-Caveat Lector-

The "Reptiles Rule the World"  Theory of David Icke, and An Alternative View

--A review of David Ickes' The Biggest Secret (Scottsdale, AZ:  Bridge of
Love Publications, 1999).  $25.00.

__________________________________ by Dr.Theodore Hall David Icke and I are
kindred spirits in many ways.  As researchers, we have both been tracking
the "Conspiracy"  for some time, and we've worked hard to get a good fix on
it.  "If we can see the enemy, we can win,"  the poet Leo Connellan once
wrote.  Seeing the Conspiracy has been something of a problem, as it is
invisible to most eyes.  It is cleverly concealed, for instance, in some of
our most common concepts and paradigms.  Most of us assume, for instance,
that the American system is "democracy,"  and that democracy is a truly
progressive, libertarian form of government.  Not so.  In fact, the American
system is egalitarian republicanism, which translates, government of, by,
and for the people as a whole.  Democracy is, in theory, government by the
majority of the people, i.e., a part of the people and not the whole.  In
practice, however, democracy usually turns out to be government by an elite
in the name of the majority.

In the early nineties, Icke tells us, his eyes were opened to the fact that
the entire planet is being dominated by a small and nasty elite dedicated to
turning Earth into a prison planet.  In 1995, Icke published a "must-read"
run-down on the Conspiracy titled (optimistically)  ...  and the truth shall
set you free.  In the same year, I published a Leading Edge monograph on the
Conspiracy called Avoiding Extinction.  Main idea:  The drive behind history
is consciousness; as we believe, so we create.  At the moment (1859-1999),
the history of our species is being driven by unscientific evolutionary
theory (need I name it?)  which maintains that "life is incessant struggle"
and "war is the mother of evolution."  In the very same year, the channel
Barbara Hand Clow published her magnum opus, The Pleiadian Agenda--A New
Cosmology for the Age of Light.  More about this important "Agenda"  book
later.  Back to Ickes' theory of the New World Order conspiracy....

Icke calls the alleged Conspiracy the "Babylonian Brotherhood"  and claims
that through a sinister secret network, the Brotherhood "now spans the globe
and operates in literally every country."  [57} In "exposing"  the
Brotherhood conspiracy, Icke rips into virtually every important Western
institution, and concludes that most of them are implicated in the

The Roman Catholic Church and the Brotherhood are one and the same, Icke
declares.  [53] The Christ story is in fact a fiction written by the Roman
philosopher Seneca [4 B.C.--65 A.D.].  Christianity, "a farce founded on a
fantasy,"  [103] has served the conspiracy as a "major vehicle for the
removal of vital information from the public domain."  The Knights Templar
and other soldiers of Christianity are nothing but henchmen of the
Brotherhood.  As Jesus Christ never existed, all claims regarding his
"bloodlines"  are a hoax.  What about the Eastern religions?  Also indicted.

Hinduism, for instance, is reptoidal to the core:  "There is also the Banyon
Tree under which the Hindu 'Jesus,' known as Krishna, sat upon a coiled
serpent and bestowed spiritual knowledge on humanity."  [21] Ickes' hit list
goes on:  Ben Franklin ["Imitate Christ and Socrates"] was a "Satanist"
who, with other Masonic/Brotherhood members, conspired to steal the Sceptre
of political power from traditional authorities.  Sir Francis Bacon, the
greatest intellect England ever produced, was a conniver who invented
"this-world-is-all-there-is"  science in order to "play two sides against
each other to create an environment in which another, unspoken, Agenda could
flourish.  Certainly this [Baconian] period produced the classic control
system of divide and conquer.  Mass slaughter erupted across Europe in the
Protestant-Catholic wars, while, at the same time, both creeds were being
challenged by the emerging 'scientific' dogma."

[162] Abraham Lincoln was an "American cousin"  of the Rothschilds.  Mention
any power-wielder of the twentieth century; chances are he or she is on the
list of conspirators.

So what's the "biggest secret?"

To summarize the Icke theory:  The New World Order is the final
world-enslaving program of an invisible elite that has governed the planet,
by governing the minds of humans, since ancient times.  This elite, known as
the "Anunnaki,"  are reptilians who have a certain claim to rulership on
Earth, as they created Homo sapiens (the "human-reptile lines"  at least)
by blending their genetics with those of Homo erectus.  The human-reptile
lines "carry the reptilian genetic code and thus can be far more easily
possessed by the reptilian [over-lords] of the lower fourth dimension."

