-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

CONGRESS ACTION: November 14, 1999

DEMOCRATS ATTACK THE POOR: The left-wing attack on children continues. This
week the republican controlled Senate voted to boost the minimum wage, and to
help more people afford health care coverage (which Bill Clinton has been
demanding for years). But Clinton, with callous disregard for children and
the poor, promised to veto the measure. In a mostly party line vote,
mean-spirited Senate democrats opposed the minimum wage increase and the
health insurance tax deduction, which the republicans passed as a means of
helping the working poor. "This amendment will provide genuine relief for the
5 million working Americans, including 1.3 million children in self-employed
families, who have no health insurance," said Sen. Christopher S. Bond,
Republican from Missouri. But Bill Clinton, bowing to left-wing special
interests, vowed "I cannot let this bill become law in its current form."

     At the same time that Clinton launched his mean-spirited attack on
children and the working poor, he was opining about his place in history.
Referring to his impeachment, Clinton attacked republicans, claiming "I made
a personal mistake, and they spent $50 million trying to ferret it out and
root it out, because they had nothing else to do, because all the other
charges were totally false -- bogus, made up, and people were persecuted
because they wouldn't commit perjury against me." He went on to boast ".I was
right to stand and fight for my country and my Constitution and its
principles.". Which if true would be a first, standing up to fight for his -
wrong: our - Constitution and its principles. However, as even the reliably
pro-Clinton Washington Post pointed out, it is time for a reality check. It
was a federal judge who described Clinton's testimony under oath as "false,
misleading and evasive answers that were designed to obstruct the judicial
process." The Post correctly concluded, ".the White House's effort to protect
Mr. Clinton will surely not be remembered for any nobility or higher purpose.
The president dragged the country through months of trauma to fight
allegations that were, at least in the main, true. His operatives smeared
political and legal opponents. To this day, he has never acknowledged the
harm he did. As to his behavior, there was nothing 'right' about it."

COMPETENCE FOR OFFICE: News Flash!! Presidential candidate George W. Bush
doesn't know the name of the current Prime Minister of Lower Slobovia!
Obviously unfit to be president! Now take that seasoned politician Al Gore.
He does know the name of the current Prime Minister of Lower Slobovia. Even
better, he knows the name of the current Prime Minister and other big shots
of Russia. In fact, they are his good buddies. In fact, Al Gore is such good
buddies with Russian big shots that he sat on his hands and raised not a
murmur while Russians shoveled billions of American foreign aid dollars into
their Swiss bank accounts. So who says it's not an advantage for a man who
would be president to have an intimate familiarity with foreign leaders? An
advantage to whom is the big question. And then presidential candidate Bush
has raised gazillions of dollars in campaign contributions, which has the
so-called good government types all atwitter. Taking money in dribs and drabs
from ordinary American citizens -- how dare he! He should have followed the
example of fundraising master Al Gore, who had the decency and common sense
to accept ten thousand dollar checks from Buddhist nuns who had taken vows of
poverty. Now there's a man who knows how to extract water from a stone! What
a guy! Or perhaps there is a better example to follow, from the man whose
threat to become a candidate proves that we have definitely entered the
campaign "silly season": Warren Beatty. That man of the people, who no doubt
gained his vast insight into the psyche of the average American voter from
his years in Hollywood, advocates "public financing" of political campaigns.
"Public financing", of course, means forcing the American taxpayer to
subsidize the political egos of people such as Beatty. For decades, taxpayers
have had the opportunity to do just that, by checking off that little box at
the top of the income tax return to divert $3 from their tax payment into the
FEC fund to subsidize political campaigns. In its best year (1978), only 29%
of taxpayers checked the box to contribute. In 1996, a mere 13% of taxpayers
did so, and the numbers show a consistent decline. Which means that nearly
nine out of every ten taxpayers do not want to be forced to pay to massage
the egos of dilettantes like Beatty. So the public has clearly and
unambiguously rejected Beatty's scheme for public financing. Does he care? Is
he willing to accede to the will of the people and forget his silly idea? Of
course not. Like all leftists, he knows better, he is smarter than all those
foolish taxpayers who are dumb enough to think that it is their money he's
talking about. It isn't their money, of course. Just ask any good politician.
Your money is only that amount which the big government totalitarians allow
you to keep after they take as much as they think they need to fund their
never-ending and ever-increasing schemes.

MICROSOFT MONOPOLY: Our Department of "Justice" has won the first major round
in its anti-trust lawsuit against the Microsoft Corporation. According to the
judicial wisdom handed down last week, having a common operating system for
personal computers is not a significant benefit to consumers. Better,
according to the judicial wisdom, to have a multiplicity of (probably
incompatible) systems. Remember Beta vs. VHS videotapes? Eminent judicial
wisdom apparently agreed with Janet Reno that such confusion was just great,
and wants to replicate it with your computers. There is also speculation
(although most financial analysts disagree) that the ultimate end to this
case will be a breakup of Microsoft. Remember Ma Bell? Used to be, when your
telephone didn't work, you called "The Phone Company" and whatever was wrong
got fixed. Since the break-up of A.T.& T., if you have a problem with your
phone it is up to you to determine: is the problem inside the house or
outside, with your phone, or the phone jack in the wall, or the line in your
house, or the line from the telephone pole? And who do you call to get it
fixed? So glad that the judicial system made things so much easier for
consumers! As for the dim-bulbs at the "Justice" Department, they are like
tornadoes: wreaking havoc wherever they touch down. "We're from the
government, and we just want to help you."

