-Caveat Lector-

     From David Guyatt's "Deep Black" - continued


     After the Watch Tower missions, Col. Cutolo returned to
normal duty, and Tyree was later reassigned to another location
and command. There the matter would have rested for evermore had
not a curious sequence of events occurred two years later.
     By 1978, Colonel Cutolo assumed command of the 10th Special
Forces Group (airborne) at Fort Devens, where he recognised two
soldiers - PFC William Tyree and Sgt. John Newby - both of whom
had operated under his command during Watch Tower, and who now
were assigned (in Tyree's case re-assigned) to his command.
     1978 also saw the return of Edwin Wilson with another deep
black covert operation on offer. This was known as Operation
George Orwell.
     During a meeting with Cutolo, Edwin Wilson explained that
"it was considered that Operation Watch Tower might be
compromised and become known if politicians, judicial figures,
police and religious entities were approached or received word
that U. S. troops had aided in delivering narcotics from Columbia
into Panama." Based on that possibility, Cutolo, formed twelve
separate Special Action Teams (SATs). Their mission was to
implement Army regulation 340-18-5 (file number 503-05). Cutolo's
authority for this action came directly from FORSCOM via Wilson.
     In effect, Operation Orwell was tasked with implementing
intense "surveillance of politicians, judicial figures, law
enforcement agencies at the state level and of religious groups."
The underlying purpose was to provide the "United States
government and the Army" with advance warning of the discovery of
Watch Tower to enable them to "prepare a defence." Cutolo further
states that he "was under orders not to inform Colonel Forrest
Rittgers, commanding officer of Fort Devens" of this mission. The
reason was to give Colonel Rittgers a "margin of plausible
deniability" in the event that Fort Devens personnel were "caught
in the act of implementing surveillance."
     Cutolo goes on to reveal that he instituted surveillance
against "Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Edward King, Michael Dukakis,
Levin H. Campbell, Andrew A Caffrey, Fred Johnson, Kenneth A.
Chandler, Thomas P. O'Neil, to name a few of the targets."
Additionally surveillance was placed on "the Governors'
residences of Massachusetts, Manine, New York and New Hampshire.
The Catholic cathedrals of New York and Boston were placed under
electronic surveillance also. In the area of Fort Devens, all
local police and politicians were under some form of surveillance
at various times."  As part of the operation, Cutolo recruited "a
number of local state employees who worked within the ranks of
local police and court personnel."
     Private Tyree, in his sworn affidavit, confirms what Cutolo
has revealed about Operation George Orwell, including that it was
initiated under Army regulation number 340-18-5, file number
503-05. He states that "I was involved in 10 separate
surveillance missions in the New England area, all under this
same operation."  He adds "surveillance was instituted to monitor
civilian targets to determine: a) if Operation Watch Tower had
been discovered. B) the probability that an investigation or
governmental inquiry would be requested as a result of such a
discovery." Tyree goes on to reveal that he, personally,
participated in surveillance against the Mayor of Lunenbourg,
Massachusetts, a community close to Fort Devens. A second local
target was "John Droney, District Attorney, Middlesex County,
Massachusetts." Tyree continues by providing detailed information
about criminal wrongdoing by Droney, together with details of his
sexual proclivities and indiscretions.
     Moreover, Tyree additionally states that his friend,
Sergeant John Newby, had engaged in surveillance against
"Senators John Kerry and Ted Kennedy.  Sgt. Newby also stated to
me just prior to his death in October 1978, that he had been
involved in some surveillance of 'some judges' in the New Englad
area."  These included "Levin H. Campbell, Andrew A Caffrey and
Fred Johnson."
     He then goes on to reveal that Major Arnett, who was
assigned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina (home of the Green Berets)
had "commanded a team that allegedly maintained surveillance on
Senator Jesse Helms." The connection between Kennedy, Kerry and
Helms, Tyree states, was that "all three were critical of U.S.
involvement in Latin America."  Had they learned of Watch Tower
"they would undoubtedly use that information to pull the U.S.,
out of Latin America, which in turn might effect the security of
that area and eventually the U.S."
     Meanwhile, Cutolo states that "Sgt. Newby had received
threats just prior to his parachuting accident that claimed his
life in October 1978. It was at that time that (then) SP4 Tyree
began to report threatening phone calls. I saw a pattern and
still believe a pattern exists."
     Clearly, by this time, Col. Cutolo was fearful for his own
life, too. "I gave Colonel Baker the original copy of this
affidavit. I gave true copies to Hugh B. Pearce, and to Paul Neri
of the National Security Agency and instructed each person to
deliver the affidavit to the authorities in the event that
something occurs to me."
     It did.  According to the Paul Neri's accompanying letter,
in 1980, Colonel Cutolo died "while on a military exercise in
England. Just prior to his death he notified me that he was to
meet with Michael Harari, an Israeli Mossad agent. It is my
belief, though unsubstantiated, that Harari murdered Col. Cutolo
because of the information Col. Cutolo possessed." Neri then
reveals that in the event of Cutolo's death, he was to
discretely contact Col, Bo Baker. In turn, Col. Baker enlisted
the aid of Col. Nick Rowe  - all three were Special Forces
officers with exemplary records. The three of them thereafter set
out to "prove that Harari murdered Col. Cutolo."  Colonel Nick
Rowe was killed soon afterwards. On 21 April 1989 he was shot to
death by automatic fire from an M-16 assault rifle in Manila,
Phillippines. Neri reveals that "Harari was in the Phillippines
for three days just prior to and after Col. Rowe's murder."
     Chief Warrant Officer (WCO) Hugh Pearce, who also received a
copy of Cutolo's affidavit, also died in June 1989, as a result
of a helicopter accident. Pearce had commenced to help the others
with their enquiries. Prior to his death he had directed Col.
Rowe to an address at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, and state
politican Larkin Smith. Both Col. Rowe and CWO Hugh Pearce died
prior to a scheduled meeting with Smith - both having previously
agreed to "go public" and call for a "full investigation into the
events described in Col. Cutolo's affidavit."
     Following the arranged meeting, Smith died in August 1989 -
in an airplane accident.  Others to conveniently die included
Colonel Bo Baker and Colonel Robert Bayard - who was murdered in
Atlanta, Georgia, in 1977, just prior to his meeting with Israeli
Mossad officer David Kimche.
     Clearly, protecting the big secret of Operation Watch Tower
has assumed priority. This is, in fact, hinted at in Cutolo's
affidavit, when he earlier speaks of El Salvadoran Archbishop
Romero. Cutolo states that Romero "is in receipt of physical
evidence supporting several allegations that the United States is
currently with Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Panama
covertly training and sponsoring freedom fighters attempting to
overthrow the current regime in Nicaragua."  Cutolo then states
that "these freedom fighters are also being supported from
funds arising from Operation Watch Tower in part."  Cutolo closes
this paragraph by saying "This information made it necessary to
protect Operation Watch Tower and Operation Orwell regardless of
the cost." Needless to say, he was at that time, unaware that he
and his closest colleagues would form part of that "cost."
     But soon he would grow aware of the threat on his own life.
"I have detailed pertinent events in this affidavit should
something happen to me. The lug nuts have been loosened on my car
tires twice in the past week. I have had someone tamper with my
car and I have received telephone calls at my home where no one
answered at the other end. I have seen other men involved in
Operation watch Tower meet accidental deaths after they were
also threatened."
     Cutolo simply had too much direct knowledge of Operation
Watch Tower to survive, especially since he began having doubts
about its legality. During an earlier meeting with the CIA's
Edwin Wilson, Cutolo states:
     "Edwin Wilson explained that Operation watch Tower had to
remain secret and gave these reasons:

     "If it becomes public knowledge it would undermine present
governmental interests as well as those in the future.
   "There are similar operations being implemented elsewhere in
the world: Wilson named the 'Golden Triangle' of Southeast Asia
and Pakistan. Wilson stated in both areas of the world the CIA
and other intelligence agencies are behind the illegal narcotics
flow to support forces fighting to overthrow communist
governments, or governments that are not friendly
towards the United States. Wilson named several recognised
officials of Pakistan, Afganistan, Burma, Korea, Thailand and
Cambodia as being aware and consenting to these arrangements,
similar to the ones in Panama.
     "Wilson cited the military coup in Argentina in 1976, the
coup in Peru in 1978, the fall of the Somoza government in
Nicaragua in 1979 and the growing civil war in El Salvador as
examples of the need for Operations like Watch Tower. As these
operations funded the ongoing efforts to combat Terrorism and
defeat actions directed against the United States or matters
involving the United States."
     In any event, Wilson hadn't yet concluded his narcotics
lecture to Cutolo, as he "... explained that the profits from the
sale of narcotics was laundered through a series of banks. Wilson
stated that over 70% of the profits were laundered through the
banks in Panama. The remaining percentage was funnelled through
Swiss banks, with a small remainder being handled by banks within
the United States."  Cutolo adds "Wilson indicated that a large
portion of the profits are brought into the banks of Panama
without being checked. I understood that some of the profits in
Panamanian banks arrived through Israeli couriers. I became aware
of that fact from normal conversations with some of the embassy
personnel assigned to the embassy in Panama."
     Cutolo then reveals that an associate of Wilson's also
"aided in overseeing the laundering of funds, which was then used
to purchase weapons to arm various factions that the CIA saw as
friendly towards the United States. The associate's name is Tom
Cline."  Wilson then tells Cutolo that "most of Operation Watch
Tower was implemented on the authority of Clines."
     Tom Clines worked under Theodore Shackley, and both were
heavily implicated in gun running activities during Iran-Contra,
itself a notorious drugs-for-money-for-guns operation under
President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush.
     In fact, Cutolo later reveals in his affidavit that the
illegal activities of Mike Harari were protected by a number of
American VIP's. Cutolo was told by Pentagon "contacts, of the
record" that these VIP's included CIA Director Stansfield Turner
and former CIA Director George Bush. Both, in Cutolo's words
"shielded Harari from public scrutiny."  The same contacts also
told Cutolo that "Watch Tower" was a sanctioned mission and that
"United States military authorities confirmed to me that
Operation Watch Tower occurred and gave their approval."
     Cutolo, also learned that "Harari was a known middleman for
matters involving the United States in Latin America," adding
that the Israeli assassin "acted with the support of a network
of Mossad personnel throughout Latin America and worked mainly in
the import and export of arms and drugs trafficking."
     Motivation in this regard is a contentious issue. Paul Neri
stated his belief that Wilson, Clines and Terpil were acting
without authority and for their own personal enrichment.
     Clearly, this is not the case.  Cutolo is certain that both
operations were sanctioned at the highest level.  Of course, this
does not hinder some of those involved with these missions from
profiting on the side. The indications are that so long as
"skimming" was kept at reasonable levels, no questions would be
asked by those higher up the chain of command.
     Indeed, Cutolo's affidavit reveals an intriguing sidebar to
Operation George Orwell that is only too believeable in regard to
the big bucks world of black budgets.  The surveillance product
garnered by Operation George Orwell had uses other than keeping
loose mouths shut.  According to Cutolo, he "was notified by
Wilson that the information forwarded to Washington D.C., was
disseminated to private corporations who were developing weapon
systems for the Dept. of Defense. Those private corporations were
encouraged to use the sensitive information gathered from
surveillance on U.S. Senators and Representatives as leverage to
manipulate those Congressmen into approving whatever costs those
weapon systems incurred."
     Three weapon systems were mentioned to Cutolo in this
respect: "1) Am Armored vehicle. 2) An aircraft that is invisible
to radar. 3) A weapon system that utilises kinetic energy."  He
adds that he got the impression all three were for "use by NASA
or for CIA purposes."  Wilson also informed Cutolo that
"Operation Orwell would be implemented nationwide by 4 July
1980."  He then adds that as of the date of this affidavit [11
March 1980], "2,400 police departments, 1,370 churches, and
approximately 17,900 citizens have been monitored under
Operation Orwell. The major churches targeted have been Catholic
and Latter Day Saints." Others targeted included "suspected
members of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group,"
including former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and
George Bush. Cutolo notes that he did not have personal knowledge
"that Ford, Carter or Bush were under surveillance."
     Anyone who took an active interest in these operations were
soon to experience extreme rigor mortis.
     In his covering letter, Paul Neri mentions the death of
Supergun builder and "Pentagon Scientist" Dr. Gerald Bull, who
was shot dead outside his apartment in 1990 - as an example of
the deadliness of Mossad officer Mike Harari.  Neri also casts
dark glances at the role of President George Bush in this whole
affair, noting that Bush "knew or should have known about
Operation Watch Tower."  He then adds that "With Mr Noriega no
longer in power, the Bush Administration has helped install one
president and two Vice-Presidents in Panama who will continue to
launder the drug money the CIA receives from drug operations
world wide...."
     Neri continues "How much longer, and how many more will be
murdered, diea ccidentally or be discredited through
incarceration, so that poppies and coca leaves can fund the
secret war of the CIA?  Will Latin America be the next secret CIA
war, as was the case in Vietnam?  And how many of our service
people will die there?"
     Neri's allusion to Vietnam was not without meaning in
terms of massive narcotics trafficking by the CIA.
     Colonel Bo Gritz, the most decorated Special Forces officer
from the Vietnam era, received a copy of Cutolo's affidavit.
Some years later he would travel to Burma and meet with warlord
Khun Sa - the leading producer of Heroin in Southeast Asia.  What
Gritz discovered was fully documented and recorded on video
camera. Gritz' story will form part two of this article, along
with the associated story of U.S. Prisoners of War.  In this
case, the term "Missing in Action" has far more sinister
connotations in the view of many, who believe that the POWs/MIAs
are used as "drug mules" by an unscrupulous CIA, engaged in its
global dope and guns business. Many of the names you have come
across above will be reappear in part two.