These bloodlines, Icke says, "became the British and European aristocracy
and royal families, and thanks to the 'Great' British Empire, they were
exported across the world to rule the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, New
Zealand ....  These genetic lines are manipulated into the positions of
political, military, media, banking and business power and thus these
positions are held by lower fourth dimensional reptilians hiding behind a
human form or by mind-puppets of these same creatures.  They operate through
all races, but predominantly the white one."  [27] White supremacists please
note:  The Aryans are the chosen people of the reptilian elite because they
taste better.

Yes, indeed, reptilians prefer blondes.

Icke distinguishes between three types of reptilians:  "There are the 'full-
bloods,' who are reptilians using an apparent human form to hide their true
nature, and the 'hybrids,' the reptile-human crossbreed bloodlines, who are
possessed by the reptilians from the fourth dimension.  A third type are the
reptilians who directly manifest in this dimension, but can't hold that
state indefinitely....  Leading Brotherhood families like the Rothschilds
and the Windsors are full-bloods, reptilians wearing human physical bodies
like an overcoat in the full knowledge of who they are and the Agenda they
are seeking to implement...."  [31] What is the "Agenda"  the reptilians
seek to implement?  They seek the "Satanization"  of the planet.  Icke tells
us that "Satanism,"  as he uses the term, has nothing to do with the
Christian Satanism.  "I use it only to describe a system of ritual sacrifice
and torture which, staggering as it may seem to most people, is commonplace
all over the world today...."

[288] This "system"  is an invention of the reptilians, and is based "on the
manipulation of energy and consciousness.  These deeply sick rituals create
an energy field, a vibrational frequency, which connects the consciousness
of the participants to the reptilians and other consciousness of the lower
fourth dimension.  This is the dimensional field, also known as the lower
astral to many people, which resonates to the frequency of low vibrational
emotions like fear, guilt, hate and so on...."  [289] The reptilians'
intention, in other words, is to degrade, to "dumb down,"  the human
consciousness to the level of their own negative consciousness.  You can't
eat folks who are out of your particular frequency range.

The political objective of the reptilians is the "Stalinization' [my term]
of the planet.  The film "Stalin"  is highly recommended for those wanting a
brief introduction to Joseph Stalin, father of the Soviet Union and murderer
of sixty million people, and Stalinization.  In a phrase, the objective of
those at the top of the New World Order power pyramid, the "Apex"
reptilians, is "Stalinization in the service of Satanization."  In
monosyllabic terms, the aim of the NWO is to turn Earth into a food farm for
the "Dracs."  Aryans are the food of preference--the "chosen grub."

Sounds pretty wild, doesn't it?  Unfortunately, the Icke theory has more
than an element of truth to it.  The truth, however, is admixed with a great
deal of mis- and disinformation.  In order to find and appreciate "the truth
that'll set us free,"  it's necessary to put the Icke book through a little
de-tox process.  The first stuff that needs to be flushed is most of the
data provided by "Arizona Wilder."

The Wilder Factor Icke relies heavily on the testimony of one Arizona Wilder
in presenting his theory.  Indeed, he put together a video interview with
Arizona that he regards as an important "companion piece"  to the book.

A week before his book went to press, Icke says, he was contacted by a
friend in the United States who was in the process of deprogramming one
"Arizona Wilder,"  who had been (programmed as)  one of the world's most
powerful "Mother Goddess"  leaders of Satanic rites.  Arizona had some awful
things to tell David about the Apex people [people at or toward the top of
the NWO power pyramid], especially the royal family.  The following tid-bit
on Prince Charles is illustrative:  "'I've seen him shape-shift into a
reptilian and do all the things the Queen does.  I have seen him sacrifice
children.  There is a lot of rivalry between them [Charles and his Mum] for
who gets to eat what part of the body and who gets to absorb the victim's
last breath and steal their soul....'"  [454] On the very last page of
Icke's book, you'll find an "Ivan Fraser"  and his "Truth Campaign"
magazine cited.  Fraser, a long-time supporter of Icke who feels Icke went
off the deep end in his latest book, wrote a very interesting critique of
The Biggest Secret, which was reprinted in issue #124 of Leading Edge

Fraser is of the opinion that at one point or another, Icke's manuscript
fell into the hands of the Intelligence people, who did a little
disinformation dance on his head.  "Before long David was meeting even more
people all over the world telling him that they had seen people shapeshift
into reptiles.

