-Caveat Lector-


Giza, the Pyramids, the Sphinx and the New Millennium
Updated : 16th January 1999

With the millennium fast approaching, author and pyramid researcher Robert
Bauval is bringing together several prominent authors and researchers from
around the world to perform a journey and global ritual. This journey will
symbolically represent the departure of the Hermetic Tradition from Egypt,
its subsequent spread around the world, and now its return back into Egypt.

The authors and researchers include: Graham Hancock *, John Anthony West,
Robert Bauval, Colin Wilson, Andrew Collins, Michael Baigent, Robert Lomas,
Christopher Knight, Paul William Roberts, John Lash, Rand Flem-Ath, Dr.
Edmund Meltzer, Yuri Stoyanov and Richard Lea**

* [Throughout 1999 Graham will be travelling the world in a great underwater
diving expedition called "Underworld" which will be the subject of his new
book as well as a stunning TV series, but will be present at the last
'station' of Equinox 2000 at Giza -see below].

** [Pending final confirmation]

The great journey ends at Giza coinciding with the Equinox of March 2000
(which is a change from the original 31 December 1999), in front of the
Great Sphinx.

There are still to be celebrations at Giza on the 31 December 1999 as Orion'
s belt crosses the meridian at midnight and Leo rises in the east, the New
Millennium and World Age will be ushered in by the processional star-clock,
marked by the rising of Aquarius in the west. It is hoped that a gilded
Benben Stone (capstone) will then be placed by the Egyptian Authorities on
the apex of the Great pyramid. Jean Michele Jarre and his band will also be
performing on the site with a special laser show near the Pyramid.

Starting and ending in Egypt, the author's hermetic journey will now consist
of the following events

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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