-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Subject:  UN Take-Over Hysteria!

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A-albionic Research Up-date 6-24-94:

This up-date should be of special interest to defenders of the
Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Please let us know if you would rather not receive our up-dates.
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Note:  A-albionic will not flood you with mail!  We issue an up-date no
more than once per week and we will not repeat the general information
contained in this letter.


**Left Cover:  The Primary Methodology of the Great Pirates or a Critical
Look at UN Take-over Hysteria--Personal Opinions of James Daugherty

  Critique of the growing "UN Take-over Hysteria" (Not endorsed by

**Mini-Review of The Leipzig Connection by Paolo Lionni (1993 Up-
date of 1980 Classic)

**New Conspiracy Book Catalog Released to the Net

Up-date of the Week:

Left Cover:  The Primary Methodology of the Great Pirates

The increasing concern of patriots, gun ownership advocates,
Constitutionalists, Birchers, conservatives, and assorted right-wingers
in general regarding the possibility of an imminent UN take-over of the US
under the color of President's Emergency Powers is very clear to everyone
who follows the electronic and print media of such groups.  This concern,
highlighted today by a Spotlight front page story on the movement of UN
troops and military vehicles within the US, is approaching hysteria in
many quarters.

It is important to evaluate such concerns and, if unlikely to
reflect reality, reject them as they very seriously detract from
the possibility of organizing for long-range change.  Hysteria
creates suicidal "armed militia" and "head for the hills"
survivalist mentalities that do little or nothing to educate the
public or build a Constitutionalist elite that could change the
direction of the country in the future.

Those who wish to defend what's left of freedom in America and
ultimately restore the American Constitutionally limited Republic
should not be blinded by the short-run organizational benefits of
"military coup" hysteria because the long run effect of predicting
a coup that doesn't happen is disillusionment and burn-out.
Ultimately, groups that participate in the hysteria are discredited
when their warnings prove to have been without foundation.  The
claim that our "warnings" stopped the "coup plot" generally does
not wash.  It gets "tired" real quick.

As a 50 year old pro-Constituionalist I have seen these "take-over"
hysterias ebb and flow since the late 1950's when I first began to
follow right-wing politics under the influence of my right-wing
Catholic relatives.  Such hysteria becomes especially strong when
democrats are elected to the White House.  Of course, I could be
wrong this time.  We need to keep an ear to the ground for real

However, the current Emergency Orders and UN troop/equipment
movements can be explained quite well without postulating an
imminent UN military coup.  With the UN planning and considering
"peace keeping" all around the world, the movement of troops and
equipment does not automatically equal UN take-over plot.

Every President has had dictatorial, freedom crushing Emergency
Plans up his sleeve.  Real emergencies are possible and,
admittedly, many Presidents would like the power they could
exercise in a fake or manipulated emergency.  It is especially
worrisome that irreversible changes in the US system could be
effected during an emergency.

However, the Super-Rich Oligarchy of "Great Pirates", ie. the "Money
Power", already controls the country as it is.  They do not need a coup or
emergency to remain in power.  In fact, such power in the President's
hands might endanger their power.  A Presidential-UN coup would probably
put the Super-Rich temporarily in the "patriotic" camp so they could
defend their ill-gotten "property rights" against an usurping President.
Though it is possible that Clinton, representing the Georgetown-SMOM-
Vatican forces might be tempted to move against the "Money Power" by
declaring an emergency, it is unlikely that he or his sponsors (including
the Rockefellers?) would take such a risk.

Unknowingly, the right-wing, conservative, US nationalist opposition plays
an important role in granting "left-cover" to the Anglo-American
Imperialism behind the UN facade.  It tends to lead the liberals and the
left to support the UN depredations all over the world on the erroneous
theory that "the enemy of my enemy is my ally".

When the real purpose of the UN troop movements is revealed,
support for the UN will increase (if the Oligarchy is successful as


**Mini-Review of The Leipzig Connection:  The Systematic
Destruction of American Education by Paolo Lionni (1993 Up-date of
1980 Classic, Paperback, 103 pages)  $4.95 plus $1.50 postage and
handling from A-albionic Research, POB 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220

Detailed review of the career of the little known German Professor Wilhelm
Wundt who not only founded experimental psychology, but inspired
behaviorism and progressive education, movements that, with the backing of
Rockefeller Philanthropy, have destroyed education.


New Book Catalog Released to the Net.  Free on request by e-mail.

General, Introductory, and pro-Catholic Conspiracy Theory books
  (72 items with capsule reviews)


In case you are new to the A-albionic Research Up-Date List, numerous
items are free by e-mail for the asking.  (No FTP, no mail server, just
personal service at this time--FTP site coming soon!)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
######### FREE E-mail Document Index as of 6-11-94################
       (Available for the asking not repeated here)


      A-albionic Consulting and Research is an informal network of
researchers dedicated to identifying the nature of the "ruling
class/conspiracy".  Their current research hypothesis states:


"The Overt and Covert Organs of the Vatican and British Empires are Locked
in Mortal Combat for Control of the World."

      They actively seek network growth and sincerely solicit new ideas
and criticism from all quarters, across all philosophical, religious,
ideological, class, racial, and ethnic barriers.

      They publish a quarterly journal, the Project, and maintain
extensive computerized databases of books and research materials.  Their
"Regular Catalog" ($10.00 for dos disk or e-mail file) lists 450 books of
interest to conspiracy researchers which they stock for immediate
shipment.  Their "Super Catalog" ($20.00 for dos disk or e-mail file)
lists another 3500 books which may require 30 day back order or rare
search through their exclusive network of rare book specialists.  Sorry,
they do not accept credit cards and charge a $6.00 fee for COD orders.


          A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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