David took this as confirmation of his theory and continued.  Then he met a
woman name Arizona Wilder who claimed to have performed Satanic rituals for
the 'reptile-Aryan' elite such as the Queen and Queen Mother, various royals
and nobility.  With amazing 'synchronicity', as David considered it, Arizona
went on to state much of David's thesis back to him with all of the
attendant demonisation of Isis, Osiris, the Druids, the equinoxes and
solstices etc., and several factual errors which were present in David's
book.  In fact one could say that it was almost as if she were reading from
David's book!"  [LE, 69] But why would the "Intelligence people"  plant an
Arizona Wilder in the Icke Expose Project?  For several reasons, my dears.
(1)  To discredit two very learned authors, Zecharia Sitchin and Sir
Laurence Gardner.  The work of Sitchin and the latest work of Gardner,
Genesis of the Grail Kings [1998], provide, for the first time in modern
history, a real window on the origin of Homo sapiens in ancient Sumer, the
gods of Sumer (the "Anunnaki"), and the true history of man in Biblical
times.  In Ickes' theory, the Reptilian Rulers are latter-day Anunnaki.
This theory gives the reptile-parasites far more prestige than they are
entitled to.  Sitchin advised Icke that there is no real evidence of a
serpent race.  Gardner acknowledges that some figurines from about 5000 B.C.
give the Anunnaki serpentine features, but, for the most part, he says, "the
numerous Sumerian portrayals of the gods and goddesses are ...  quite human
in appearance...."  [69] The Anunnaki were real; they created modern man and
laid the basis for civilization; they were humanoids and not reptoids.  If
they were reptoids, you and I would have snake eyes.  Sitchin and Gardner
provide us with very intelligent, carefully researched perspectives on the
Anunnaki.  Sitchin and Gardner are learned liberators of the human mind.
"Learned people,"

writes Gardner, "are the greatest of all threats to governmental
thraldom...."  [66] (2)  To discredit Icke himself.  The major conspiracy
writers have a relatively small audience.  They've been largely neutralized
by being labeled "anti-Semitic"  and/or "far right."  David Icke is, or was,
dangerous to the ruling powers because he's none of the above.  He's an
attractive, convincing, well-meaning guy who's been fairly successful in
making his case, especially in his video presentations.  Now, it looks as if
he, too, has been neutralized.

(3)  To generate fear and terror in the masses.  New Physics tells us that
everything in the universe is made up of frequencies.  Every thing has a
particular "frequency signature."  Fear, guilt, terror have very low
frequency signatures; courage, self-worth, love have high signatures.  The
only really effective way to "overcome"  the reptilians is to jump--jump out
of the snake pit of guilt and fear and into the love & light frequency
range.  The NWO is happy to assist Icke, or any other writer creating
"frequency anchors"  that hold people down in the pit.

The Arizona Wilder testimony must be dismissed as unreliable, even if it
contains some truths.  By her own admission, her two children are in the
control of the "MCD"  [Mind-Control Department] of the government.  She is a
hostage of the Dark Side.

The Conspiracy as Reptilian Juggernaut "Juggernaut"  is a term from the
Sanskrit meaning "lord of the world."

It is the name given to a deity of the Hindus, whose representation appears
in a shrine in Bengal.  "The idol is a carved block of wood, with hideous
black face and distended blood-red mouth, and with eyes made of precious
stones.  The idol rests on a throne between two others--his brother
Bala-Rama and his sister Subhadra."  A major premise of The Biggest Secret
is that the reptilians, whom Icke identifies as Anunnaki and whom Wilder
declares an extraterrestrial species, constitute a kind of Juggernaut
conspiracy that has manipulated the human species since the days of Babylon.
The reptilians, in other words, are the real, if unrecognized, lords of the
world.  Is this major premise correct?

No.  Though I believe there is some basis for belief in a reptoid race and
reptilian influence in our civilization, Icke fails to substantiate both the
existence of the reptoids and the hypothesis of a reptilian Juggernaut.

