-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/4756/grc.html">Green
Ribbon Anti-Prohibition Campaign</A>

Are you Evil, Stupid, or
Against Prohibition?
"Once everything not expressly legal is prohibited,
everything not prohibited becomes mandatory."


If prohibition ended today, would you start using drugs?
If you wanted to try them, would the law against them stop you?
Does the law stop anyone who is currently violating prohibition?
When is the last time you heard of a liquor store owner caught at a
schoolyard offering kids their first bottle for free?



Prohibition is based on the myth that, if it didn't exist, then everyone
would become addicted to something like drugs, sex, or gambling, and
civiliztion would crumble.
Guess what folks, it is prohibition itself that is making civilization
crumble. It is prohibition itself that perpetuates the cycle of addiction,
corruption, and violence.
Addiction is created not by a substance but by artificial scarcity
(prohibition) of it.
Removing the profit motive and banning advertising can prevent young people
from being intoduced to drugs. Adults seldom become addicted. Taxation would
provide funds for effective early medical intervention to thwart the few
naturally occurring cases of addiction. Research into genetics indicates that
there are biochemical and physiological variations in humans that predispose
different people to different predelictions. This strongly suggests that
legalization would not lead to an increase in addictions since people so
predisposed are probably already self-medicating despite the existence of
prohibition. The overwhelming majority not predisposed to addiction will not
find drugs at all alluring. Prohibition is a form of genetic persecution on
par with Racism.
Laws or willpower or pshchological therapy has no effect on the small segment
of the population that is prone to true addiction. Most of these people would
have no trouble leading productive lives if they weren't forced into crime or
prostitution to support their 'abnormal', yet certainly not evil, biochemical
limitations. These people are not genetically predisposed to crime or
violence. Only to chemical imbalance similar to bipolar disease. They cannot
be treated as criminals by any civilized society or legal system.
Prohibition diverts potential tax many times over to organized crime and
funds government corruption. Prohibition is simply the IRS for the Mob. And
the Mob runs TV and mainstream media. It runs the CIA. It runs banking,
industry, science, ...you name it. After 50 years of complicity between
Organized Crime, the National Security Council, and residual elements of the
Nazis, just about everything is owned on paper by a terrifyingly small group
of people. Many of them are familiar and ostensibly respectible like George
Bush, Donald Grieg, Ronald Regan, William Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Allan
Dulles, William Casey, Casper Weinberger, and Oliver North. Former President
Salinas of Mexico, Manuel Noriega, Samosa, etc., etc., etc.
Jailing all of those people and their co-conspirators, confiscating their
illegally acquired property, and convicting them of High Treason is what
should be done according to the prohibition laws these very people have been
shoving down our throats. But is that ever going to happen? Never in your
wildest pipedream.
The only thing we still can and MUST do, is abolish prohibition, and end
state secrecy. It isn't too late, yet. Prohibition and Secrecy, not
legalization, are the 'experiments' and they have failed miserably, my
friends. Legalization with regulation, taxation, education, and therapeutic
intervention is not an experiment. It is the only sane and civilized policy,
and it has always worked everywhere for millennia.
It would be foolish to deny that, on the surface, making drugs, gambling, and
prostitution illegal seems to be a reasonable way of controlling their
consumption, for the betterment of the overall quality of life.
Unfortunately, reality is not so simple. It is not an open ended proposition.
Meaning "what goes around comes around."
We cannot unjustly prosecute (persecute) an otherwise productive, law
abiding, and, intrinsically harmless segment of the population without
ultimately doing harm to ourselves. They will, and do fight back. With
violent street crime. Theft. Burglary. Extortion. Money siphoned thusly from
the economy to buy contraband, not only puts tremendous power in the hands of
sociopaths (drug overlords), it also robs vital cash flow from the small
businesses in your community, where the ciphoned local money doesn't get
spent. This means fewer jobs (more crime), and a smaller local tax base. Even
the most 'innocent' members of society pay for it in increased costs for
insurance, security, and retail goods.
At the same time that peace officers are being asked to investigate and
arrest people for crimes-that-are-not-crimes, there is less funding generated
locally to empower them. Federal funding for local police is, not
surprisingly because of the entrenched corruption, only made available if
used to "fight drugs." Thusly perpetuating the cycle and generating ever more
violent crime, theft, and corruption.... Making (arguably immorral)
non-violent acts illegal generates an increasingly downward-spiraling,
self-destructive, more corrupt, and dangerous society, than no regulation at
all. The more severe and draconian enforcement becomes, the higher prices go.
This creates more crime and misery, higher profits for those on top of the
pyramid, devastation of local economies, and a loss of ever more of our
precious, yet dwindling, Human and Civil Rights. Prohibition gives unfair
advantage to druglords, and damages the innocent. It makes the evil rich
while robbing us of our Freedom. It protects no one except those corrupted by
Because of years of media brainwashing, prohibition sems like a "no-brainer"
"must-do" proposition. Ending it sounds like an insane way to proceed. But
careful analysis of cultures and countries where few or no prohibitions have
been in effect, reveals quite the opposite. Participation in taboo behaviors
we outlaw, turns out to be much lower in those cultures, especially among
non-adults. Prohibition actually creates the profit motive necessary to get
people to sell to minors who find the 'underground' culture irresistable.
Regulation, as in liquor store licensing, makes it harder now for children to
get alcohol than heroin or cocaine.
We're not asking you to put yourself out to help drug addicts do drugs.
Prohibition already does that. We are pleading with you that it is in YOUR
personal best interest to do everything you can to end the drug war, and
other prohibitions. It is in your family's and your community's best
interest, too. In fact prohibition only serves those who profit from it. (And
that includes the Prison Industrial Complex!) If ending prohibition makes
addicts' depravity less inhumane so much the better. A more humane approach
will actually do more to reduce and prevent compulsive behavior and viloence.


