thanked them for a job well done.
This one flight, anticipated for only a day by central Maine residents,
initiated the longest-running homecoming received by American troops in one
place in the country's history. During the next 10 months, another 219 "troop
flights," as the inbound aircraft came to be known, would land to refuel at
BIA - and dedicated civilians, military retirees, and service personnel would
ensure that every flight, every soldier, sailor, or airman, would receive a
raucous, warm-hearted "welcome home." An estimated 55,000 Gulf War veterans
would pass through Bangor, some more than once, to enjoy a homecoming seldom
experienced by returning troops.
The phenomenon, extensively covered by national and international media, has
defied explanation. Except for some Maine guardsmen and reservists activated
for the Gulf War, Mainers had little reason to jam a busy airport to greet
military personnel assigned to distant bases. Yet they did so - and in a
fashion still remembered by the troops whom they met.
Brian Swartz, special sections editor for the Bangor Daily News, a
75,000-subscriber newspaper serving 60 percent of Maine, covered many troop
flights. His articles and photographs coalesced into An American Homecoming,
the detailed account of the troop flights and their impact on the national
Turning out for 110 troop flights, Swartz interviewed personnel from the
Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force; active duty personnel, guardsmen,
and reservists; generals, privates, pilots, infantrymen, tankers,
artillerymen, cooks, security police, long-haul drivers, and engineers; and
men and women from New York, California, Texas, Idaho, Florida, and other
states. Blending their wartime accounts with the events surrounding each
troop flight he witnessed, Swartz has woven a highly charged and poignant
tale of Americans at war - and now at peace.

Illustrated with more than 50 photographs, An American Homecoming explains to
readers what ordinary military personnel endured while stationed in the Gulf,
the sacrifices they made, and their efforts to liberate Kuwait and shatter
the Iraqi military. From flying refueling missions high over the Gulf to
penetrating the desert berms, from deploying artillery batteries to fire on
Iraqi positions to hauling tanks, water, fuel, and ammunition on desert
highways, from finding romance between Saudi skies to losing a family at
home, An American Homecoming relates the war as it happened.
And the book details the ecstatic "welcome home" received by 10 percent of
American military personnel assigned to the Gulf. Nowhere else in the United
States did so many civilians welcome home so many Gulf War veterans!

For your copy of An American Homecoming, contact the Bangor Publishing Co.
Book Division at (207) 990-8290
or write An American Homecoming
P.O. Box
1329, Bangor, ME 04402-1329.
Visa or Mastercard are welcome, as are bulk inquiries.


Against All Enemies : Gulf War Syndrome : The War Between America's Ailing
Veterans and Their Government (Library of Contemporary Thought)

by Seymour M. Hersh
Paperback - 103 pages 1 Ed edition (June 1998)

Click here to view more information on this book, and where to get it.

Were American soldiers serving in the Persian Gulf conflict exposed to
chemicals that caused them to come down with "Gulf War syndrome"? Or are they
experiencing symptoms of extreme psychological stress? Seymour Hersh, the
investigative journalist who alerted Americans to the My Lai massacre and the
bombing of Cambodia, can't answer those questions definitively. What he can
do--and ably does--is demonstrate two simple facts: (1) military officials,
either through a lack of knowledge or deliberate concealment, did not fully
inform the government--and more importantly its own troops--about the risks
of biochemical exposure in combat against Iraq; and (2) whatever the causes
of "Gulf War syndrome," the government has done far too little to help the
sick veterans.
Other unsettling questions with no easy answers emerge from Hersh's
reportage. Why have the so-called heroes of the Persian Gulf, retired
generals Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell, seemingly distanced themselves
from the plight of troops under their former command? Why did it take so long
for Congress to even acknowledge that there might be a problem? Against All
Enemies is a brief but disturbing exposé of institutional neglect from one of
the media's most tenacious government watchdogs.
--Ron Hogan
The Philadelphia Inquirer, Arthur L. Caplan
...an important, disturbing and readable book ... Against All Enemies is a
helpful guide for navigating the murky swamp of political rhetoric,
bureaucratic indifference, medical befuddlement, national-security
censorship, media hype and military double-speak in which gulf war syndrome

Book Description
"Why did the system fail the Gulf War veterans? Did national heroes such as
Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell, who were known during their careers for
taking care of their troops, have an obligation to speak out on behalf of the
veterans--as many sick GIs believe--and demand that America's military
hospitals stop turning them away? The unsettling fact is that the Gulf War
was far more costly to the United States than the Pentagon and its former
leaders are willing to acknowledge. The ninety thousand or so victims of Gulf
War syndrome are friendly-fire casualties just as surely as if they had been
fired upon by their fellow soldiers. The military's inevitable dilemma is
profound: Can it protect our soldiers and sailors in future wars if it was
unable to do so in the Gulf War?"--from AGAINST ALL ENEMIES


The Aardvark Is Ready for War : A Novel

James W. Blinn, Michael Pietsch (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1997

Click here to view more information on this book, and where to get it.

it.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bringing The War Home

Earthpulse Press has just released a comprehensive study of the Gulf War
Illness. Authored by Will Thomas, known to many of us for his previous work,
Scorched Earth, Bringing The War Home details causes, coverups and treatments
of the contagious Gulf War Illness. The book is a history of the conflict,
narratives of personal involvement, excerpts from military documents,
Congressional records, media information, ongoing medical research and
personal witnessing of all aspects of the conflict. Extensive appendices and
references are an important part of this 458 page book. The author is now
touring the nation addressing the subject of his book and warning against
further crimes of the same nature.
Earthpulse Press and Mr. Thomas welcome opportunities to address the media
and public in every capacity possible.
Excerpts from Bringing the War Home can be found at;
To order;
By Phone; 907-249-9115
By Fax; 907-235-1562
Postal Mail;
Earthpulse Press
Box 916
Homer, AK 99603
Cost including shipping; $22.95
Shipping outside US; add $7.00

Click here to view more information on this book, and where to get it.

it.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A VERY good book.

Gassed in the Gulf. The Inside Story of the Pentagon-CIA Cover-up of Gulf War
by former CIA Analyst
Patrick G. Eddington.

Patricks book is another excellent source of information. This is a HEAVILY
footnoted book with copies of documents, pictures, and maps. Included as well
is a listing of each of 55 significant chemical incidents. Get the book, it
is a significant addition to this entire issue.

Click here to view more information on this book, and where to get it.

More at site. <A HREF="http://www.globaldialog.com/~kornkven/Library.htm">Libr

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