In his attempt to prove the existence of the reptoids, Icke relies heavily
on ancient records and on interviews with Wilder and others who claim to
have had direct encounters.  "Where David [says] that ancient texts record
mankind's interactions with reptilian races through arts and myth,"  Fraser
writes, "he doesn't state that there are actually very few instances of such
in the ancient texts, especially the Sumerian, which he uses as the prime
case.  He also does not state that 'dragons' are created in the Sumerian
texts by combining animal characteristics such as lions and eagles into one
creature to convey archetypal principles, such as royal strength (lion)
with spiritual/godly nature (eagle).  Therefore, the earliest dragons were
not even dragons at all, making the idea that the ancients were recording
the physical demeanor of actual reptilian gods a non-starter [a concept
without validity from the start]."

Icke is overly quick to suppose that certain artifacts constitute evidence:
"Author and researcher Andrew Collins,"  he writes, "says he has a Canaanite
copper figurine depicting one of their gods of around 2000 BC.

It has a serpentine neck and a head shaped like the hood of a cobra which
curls over to form a snake-like headdress...."  [42] How do we know this
figurine is, in fact, a depiction of a "god"?  A figurine such as this might
represent one of a dozen different things.  Or it could be a whimsy.

The ancient peoples had a sense of humor, too.  My suspicion is that this
figurine represents a kundalini energy stream that has burst through the
crown seal, or chakra.  Recall the film "The Little Buddha."  The cobra head
that hovers over the Buddha is a physical representation of the "liberated"
kundalini.  Icke does not mention this film.  If he did, he would no doubt
interpret the cobra a clear case of a reptilian "over-shadowing"  a human

In Genesis of the Grail Kings, Gardner has this to say about the symbols of
serpent and dragon in ancient times:  "In the earliest schools of mysticism,
the symbol of the 'Word' (or the Logos)  was the serpent:  the venerated
emblem of the Holy Spirit--the dragon that moved upon the face of the
waters."  [130] A primary thesis of the Gardner book, which is sub-titled
"The Pendragon Legacy of Adam and Eve,"  is that the dragon is associated,
from the time of the Cainite kings of Mesopotamia with the Messianic
bloodline,--from Adam and Eve to King David to the Egyptian pharaohs to
Christ and so on into modern times.  The term "Messiah,"

meaning "anointed one,"  derives from the Egyptian word for crocodile.  The
Egyptians venerated the crocodile and anointed their pharaohs with an oil
derived from crocodile meat.

"The serpent has never had any dark or sinister connotation,"  Gardner
writes, "except for that imposed on the Genesis text by latter-day church
doctrines...."  [92] Ickes' reptilian Juggernaut theory is also built upon
the testimony of a number of people, the principal witness being Arizona
Wilder.  Another supposed witness is Christine Fitzgerald, who was a
confidant of Princess Diana.  "I was astonished to hear someone else talking
about these subjects, which I knew from my own research to be true,"  Icke
writes.  "She was not aware when she told me this of my own research into

Christine Fitzgerald, thanks to her insider contacts and her knowledge of
metaphysics, had been able to grasp the biggest secret:  that reptiles on
another dimension are controlling the world by working through physical
bodies which look human...."  [482] Icke goes on to quote Fitzgerald at
length, but, curiously, there's not a single direct quotation supporting his
statement that Fitzgerald agrees with his reptoids-rule-the-world
hypothesis.  What gives?

Further, if Icke is correct in maintaining that reptoids have been running
human politics ever since the days of Babylon and preying on humans, etc.,
then we'd expect to find a fairly large body of folklore, among the Aryan
peoples especially (blue-eyed Aryans are supposedly their favorite food),
that would point toward that reality.  The existence of a sinister reptoidal
people-eating elite is something that couldn't have been hidden from human
consciousness for thousands of years.  Only in recent decades have predator
reptoids entered into popular culture, especially comic books and films.

