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Title: Mass media coverup?

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Mass media coverup?

Death of a young boy at the hands of a homosexual couple ignored by media

Wednesday, November 10, 1999

By Lawrence Morahan
CNS Staff Writer

Stories about the alleged murder of a 13-year-old boy at the hands of a homosexual couple has been quashed by some major media outlets and have caused death threats to be sent to others, a group of reporters and talk show hosts told

"About 10 percent of my emails are from people who haven't heard of the case and who want material to verify what they heard. People asked me to send them some stuff because people they told about it didn't believe them," said Eric Hogue, a broadcaster with WHK AM and FM radio covering northeastern Ohio and Pennsylvania, in an interview with

Hogue said he received death threats from people who accused him of hatemongering because of his coverage of the killing of 13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising in Rogers, Ark., on Sept. 26, allegedly at the hands of two gay men.

One of the men, Joshua Macave Brown, 22, told police he sneaked up on the boy, tied him up and repeatedly sodomized him while his lover, Davis Don Carpenter, 38, watched. The boy died of asphyxiation. The men, who pleaded not guilty, are being held without bond.

"My beef is with the national news media who ignore this story, and go to the other extreme in covering Matthew Shepard. The issue with me is not who's heterosexual and who's homosexual, but what the news media is covering and not covering. Evidently that makes me a hatemonger in the eyes of some," Hogue said.

Others see the lack of media interest as politically motivated.

"Nothing was done in print, nothing was done on TV nor on radio. It's appalling that something like this was held back apparently for political reasons," Phillip Johnson of KORM radio in Rogers, Ark., told

Rogers had attempted to sell the Dirkhising story to several nation media outlets, but was turned down by each.

Public policy groups told that gay rights activists, who joined in the condemnation of the Dirkhising slaying, should go a step further and use the slaying to warn their communities of the dangers of sado-masochistic behavior.

"Gay activist groups have made no apologies for sponsoring sadistic sex behavior by having a booth at the Folsom Street fair in San Francisco on the day Jesse Dirkhising was killed," said Robert H. Knight, director of cultural studies at the Family Research Council, in an interview with "They make no comment about the sadistic sex that is advertised in homosexual publications and featured in some clubs."

"Gay activists are winking at sadistic sex behavior instead of saying 'This is bad, consensual or not, you shouldn't be doing this to each other.' We have called on them to denounce violence against homosexuals by homosexuals, because there's more of that than any other kind of violence, far more than so-called hate crimes," he said.

There is a more plausible connection between gay activism, which promotes sadistic sex behavior, and Dirkhising's death, than there is between the "truth and love" ad campaign that ran in national newspapers in 1998 about coming out of the homosexual lifestyle, and Matthew Shepard's killing, Knight said.

"On the one hand you have homosexual activity that is protected and supported by mainstream organizations. But there is no connection whatever between the religious organizations that promoted the 'truth and love' message and these two thugs in Wyoming who beat up and killed Matthew Shepard," Knight said.

"One is a direct connection. The other is a real stretch, and yet the real stretch has been used by everybody from New York Times columnist Frank Rich to Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen to the Clinton administration. Even the San Francisco board of supervisors have directly blamed the murder of Matthew Shepard on groups opposing the homosexual agenda," he said.

"The reactions to the two murders can be compared in the following way: Why aren't they just as equal in condemnation and punishment?" said Linda Harvey, director of Mission America, a public policy watchdog group, in an interview with

"This is the whole fallacy in hate crimes. This was hardly a 'nice' crime. This was a horrendous crime against this boy. It wasn't because of his sexual orientation evidently, but the result is still the same. And it shows the absolute inequity and the incredibly irrational thinking behind the whole concept of hate crimes legislation - the fact that some groups are elevated to a greater status simply because of who they are," she said.

"There have been strong implications that any group that objects to homosexual behavior is somehow responsible for a death like Matthew Shepard's. And that is absolutely one of the most hostile and dangerous and incredibly biased positions that any group of people could take in this country," Harvey said.

The media goes along with a homosexual agenda because "the media is decidedly pro-homosexual," Michael Johnston, a spokesman for Kerusso Ministries, a Christian network that monitors the homosexual movement around the world, told

"They've decided some time ago that they believe homosexuality is innate, that homosexuals can't change. They don't see it as a moral issue - which it certainly has been for thousands of years all around the world - but as a civil rights issue. I think many in the media sincerely believe that. So they've taken up the cause," Johnston said.

Homosexual activists can only continue to raise money "when they can demonize Christians, when they can convince the rest of the world that every homosexual on every block is under immediate threat of death or assault. It certainly isn't true. I'm a former homosexual and that was not my experience, nor was it the experience of anyone I knew," Johnston said.

"We can agree to speak out against crime, but if we're going to speak out against crime and violence, we've got to do it with integrity. We've got to do it in a real world where we realize that there is crime and there is violence, but that the reality is most of it isn't against homosexuals, it's against people in general. The homosexual community has no desire to discuss that issue with any integrity.

"The answer to the problem is going to have to be spiritual in nature," Johnston said



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