-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: <Moebius>
To: <
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 1999 2:58 PM
Subject: Statement of Jeannine Scott, Wife of Yogurt Accused Mike Scott


Statement of Jeannine Scott Regarding Questioning of Her Husband Prior to
Being Arrested on the Yogurt Shop Case

On Wednesday, September 8, 1999, they showed up at my office.  They asked
if we were married.  They said that Mike Scott wasn't in any trouble, that
they were just following up on a case and that they wanted to talk to him.
They said that they wanted to know what our daily routine was.  They wanted
to know where my daughter was going to day care.

Mike was working on getting his GED.  They picked up at 8:30 a.m. on the
9th in front of my office.  He had agreed to meet them at my office.  I was
transferred with a major computer corporation.  I was a service engineer.
I am a computer techie.

At 2:15 p.m. on the same day that they picked him up he left me a message
on my phone, stating:  "I guess I know more about this than I thought.  It
looks like I am going to be here for a while.  It struck me as strange.
Either you know about something or you don't."

About 6:00 p.m., I paged because I couldn't find him.  I received a return
call from a detective that said that they would be done in an hour.  I
walked into my house at 7:00 p.m. and I received a call from my husband.
He told me that he would be a couple more hours.  By about 9:00 o'clock, I
was in the phone book looking for lawyers' names.  It was too suspicious.
They were keeping him there for hours and hours.  I paged him at 11:00 p.m.
and I received a return page from a detective, saying that they would bring
home in 15 minutes.

When he got home, I asked if they had left, and he said "No, they want to
talk to you."  "Do you want to talk to them."  And I said yes, and I went
out there and told them that I was irritated, that they were rude to keep
him. The detective told me again that Robby was in no trouble, that we were
just trying to close out an old case.  I was told not to ask Robby anything
about the case.

The next, September 10, 1999, they picked him up.  He wasn't sleeping well
and he didn't have time to eat anything.  So he ate nothing from September
8, 1999 at dinner for the next couple days.  They picked him up around 9:00
a.m. on the 10th.  He was back at my office around 4:30 p.m. that
afternoon. He was tired and frustrated.  He stated that they were hammering
him for details he didn't have.

He told me that they had told him that they knew everything that happened,
but that they needed by husband to tell them everything.  He was really
frustrated.  He said he was in the area.  It was one of the younger ones
that had the .22.  They sent him home on Friday, the 10th and told him to
think about it over the weekend.  And that they would be back on Monday.

They also told him that he was just another victim, and that they wanted to
help him.  After being with these guys (the cops) they tried to convince
him that he was there against his will.  It looks like I was there and that
I was forced to do what I was forced to do.  They told him that they wanted
him to appear in front of the grand jury and testify.  And then they
changed there minds.  They changed their minds on the 22nd of September,
1999 about him testifying before the grand jury.

On Sunday, September 12, 1999, they picked him up between 9:00 and 9:30
a.m. and brought him home at 5:30 p.m.  They said that they had been
driving him around, telling him that they were trying to improve his
credibility.  He was tired and dejected.  Stressed.

They left him alone on Monday, the 13th and met with him on the 14th at a
restaurant.  They accused him of trying to protect somebody.  Patrick
Davidson is the person that Mike was trying to protect.  My husband has
never owned a fire arm.  They said that my husband had given the weapon to
Patrick Davidson to destroy in some fashion.

They pulled Patrick Davidson in from somewhere.  Mike never met Patrick
Davidson until November of 1992.  My husband is not stupid.  I can't see
how my husband would hang on to a murder weapon for almost a year, to give
it to Patrick Davidson.

They demanded details like who was standing where and who was doing what,
stuff he knew nothing about.  My husband still suffers from ADD. His memory
is really crappie.  I see it in him regularly.  He is always asking what
the day is.  He doesn't keep track of things that way.  He can plan going
camping, but he can't plan the details.  He is great at packing camping
gear. He was a Boy Scout and one step below Eagle Scout.

It was like they were trying to convince my husband that he did these
murders.  And like they are trying to convince my husband's best friend
that Mike gave him the murder weapon to get rid of.

Then we went and talked to Ben Florey.  I wasn't impressed.  He went to see
my husband.  I called his office and told him that all I wanted was a yes
or no.  Florey makes no contact with us until after the arrest.  Then he
went to the jail and met with my husband there.