The concept of Earth as a prison planet, which is basic to Ickes' theory,
originated with the prolific science fiction writer L.  Ron Hubbard.  This
concept has been promulgated far and wide through Hubbard's Church of
Scientology.  The concept of reptilian over-lords running the prison planet
emerges full-blown in channel Barbara Hand Clow's The Pleiadian Agenda
(1995).  Chapter four, titled "The Lizards and the Roman Church,"  contains
a long monologue delivered by "King Lizard."  Here are a few of King
Lizards' remarks:  "I am King Lizard, and we lizards love your spines.  That
is all we are really interested in.  We are specialists of the spine, along
with our brothers--the blessed snakes....  These days we have to struggle to
stay in incarnational form, much more than you realize.  For some strange
reason, you think we are invincible because we are so good at eating you up
whenever we get the opportunity....  When the Anunnaki visit Earth, they
wear various costumes over their bodies, since otherwise they would look
like reptilian robots to you....  These metallic essences, the Anunnaki,
receive electromagnetic kundalini energy from us reptiles,...  and we
resonate with Draco, the source of dragon legends on Earth....  One of our
finest achievements in the twentieth century was when our Komodo dragon ate
up a Rockefeller!...  I wonder if you've noticed how backward, how stupid
you are?  You think you are descended from apes because an uneducated
country parson, Charles Darwin, said so....  you humans are descended from
us lizards!..."  [114-115] And now, "Dr.  Lizard":  "The original evolution
of the genetic matrix of humans and Saurians on your planet occurred under
by natural circumstances.  All the Anunnaki did was make the mixture out of
primordial Earth elements using silica-based clay for humans so they could
read the program your minds....  When the Bible says you were made in God's
image, it actually refers to reptiles!  They were the Anunnaki's first
experiment, and our species failed them from their point of view....  As I
see it, the most potent killers of all time are the Christians, because
Christianity assumes humans are superior to animals.  Other religions value
mysticism, a feeling-based approach, but Christianity has become so mental
it is lethal to all life....  [116-118] It would appear that Barbara Hand
Clow's light-hearted and instructive reptile fable became converted, in just
a few years, into a supposed "true history"  of man's life on Earth.  As
Oscar Wilde once said, "Life imitates art."

As indicated earlier, I believe there may be some basis for belief in the
existence of a terrestrial reptoidal species.  It is conceivable that such a
species had been created by the Anunnaki, perhaps as bio-robots to assist
with underwater work or work in deep mines.  Sir Laurence Gardner suggests
that the serpent (of Garden of Eden fame)  was created by "Enki,"

famous Anunnaki genetic scientist.  [93] In the Biblical story of Adam, Eve
and the serpent, God punishes the serpent for his role in the conspiracy by
removing his legs.  Interesting.  Was the Genesis serpent a walking, talking

Ickes' Iconoclasm & Uncloaking the Conspiracy Almost as shocking as the
reptilian over-lord hypothesis is the frequent "culture bashing"  the Icke
book displays.  Many examples are cited in the opening pages of this
review-essay.  Ickes' iconoclasm comes not from the heart, but from logical
necessity.  Once he bought into the idea that reptilians from South Fourth
Street ("lower fourth dimension,"  that is)  are running the world and have
been running it for thousands of years, he had to construe every significant
movement in the post-Babylonian world into a product of the reptilian
tyrants, e.g., the Roman Catholic Church and the Brotherhood of R eptiles
are one and the same; the American Revolution had nothing to do with freedom
and everything to do with forging even heavier chains for the hapless
masses; the so-called "New Age"  was invented by Henry Kissinger in the
1970s, and so forth.

The Nazarene, aka Jesus Christ, does not fit easily into the dark paradigm
of David Icke.  What is Ickes' solution to this little problem?  He denies
that Christ even existed!  One very interesting contemporary witness to the
life of Christ is the "Bible Code,"  which declares that Jesus Christ is
indeed a true Messiah.  No doubt Icke would interpret the Code as just
another reptilian mind-control game.

Study the works of important conspiracy writers systematically, first to
last books, and you'll find the same pattern emerging time and again.  The
earlier work tends to be quite balanced, and the later work seems to "go off
the deep end."  Conspiracy writers work in a most dangerous genre, and for
this and other reasons, they are readily susceptible to what I call
Conspiracy Writer's Syndrome (CWS).  The typical CWS sufferer is one who has
worked diligently, for years, to uncover and expose the principal culprit
behind the Conspiracy.  The search takes the writer into a ghastly
labyrinth, to which there seems no end.  The deeper the journey into
darkness, the greater the desire to identify, once and for all, the culprit.
Sooner or later, patience and balance give way, and the writer plunges into
totally obsessive conviction that such-and-such or so-and-so is the
Diabolical Cause.  "It's the Jews."  "No, it's the Catholic Church!"  "It's
the Dead Hand of Anselm Bauer."  "No, it's the Devil."  "It's Reptiles from
outer space!"