     On the other hand, anyone who owned stock in A.T.& T. and held it
through the break-up made out like a bandit, financially, with all the newly
independent companies which came into being, and the rapid stock price
appreciation of most of them. If a similar result comes to Microsoft, Bill
Gates will be crying all the way to the bank. Which may be why he didn't seem
particularly upset by the judge's decision. Apparently, the only permissible
monopolies in this country are government-run monopolies, such as the Ponzi
scheme called Social Security, or the public mis-education system. And you,
the consumer, don't even have the option of not participating in those
schemes. Oh, sure, you can send your child to private school if you want to
(and if you can afford it, like the leftist elites such as Ted Kennedy and
Bill Clinton who would never dream of sending their own children to public
school), but you still have to pay for the public system anyway. Oh, sure,
you can save for your own retirement if you want to (and anyone with half a
brain should not rely for one moment on the government scheme), but you still
have to pay your tribute to D.C. for their scheme anyway. And if the
"Justice" Department wants to investigate an oppressive monopoly, what about
the incestuous relationship between labor unions and the Democratic National
Committee? Labor unions, contrary to the Supreme Court ruling in
Communications Workers v. Beck (487 U.S. 735; 1988), continue to extract
money from their members involuntarily, and contribute virtually all of that
money to the DNC and democrat candidates. Other than government - and labor
unions -- there are no other entities in the United States with the power to
force people to turn over their money, which is then used to advance their
own partisan political agenda. What about that oppressive disobedience to the
law, Ms. Reno, and the harm that causes to the public and the nation? Not
even Microsoft can force people to buy its products.

     So what is the lesson here? The lesson is that if you are successful in
this country, and especially if you get rich because you are successful, the
government is coming after you, and they will spend the vast resources of the
national treasury to get you. And if you are government - or labor unions -
oppressive monopolies are just fine.

GENETIC ENGINEERING: Some people are hysterical at the idea of genetically
engineered fruits and vegetables, and many nations have banned the import of
meat from cows fed any kind of growth hormones. The radical environmental
group Greenpeace is currently engaged in staging protests against genetically
engineered crops, wearing bio-hazard suits and implying that those crops are
the equivalent of toxic waste. They are upset at what they see as human
arrogance implied by tampering with - and often improving -- nature. Never
mind that humans have been tampering with food crops for thousands of years,
with cross-breeding and selective cultivation. The chairman of the department
of plant pathology at the University of Nebraska said, "We haven't eaten wild
food for 8000 or 10,000 years. Early farmers were already selecting the
plants that grew best in their area - the ones that gave the most yield or
tasted best." But the Luddites in Greenpeace are obsessed by the idea that
some "mutant killer gene" might enter nature's "pristine" environment and
wreak untold genetic damage to our planet. The irony is that many of these
same people show no concern whatsoever that we are drugging millions of our
own children with psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin and Prozac, with the
specific intent of altering the behavior and psychological makeup of those
children, with unknown long term effects. Francis Fukuyama wrote that, with
Ritalin and Prozac, "It seems all but inevitable that we will develop the
ability to.change once and for all the set of genetically controlled
behaviors that have characterized the human race since the end of the
so-called Era of Evolutionary Adaptation, when human beings lived in
hunter-gatherer societies." It would be nice if those genetically engineered
fruit haters spent one-tenth the energy worrying about our children as they
do worrying about tomatoes. Then again, according to socialist dogma, human
beings are endlessly malleable, the goal being to produce the ultimate
worker-bee for the good of the State. But a tomato is just a tomato.

BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR.: "Foolish liberals who are trying to read the
Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual
right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard don't see the danger in
the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the
same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like." --
Alan Dershowitz (noted Harvard Law School professor and Clinton impeachment
defender). Actually, in this case Dershowitz is correct, although those
"others" are none other than his friends in the public education monopoly.
Across the country, the irrational hysteria against firearms drummed up by
the media's endlessly sensationalized school shootings has put school
administrators and teachers in a no-win situation: be careful what you say in
school or you might be branded a child-terrorist. Attacks on the Second
Amendment by anti-gun extremists have already resulted in severe damage to
the First Amendment, and freedom of speech and creativity are in big trouble.
(Forget for the moment those kids punished for brandishing such deadly
weapons as plastic water guns or nail clippers.) In Texas, a 7th grader was
thrown in jail for writing a scary Halloween essay; in Arizona a 15 year old
was expelled for writing a scary story; in Ohio a 9 year old was suspended
for expressing anger at another child, and in Washington state a 6 year old
was suspended for talking about a gun. The Department of Education is
introducing a computer system to help teachers psycho-analyze their students,
to determine whether they should be considered dangerous. Based in part, of
course, on what those children say and write. Once left-wing extremists begin
trashing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, there's no stopping them
until all our freedoms are destroyed.

     Perhaps this is one reason that the Second Amendment is often described
as America's First Freedom.


Communications Workers v. Beck (487 U.S. 735; 1988):

Mr. Kim Weissman

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