     Cutolo's affidavit runs to 15 pages and 86 paragraphs. Dated
11 March 1980, it is witnessed by a notary.  PFC William Tyree's
affidavit runs to 13 pages and 41 paragraphs.  Dated 6 September
1990, it is witnessed by a notary.  Paul Neri's accompanying 5
page letter is undated and unsigned and was prepared prior to his
death on 29 April 1990, from a long illness.  Cutolo's affidavit
and Neri's death-bed letter were forwarded by a friend who wished
to remain anonymous.  The friend sent an accompanying
type-written letter consisting of one paragraph, neither signed
nor dated.
     All documents are in this writer's possession.
     Copies of Cutolo's affidavit were given to Colonels A. J.
'Bo' Baker, Hugh B. Pearce and James 'Bo' Gritz.

Calahan, Alexander B. "Countering Terrorism: The Israeli Response
     to the 1972 Munich Olympic Massacre and the Development of
     Independent Covert Action Teams"; Master's Thesis at the
     Marine Corps Command and Staff College; April, 1995.

     Cutolo names the same individuals in his affidavit.

Extracted from the Third Edition of "Defrauding America" by
     Rodney Stich (1998, Diablo Western Press, Inc) page 359.

The major film, "First Blood," starring Sylvester Stallone, was
     modelled on Col. Bo Gritz.

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