I have great compassion for the conspiracy writers, as I've been in the
labyrinth myself.  What saved me from CWS was New Physics, specifically the
holographic theory of the universe.  Once I accepted this theory as my own,
I could no longer view the Conspiracy as something apart from me.  I was, in
other words, directed to look for the Culprit Cause within.  "In me?

I'm opposed to the Conspiracy!  How could it exist within me??"  Once I had
posed that question to myself, the answer popped into view immediately:

The cause of the Conspiracy is the spirit of opposition.  Then...

It hit me like a ton of bricks:  The Conspiracy, like the Beast of
Revelation, does not have a "positive identity"!  It is only really
definable in terms of what it is against.  Christ is pro-God; the Beast is
anti-God.  Christ is pro- Nature; the Beast is anti-Nature.  Christ is
pro-Humanity; the Beast is anti- Humanity.  The essence of the Beast is
oppositional movement.  As the Beast is a cunning opponent, it knows it
cannot gain converts by declaring its essence openly:  "I'm against God and
Nature and Mankind.  Won't you join me in my crusade to destroy all three of
these things?"  Consequently, the Beast disguises itself in movements of
positive identity, e.g., the Roman Catholic Church, which was founded on the
intention of establishing Heaven on Earth; Freemasonry, which originated in
the desire to recover ancient wisdom and to liberate the world from narrow
religious dogmas; Zionism, which sought to create a safe haven for the
much-persecuted Jews.

In other writings, I discuss the matter in these terms:  "The pirates fly
many flags--the flag of the Glorious Revolution, the flag of Scientific
Progress, the flag of Masonry and Zionry, even the flag of the U.N.  By
flying all these flags, the pirates keep the little people confused.  They
would be in big trouble if the little people saw the only real flag of the
pirates--the Skull & Cross-Bones."

Everything the pirates possess has been stolen, even the phrase by which
they are known, "New World Order."  Interesting, no?  The New World Order is
not the real New World Order.  The real Order is the American System, as it
was established in the Constitution.  The American System recognized, for
the first time in history, that "sovereignty,"  the ultimate power, is the
property of the people in general.  The Old World Order system was based on
the idea that the sovereignty is property of the king; and the reactionary
New World Order system, i.e., socialism, maintains that the proper owner of
sovereignty is the State.

The correct name for the American System is egalitarian republicanism, not
democracy.  "Egalitarian"  translates "all are equal,"  i.e., no section of
the general population is to be given special considerations by the

In other words, the commitment of a truly American System government is to
the "general welfare,"  and not to "special interests"  of any kind.  The
term "democracy"  means "rule by the majority,"  by a section of the whole
rather than by the whole, and thus does not truly describe the American

"What about the historical origin point of the New World Order.  Was it in
Babylon?  as Icke suggests."

No.  As Icke fails to make a good case for the existence of reptoids, and of
a reptilian conspiracy originating in Babylon, his hypothesis that mankind
has been afflicted by a single conspiratorial movement over thousands of
years, cannot be regarded as valid.

What is continuous in the history of conspiracy is "form,"  not content.

The human quest to dominate and control others takes the same form time and
again.  A priesthood, or "brotherhood,"  arises and soon establishes an
"orthodoxy."  When the priesthood is powerful enough, it declares that all
"dissidents,"  all who do not accept their orthodoxy as Truth, must be dealt
with severely.  Then the priesthood wars ruthlessly against dissenters.  In
time, karmic law catches up with the priesthood, and an opposing priesthood
challenges and defeats it.  The new priesthood then plays the same old game.

The above dynamic became very clear to me when I realized that the so-
called New World Order is built on the model of the early Roman Catholic
church.  The NWO has its own Vatican (the City of London, according to
Icke); it has its own unquestionable, sacred scriptures (the
Darwinisms--classical, social, and neo-).  It has its own high councils and
seminaries and missionary programs.  Now, it would appear, it even has its
own armed forces--the U.N.

and N.A.T.O.

