-Caveat Lector-


Bill Clinton and How He Got That Way

        All Rights Reserved © NewsMax.com
Norman Liebmann
November 11, 1999

In order to understand more poignantly Bill Clinton's character, it is
useful to recall the ancestors whose blood flows in his veins. Here is a
list of some of Bill Clinton's antecedents, and the quotations by which
they are best remembered and defined. Conclusions are irresistible:

NATHAN HALE CLINTON: "My only regret is that I have but one pair of pants
to drop for my country."

JOHN PAUL JONES CLINTON: "I have not yet begun to fight and I plan to keep
it that way."

SAM HOUSTON CLINTON: "It may be the Alamo to you, but it looks like just
another Taco Bell to me."

PAUL REVERE CLINTON:"I hear the British are coming. Are my lips on

GENERAL WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN CLINTON: "War is hell, but let's face it,
nobody gives a shit about the Serbians."

JACK FROST CLINTON: "Excuse me, Miss, I thought that was your nose I was
nipping at."

PATRICK HENRY CLINTON: "Give me liberty, or give me penicillin."

GENERAL JOHN J. PERSHING CLINTON: "Tell Lafayette if I'm not there, go
ahead without me."

ABRAHAM LINCOLN CLINTON: "The world will little note nor long remember what
we say here, but you can bet some broad will tell a friend and next thing
you know, it will be all over Gettysburg."

CAPTAIN EDWARD SMITH CLINTON: (as his ship, the Titanic, went down) "Bimbos
and lobbyists first!"

PINOCCHIO CLINTON: "I'm going to say this one more time. I did not have sex
with that woman, Mrs. Gepetto."

SHERIFF OF NOTTINGHAM CLINTON: "The only things that are sure are death and
taxes, but if I get my way about only one, you can bet it will be taxes.

EDUCATOR JOHN HARVARD CLINTON: "How should I know? Go look it up."

GENERAL DWIGHT DAVID EISENHOWER CLINTON: (to his troops before the invasion
of Normandy): "I had hoped to go with you."

ADMIRAL CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS CLINTON: Swim over to the Pinta and find out
if anyone aboard has a Dramamine."

SIR FRANCIS DRAKE CLINTON: "When the Spanish Armada arrives, sneak the crew
over the border and register them as Democrats."

O.J. CLINTON: "I never saw such a fuss over a sore throat."

FREDERICK DOUGLASS CLINTON: "Will somebody please tell me what the "n" word
that people keep referring to is."

NEIL ARMSTRONG CLINTON: "One small step for man, one giant rip-off for the
Clinton/Gore Campaign."

ADOLPH HITLER CLINTON: "The fact that nobody in Arkansas wears shoes does
not necessarily mean they're not Aryans."

SIR EDMUND HILLARY CLINTON: "Whose idea was this? I'm freezing my ass off!"

ADMIRAL DAVID FARRAGUT CLINTON: "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! Let
me know how it works out. I'll be in the Officers Club."  "GAY"

ADMIRAL PERRY CLINTON: "We have met the enemy and they are fun."

F. LEE CLINTON: "Don't ask. Don't tell. Don't testify."

GEORGIE WASHINGTON CLINTON: (At age nine) "I cannot tell a lie. I did not
have sex with that cherry tree."

FLETCHER CHRISTIAN CLINTON: "Who's for shuffleboard?"

WILLIAM PRESCOTT CLINTON: (to the White House Press Corps) "Don't quote
until you see the whites of my lies."

ADMIRAL RICHARD BYRD CLINTON: "Anybody here know how to get it on with a

FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT CLINTON: "We have nothing to ooze but ooze

ST. PAUL CLINTON: "The wages of sin is herpes."

CARRY NATION CLINTON: "I drank booze once, but I didn't swallow."

ELI WHITNEY CLINTON: Why didn't someone tell me that white stuff is cotton.
I've been trying to shove it up my nose."

VIRGIN MARY CLINTON: I'm thinking of putting him up for adoption."

WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON: "The coward dies a million deaths ... unless he
gets an educational deferment."  Norman Liebmann is a former Television
writer (Johnny Carson, Dean Martin; wrote and produced Chico and the Man,
and created the characters for The Munsters (who are all named after his
relatives) and a brilliant and insightful columnist/humorist. Please visit
his website Firehat, a treasure trove of Clinton and Media bashing.
Reprint Information

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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