-Caveat Lector-

On 7 Nov 99, at 9:07, earthman wrote:

> The Vatican, which has declared 2000 a Jubilee year, has scrupulously
> avoided linking the anniversary with millenarian aspirations, though
> security will be a constant concern during the year-long programme of
> events expected to draw millions of pilgrims to Rome.

According to the Talmud, a Jubilee Year--which occurs in a
multiple of 7  (7X7=Jubilee) indicates a year in which all debts are
forgiven and all property reverts to its original owner(s).

Does the Vatican really propose to cancel all debts and to return
all that property it owns around the world to its original owners?
Unless this is the Vatican's intention, the expression "Jubilee" year
is virtually without meaning.

I think we tend to associate Jubilee with a great celebration--which
is not its actual meaning within religious tradition. (Although when
this was really in practice, and people's debts were forgiven and
they got their property back, I'm sure there was major revelling.)


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