-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: MichaelP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 10:46 AM
To: unlikely.suspects :;
Subject: Canadian ex-minister questions Peltier extradition

November 7, 1999   Truth buried at Wounded Knee

Former minister's report raises more questions about Peltier extradition
           By PETER WORTHINGTON -- Sun Media

As anyone who has ever tried, even in a minor way, to correct an injustice
knows, it can be a long, arduous, frustrating, tortuous path. Just ask
Warren Allmand. When Native activist Leonard Peltier was arrested in
Canada in 1976 and extradited to the U.S. for the 1975 shooting deaths of
two FBI agents during a range war on South Dakota's Pine Ridge reserve
(near Wounded Knee), Allmand was first Canada's solicitor-general and then
minister of Indian Affairs.

He later realized the extradition was fraudulent, based on false
affidavits acquired by the FBI from a Native woman (Myrtle Poor Bear) who
had never met Peltier and was not in Pine Ridge at the time, but who
claimed to have been his girlfriend and to have watched him kill the
agents. Peltier is in the 23rd year of two consecutive life sentences. At
first, I felt Peltier was guilty, but over years of examining the case and
evidence, I became convinced he didn't do it.  There seems not the
slightest doubt that the FBI framed him. Even today, the FBI is determined
he'll never go free -- even though they now admit they haven't a clue who
did the actual shooting.  In 1994, Allmand reviewed the case for
then-justice minister Allan Rock, as did other justice department lawyers.

Allmand released his report this week, after Justice Minister Anne
McClellan released her own report (after contacting U.S. Attorney General
Janet Reno) that the extradition was on the up-and-up and proper.  Here
are the highlights of Allmand's 1994 report on the extradition, with
comments on memos submitted by Justice lawyers:

    * Of three Poor Bear affidavits, one -- in which she said she hadn't
witnessed the shooting, and had departed Pine Ridge -- was never included
in the extradition case . The FBI later acknowledged Poor Bear was
"incompetent" and her affidavits "unbelievable." (McClellan effectively
still vouches for them.)

   * No circumstantial evidence was considered by Judge Schultz in the
extradition, and circumstantial evidence in Canada was different from that
presented at Peltier's U.S. trial. Ballistic evidence accepted at the
trial was later shown to be "questionable and in part, fabricated."

   * After two other Natives were acquitted (Bob Robideau and Dino Butler)
when their trial was shifted to Iowa, the U.S. Justice Department and FBI
refused to let Peltier's trial take place in neutral territory and
"pounded the community with adverse publicity regarding Peltier and the
American Indian Movement (AIM)."

   * A Canadian Justice lawyer went to the U.S.and co-operated with the
FBI on the Poor Bear affidavits. Assistant FBI director Ronald Moore noted
in a memo that it was on the Canadian lawyer's recommendation "that only
Poor Bear's second and third affidavits were used."

Allmand concludes that if the Canadian lawyer didn't know about the
excluded affidavit, "the FBI was guilty of trying to manufacture a case
and mislead the Canadian justice system." (The lawyer himself denied any
involvement and accused the FBI of trying to cover their butts.)

 Three judges questioned FBI integrity.
 Judge Ross of the U.S. Court of Appeal said:
    "Why the prosecutor's officer continued to extract more from
her (Poor Bear) ... is beyond my understanding."
 Appeal Judge Gerald Heaney:
    "The FBI used improper tactics in securing Peltier's extradition."
 Judge R.P. Anderson of the B.C. Supreme Court:
    "It seems clear to me that the conduct of the U.S. government involved
misconduct from inception."
 Judge Heaney determined that violence at Pine Ridge (over selling uranium
resources that tribal elders opposed) was the "culmination of the federal
government's refusal to respond to the 'legitimate grievances' raised by
the Native community."

The FBI supplied vigilante snipers with weapons and ammunition.

The FBI concealed ballistic evidence indicating Peltier's rifle could not
have fired the shots that killed the agents. This "suppressed evidence"
cast a strong doubt on the government's case. Allmand found it's not
unusual for the U.S. government to use illegal methods to return
individuals to U.S. territory: A false extradition to get one individual
returned from Mexico;kidnapping another in order to return a wanted man;
the British House of Lords refused an extradition on grounds that evidence
was shaky. The FBI blocked publication of Peter Mathiessen's book, In the
Spirit of Crazy Horse for eight years of legal actions at a cost of some
$25 million.

  One oddity rarely mentioned is that the two murdered FBI agents (Ron
Williams and Jack Coler) were supposedly entering the Jumping Bull
compound to question one Jimmy Eagle about stolen cowboy boots.  Stolen
boots are an FBI concern? Give us a break. They were there as the vanguard
for concentrated attack -- giving rise to the "self-defence" acquittal of
Butler and Robideau.

In essence, Allmand in 1994 was "convinced that there was fraud and
misconduct at both the extradition and the trial."  He recommended
contacting the U.S. attorney general and urging either a new trial or
clemency.  Failing that, he urged "an independent judicial inquiry" into
circumstances of the extradition.


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