The New World Order originated shortly after the American Revolution when
George III commissioned British Intelligence to find a way to subvert and
destroy "independent republicanism,"  which he viewed (correctly)  as a
tremendous threat to the political order dearest to his heart--monarchism.

British Intelligence had a few chats with some very important families in
Europe, and thus began the conspiratorial, reactionary "New World Order."

There's no need to go looking in ancient Babylon for the birthplace of the
Conspiracy.  The birthplace is right next door--London in the early 1780s.

The Agenda, Contra Naturam When the illogical, superficial and
unsubstantiated stuff is flushed out of The Biggest Secret, what's left of
value is Ickes' very correct understanding that the power of the Apex people
of the Order, aka the "rulers of the world,"  is based on a multitude of
little people on the lower levels of the pyramid, and that if enough of
these little people just say "No, ain't gonna work for the Order no more,"
then the whole nasty NWO pyramid scheme will crumble and fall.  Can't be any
tyrants if there aren't any folks willing to be victims.

Icke is also basically correct in his defining the NWO Agenda as "Satanic,"

though this is not the term I would prefer.  Icke himself is not comfortable
with the term, and thus he insists that what he means by Satanic has nothing
to do with the Christian understanding.  "I use it [Satanism] only to
describe a system of ritual sacrifice and torture which, staggering as it
may seem to most people, is commonplace all over the world today....
Satanism is just another name for the worship of a highly destructive,
negative force which has been given endless names over the centuries...."
[288] The term I would prefer is "Bestial,"  after the infamous major Beast
of the Revelation.  Bestial means base, ruthless, inhuman.  When one thinks
of the enormous human and natural destruction wrought by national,
international and global socialism, the epithet "Satanic"  seems quite

Yeats had it right:  "What great Beast, its hour come round at last,
slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?"  We're talking the materialization of
the Antichrist-- a brutal order that is anti-God, anti-nature, and

Consider the NWO's anti-nature (contra naturam)  "population control"

agenda, which is based on two false sciences--Darwinism and Marxism.  The
great threat to the planet is "over-population,"  Orderites believe, and
thus the NWO agenda calls for reduction of the planet's population to one
billion.  In fact, according to real science, the so-called "population
explosion"  isn't a problem at all.  It signifies that our planet, as a
super-organism, is moving toward evolutionary climax.  The planet is built
on the model of the single cell.  Human beings are the planetary equivalents
of the frequency receptors of the single cell.  The more frequency receptors
any given cell has, the smarter the cell.  The more people on the planet,
the smarter the planet.  In sum, the population control programs of the NWO
amount to an effort to dumb down the planet, to keep the planet and its
peoples from following the natural course of evolution.

What's the solution to the present dilemma of our species?  Icke provides a
good answer to this question:  Get rid of fear, embrace love.  "The
reptilian vibrational connection to humanity is through the emotion of fear.
They are themselves consumed by fear, which is why they behave as they do.
If they can manipulate humanity into a state of fear, as they have, they
make the vibrational connection which allows them to control the human
psyche....  If we seek to stop the reptilian-Brotherhood with a
confrontation on their home ground of fear by using hatred, aggression and
violence, then forget it.

The game is already over.  But if we meet this challenge from a frequency
range the Brotherhood cannot even conceive of--love--we will transform the
world and reptilian control will be no more...."  [491-91] I disagree with
Ickes' reptilian control hypothesis.  Reptilian control of the world may be
a reality, but Icke doesn't make a good case in support of the hypothesis.
His conclusion, however, is valid.  The best way to deal with enemies,
reptilian or otherwise, is love them.  "Love your enemies,"  Christ once
said, "and you'll pour hot coals on their heads."  Love your enemies, and
you'll confound them, send them running the other way.  They can feed only
on fear.  Love, for them, is poison.

And by the way, New Agers ...  you needn't worry.  The New Age wasn't
invented by Henry Kissinger.  In America, the New Age began in the 1840s,
with the Transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

____________________________________________________________________ Dr.
Ted Hall, a long-time associate of the Leading Edge Research Group
(trufax.org), is author of Beat the Beast--A Y2K Preparedness Guidebook
[1998] and The Prospero Project--A Theory of Human Evolution, Western
Civilization, and Reality Creation [1999].  Books may be ordered through the
Survival Center at 1-800-321-2900.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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