-Caveat Lector-

On 2 Nov 99, at 8:51, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

> nd don't forget how long the Croats and Muslims were battered by the well
> armed Serbs without the Bush Administration saying one word.  Watching the
> zoo keepers shot while trying to feed the animals, watching the lovers who
> had been given permission to cross into the Serb zone, shot by Serb
> snipers, didn't bother President Bush at all.  For years I wondered why he
> didn't do something.  During the very early days of that mess, a harsh
> word from Bush would have stopped the whole thing.  He said nothing.
> Around a year ago, I was listening to Thomas Eagleberger on a talking
> heads thing.  Someone asked him why George Bush did nothing and said
> nothing when all that started.  He said, "Well, he had business interests
> there."

And just what do you think those "business interests" were. I don't
think there's any oil there.....Hmmmm....


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