If you think prohibition has a positive effect on the standard of living, and
wellbeing of society, you are hallucinating.

Join the Green Ribbon Anti-Prohibition Campaign

"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a
species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of
reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and
makes a crime out of things that are not crimes.
A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles
upon which our government was founded."
-Abraham Lincoln (1809-65) U.S. President.
Speech, 18 Dec. 1840, to Illinois House of Representatives

The sad fact is that Prohibition of relatively safe drugs like Cannabis,
Opiates, Entheogens, and even Cocaine, forces the use of hard and extremely
dangerous and dibilitating drugs like Tobbacco and Alcohol.



SAVE a CHILD - Don't Be One

The Government is not your parents.

Prohibition, and it's maniacal stepchild, the "War on Drugs," are destroying
the fundamental values, goodwill, self-determination, and living standard
that "we the people" were blessed to inherit.
The sad irony is that prohibition serves only to exacerbate the very problems
it professes to alleviate.
The damage to the "Free World" that this insane collective self-mutillation
has brought upon us comes in the form of subversion, corruption, seemingly
random "gang" violence and theft, and the resultant fear and mistrust that
saps our quality of life.
This in addition to the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of DOLLARS spent or lost by the
legitimate economy each year. The increasingly unweildy US National Debt of
$6,000,000,000,000 would today easily be a SIX TRILLION DOLLAR surplus if proh
ibition hadn't robbed us of it.
Never before has one society spent so much to "save" so few.
We have fallen prey to a witchhunt mentality more incidious than McCarthyism,
more subtle than Orwell, and on the verge of becoming more tragic than Stalin
and Hitler combined.
If you drop a frog in hot water, it jumps out. If you start with a
comfortable temperature, and heat the water slowly, the frog gets cooked
alive. The temperature is nearly lethal already, what are we going to do?
Find out the truth about how much less harmful "controlled substances," and
victimless "crimes" are, than the corruption and violence that their
prohibition has created. Then put a green ribbon, linked back to this page,
on your website.
Simply copy this code onto your page.
Let the world know there is a better, healthier, more peaceful way to inspire
future generatoions away from antisocial and destructive behavior.
If we continue to believe that we must pass laws to make the world safe for
our children, no one will ever grow up, and we are doomed.

Click here for the SOLUTION.
(It's embarassingly possible!)
This Legalization Web Ring page maintained by bonger

Double-click on image to go there!

So much fuss over an herb!?

Return to GeoCities TheTropics.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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