-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Servile Media
Date: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 2:13 PM


             ON BENDED KNEE

             by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

             Unless you get your news from the
             Internet, you might not have heard
             about this astonishing example of
             government intimidation of an
             independent reporter. If Nixon or
             Reagan had done it, it would leap out
             of the history books. But because the
             official press and the Clinton
             administration enjoy a cozy mutual
             admiration society, the incident has
             received virtually no attention.

             The story involves a White House press
             picnic (isn't that sweet?) attended by
             the usual suspects and one dissident: a
             feisty reporter named Paul Sperry,
             Washington bureau chief for Investors
             Business Daily. As any unowned
             reporter would do, he began to
             question Clinton on a series of political
             scandals that are swirling around the
             White House but which establishment
             media types are too polite to mention
             in his presence.

             Sperry cornered Clinton to ask him
             when his next formal press conference
             would be. Clinton refused to give a
             clear answer. Sperry persisted, and
             finally began to conduct one right there
             on the spot. He brought up allegations
             concerning illegal campaign
             contributions from China, saying that
             the American people had a lot of
             questions about the issue. Clinton blew
             up. "I've been all around this country,
             and you are the first person to ask me
             about it," he said. "Not one person has
             brought that up. ... You want to know
             the only person who has been linked to
             money from China? Haley Barbour and
             the RNC, that's who!"

             Temper, temper. Now, to be sure, I
             have no trouble believing that both
             parties are guilty of every manner of
             corruption. But the topic of China has
             been a staple of Republican
             fundraising, and with the
             investigations heating up, you might
             think that Clinton would welcome the
             chance to respond to claims that he is
             on the payroll of a foreign power.

             But no. Instead, he blows up because a
             reporter dared to ask a tough question
             or two. Then Clinton hotly added, "The
             FBI wants you to write about that
             rather than write about Waco" -- a slip
             showing that the subject is on his mind
             and that he believes that he does not
             bear responsibility for the cover-ups of
             his own agencies.

             Clearly, Clinton is not used to being
             grilled. Like anyone in power, he works
             to surround himself with sycophants.
             The best thing to come out of the
             Monica Lewinsky drama is that he was
             put on the hot seat for an extended
             period of time. The worst thing about
             the drama is that he emerged from it
             with an even more inflated sense of his
             own personal infallibility and

             As for his claim that he has "been all
             around this country," it's sheer
             nonsense. He never goes anywhere
             without a vast entourage of carefully
             picked partisans throwing kisses at
             him. If he really wants to know what
             people say about him, he should put on
             a big nose and glasses and amble
             outside the beltway alone.

             Press secretary Joe Lockhart called
             Sperry to tell him he would never be
             allowed inside a White House press
             conference again. Ah, the fate of a man
             who asks a tough question of the
             president. It's the same fate of any man
             who dares treat the president as a mere
             mortal. But if Sperry gets permanently
             uninvited from any future White
             House function because he pestered the
             president with uncomfortable
             questions, what does that say about the
             reporters who remain?

             In 1988, Mark Hertsgaard wrote a great
             book called, "On Bended Knee: The
             Press and the Reagan Presidency,"
             demonstrating the penchant of the
             official media to worship power. Why
             is this? On one hand, it's not new. From
             time immemorial, government has
             surrounded itself with court
             intellectuals happy to put a humane
             spin on the inhumanity of the state.
             They are there to make government
             officials feel good about what would be
             called looting and murder in the
             private sector and to convince the
             masses that the state is actually good
             for them. In return, these intellectuals
             are granted privilege and prestige.

             In the ancient world, when religion and
             state were one, clerics portrayed the
             head of the executive branch as a god
             walking on earth. Opposition to taxes,
             for example, was considered
             blasphemy, while piety was equated
             with worshipping the government. So
             it is in our own time. The difference is
             that the state's apologists aren't always
             on the direct payroll; academic and
             media darlings work to shore up state
             power in return for vast prestige and

             One key to government control of the
             press is access. In the information
             game, government holds most of the
             cards, and information is the lifeblood
             of the press. The Clinton administration
             has mastered the art of controlling the
             media by treating interviews and
             information like fish dangled before
             hungry, leaping dolphins. The net
             effect is that the White House is able to
             train reporters to behave just so.

             But it's not just about fish and Clinton's
             Pavlovian feeding techniques. Ideology
             also comes into play. The mainline
             media may complain about this or that
             aspect of the Clinton administration's
             policies, but the truth is that the White
             House and the press that covers it have
             rarely marched in such close ideological

             The reporters and the president are
             from the same generation, went to the
             same schools, socialize with the same
             people, and share the same
             boomer-style, soft-socialist political
             worldview. Ted Turner of CNN
             recently admitted, "I'm a socialist at
             heart." Hence, while it is true that the
             press is controlled, it is also true that
             this takes place without much protest.
             The members of the mainline media see
             themselves as actors in the same
             politico-historical drama.

             This goes a long way towards
             explaining why it took new media to
             reveal the truth about the crimes at
             Waco. The reporters who should have
             been exposing them were too busy
             currying favor with the administration
             to concern themselves with a mass
             killing. Even now, the press is buying
             into Clinton' s staged anger at allegedly
             not having been told the whole truth
             about his armed henchmen killing

             Or consider the ridiculous drama of the
             vetoed revenue reduction the other
             day. The press portrayed it as a
             "massive tax cut" that Clinton was
             vetoing because it was "too bloated."
             The truth is that the tax cut was illusory
             and Clinton vetoed it because he didn't
             want the Republican Congress to gain
             even an illusory victory. But you had to
             read new media like WorldNetDaily to
             discover that.

             Is it any wonder that the mainstream
             media are held in very low regard by
             large majorities? Is it any wonder that
             the lying networks and major daily
             newspapers are losing large swaths of
             their audiences by the day? Is it any
             wonder that news through the Internet
             entered a continuing boom phase just
             as soon as it became technologically
             feasible, and that it is continually
             denigrated by the establishment press?

             Sperry may never go back to the White
             House, but at least we know a little bit
             more about those who remain.

             Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. is president
             of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in
             Auburn, Alabama.

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

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