June wrote:

>I missed hearing and it turned out I think that the false stories
>(about the distress signal and about Edwards Air Force base)

J> Do we know for sure that these stories ARE false?  Will we ever know
J> for sure?  Perhaps the later stories denying them are what are in fact
J> false.

As I said, I thought the mere fact of being denied would be enough to
say it could not be true. In the meantime, I found a message on
alt.disasters.aviation where someone ssaid information about flights
is released on real time on the Internet.

Date: 11-02-99 (14:51)              Number: 235970 of 236746 (Refer# NONE)
  To: ALL
Subj: Re: Egyptair 990 Weirdeness
Read: (N/A)                         Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: alt.conspiracy (1086)      Read Type: TEXT SCAN (+)


Bzzzzt.  There are many firms which track airplane flights.  This data
is out on the web long before anything can happen to the plane.  Thousands
of users download this data. Yet not one has come forward to say that the
data has been falsified.  Hmmm... I downloaded it myself.

Was it you who felt the same way about the idea of TWA Flight 800
rea;;ly being at 8,000 feet?

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