-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/10/99 8:50:48 AM, you wrote:

<<Subject: Fraud in Med Research

British Medical Journal, 1999;318:1164 ( 1 May )

Falsifying data is main problem in US research fraud review

Mark Pownall , London

Half of the US biomedical researchers accused of scientific fraud and

subjected to formal investigations in recent years have been found

guilty of misconduct, a new review has found.

In the biggest review of scientific fraud ever published, the US Office

of Research Integrity, has released data on nearly a thousand

allegations investigated >>
This should come as absolutely no surprise.  Since the intrusion of the Fed
into Medical care, the need to get funding and to produce results has totally
corrupted medical research, to say nothing of the Medical Profession.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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