-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, earthman wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> Hope you are well.  I have a question for you.
> In the Bible it says that God made man is 'Our own image'.

I think that most "old" holy texts, no matter the culture or
circa, had ONE common flaw (and you all know by now, I HOPE, that
when I refer to "old," I mean OLD, i.e., prior to the
lies-with-intent that first became present in "holy" texts of the
Common Era), and that that flaw is that the ancient authors of
these OLD holy texts WERE QUITE UNABLE TO, nor did they even try,
BIO-LOCKED, i.e., Anunnaki, et al.

SO, when the reference is made as to the current Creation being
in and of "Our Image," they mean that the REAL God/s of the
loving Higher Heavens DID INDEED make the current Creation in the
image of the current TZEVAOT, i.e., HUMANOID!

Now whether this is in fact THE REAL DEAL, or not, what
SHOULD be gleaned from these OLD texts is that these VERY
ancient authors DID INDEED BELIEVE that what they recorded ON
ROCK for all future readers WAS THE TRUTH AS BEST THEY WERE

As to whether the things they recorded were in fact TRUE or
not...well, this can not be known at present, NOR IS IT IMPORTANT
as to gleaning REAL/WORTHWHILE revelations from these really OLD
ancient holy texts.

In other words, these VERY ancient authors DID INDEED believe
that we were CREATED in the image of the current God/s of the
Higher Heavens, and that our Creator/s were indeed OF LOVE!

If God was the
> Annunaki, and the Annunaki were reptoids, then how come they made man
> humanoid?

Well, again, I don't think that these VERY ancient authors were
able to, nor did they even seem aware of the importance of
distinguishing between "REAL" gods, and/or "other," i.e., still
"bio-locked" ET type false gods, such as the Anunnaki, et al,

And IF one reads translations of VERY OLD holy texts with this in
mind, then I believe that MANY PROFOUND REVELATIONS are able to
be gleaned from the perusal of such VERY ancient holy
(i.e., those concerned with such things as our creation,
our purpose, our REASON FOR EXISTING, etc.) texts!

> Tis a puzzlement?????

NOT!  Not if you put on the filter that I allude to above!

Any answers?  Maybe you can post the question...will
> be interesting hearing the answer.

See above!

> P.S.     Food for thought:
> When, in trance, Edgar Cayce was asked, "What is needed most in the Earth
> today?" He responded, "That the sons of men be warned that the day of the
> Lord is near at hand,

Yep, "MY Word will be EVERY WHERE in the final days!"

and that those who have been, and are, unfaithful must
> meet themselves in those things which come to pass in their experience."

???  I don't know about all this, but again, such things to me
are not even relevant, i.e., from a scientific stand point, such
things AT PRESENT are not able to be determined, NOR ARE THEY THE

> There is a place inside of us, in our soul, where we are connected to
> guidance-the will of God/One/All That Is. Each of us has the choice, in
> every moment, to listen to the "still, small voice" of the soul, or to
> follow the voices of the ego in the mind.

Sounds OK to me???

The ego-voices lead us into
> suffering, distortion of truth, and the creation of karma. In high contrast,
> the soul's guidance increases our experience of joy, gratitude, and peace.

REALLY, how can one even argue with such obviously trite truths??

Again, these things are, imo, self evident, and, as the old Kung
Fu TV series was, PSEUDO TRUTHS, i.e., unable to be argued with,

> Christ Jesus gave us similar advice: "Seek ye first the Kingdom, and all
> else shall be added unto you." As we approach Omega-Alpha, the distorted
> results of our ego-identified choices become painfully apparent, but so do
> the gifts of grace generated from living from our soul. As we move through
> Omega-Alpha, we will experience virtually instantaneous karmic return,
> positive or negative.

Again, such "fluff" is NOT an analytical types primary concerns!
Such tripe is more in line with "New Age" crap:)

I hope I set the stage, i.e., the PROPER "mind set" that SHOULD
be had when seeking to gain USEFUL information from the perusal
of VERY OLD ancient texts.

Best to you all,


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             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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