Leon Grizzard.  Tel:  512-

Date:   10/15/99 11:06:24 AM Pacific  Daylight TimeFrom:   Moebius50 To:
Subj:   Seattle Times Article  Re:  PunitiveDate:   10/1/99 10:06:51 AM
Pacific Daylight  TimeFrom:   Moebius50To: MatrxNW, Press Release:
From:  Yogurt Shop Defense team.
We  have reason to believe that all 13 work site deaths, from a total of
three different work sites, two here in Washington and one in Austin, all
have the same insurance carrier.  We also believe that the insurance
coverage on the Yogurt Shop site was not paid for.  And we believe that
despite the  $12 million announced "settlement" of the Yogurt Shop case, we
believe that far more than $12 million moved under the cover of the four
Yogurt Shop  deaths claims. These murders were the work of an organized,
detailed  psychopath.  These murders involved the typical mutilation of
white,  female bodies that is remarkably characteristic of organized
psychopathic  conduct.  As a result, the files from these Yogurt Shop
Murders were  sent to Quantico, Virginia,  to the FBI's Behavioral Science
Division for  analysis.  At least one detective, former FBI Behavioral
Science  Unit Special Agent Jim Bell, confirms having reviewed the Yogurt
Shop murder  case while at Quantico. Interestingly, Detective Jim Bell
presently works  for the Palatine Police Department, where he has been
attempting to solve  the shocking "Brown's Fried Chicken Murders", which
took place in Palatine,  Illinois.  Those murders involved an after hours
murder of 7 employees  and the new owner, who had just bought the "Brown"
establishment 6 months  previously.
According to Detective Bell, the same M.O., or method  of operation, that
was used in the Brown's murders was also used the  following two evenings
at similar after hours murders of employees at  restaurants in Kentucky and
Tennessee.  "There is no way these kids  did these murders," said one
member of the rapidly forming defense team of  volunteer lawyers and civil
rights entities that have come to the aid of the  newly accused child
defendants.  "These guys (APD) don't have anything  more on these kids
today than they did 8 years ago, which was squat!   And Ronnie Earle
(Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle) is barking  up the wrong
tree if he thinks he can get away with indicting these  kids."
According to the defense team, these murders were conducted  pursuant to a
money laundering scheme, which in conjunction with numerous  other similar
murders across the country, strongly suggests the appearance  of a new,
powerful motive for murder.  The lawyers further assert that  the parties
who conducted these murders have been well known to Austin  Police Homicide
Chief Lt. David Parkinson."We have been demanding  for years that they
prosecute these murders.  They know the men who  conducted these murders,
and they understand the motive. Lt.  Parkinson was more content to make up
suspects."  And suspects they have  made up.  In the wake of Austin's most
brutal, horrifying murder of  four children, Lt. David Parkinson arranged
for the issuance of false  suspects in the form of two Mexican Nationals,
who mysteriously, after being  identified, where allowed to return into
In a subsequent  meeting with attorneys and civil right leaders from the
same defense team  that has now, years later, come forward to defend the
newly accused, Lt.  David Parkinson recanted his earlier statement and
insisted to the assembled  group of astonished community leaders that he
had fabricated the Mexican  Nationals, partially explaining that they were
"never suspects. This  conduct has cast the most recent leanings of the
Austin Police Department to  solve these murders with child witnesses (who
only very recently turned  "suspects") into a new light.  "You have got to
ask yourself," stated  one team leader, "why has Lt. David Parkinson always
refused to prosecute  these murders by pretending to an entire city that
the suspects got  away?  And why is he pretending to prosecute the murders
now by coming  in so heavy handed on top of these kids?"
Of even more curiosity is the  sudden announcement of a "solution" to these
now old, yet still shocking  murders, which was almost immediately followed
by a publicly embarrassing  press conference in which APD issued a
televised "Uh,Oh!  Maybe we  can't prosecute these kids after all." The
defense team doesn't seem to  be short for answers that, to them, make
Ronnie Earle's seemingly bizarre  behavior both predictable and menacing.
"These guys are getting cold  feet," stated San Antonio defense attorney
Nic Milam.  "They were  putting their attorneys on these kids' cases,
thinking they could sink these  kids without a whimper.  They were
bulldogging these kids into a  conviction.  Now their lawyers are gone, and
we're here.  Which  means if Ronnie Earle indicts, we will finally have the
platform to solve  these murders ourselves."
The references made by Mr. Milam point to a  consensus among the accused
children's defense team that once D.A. Ronnie  Earle indicts, he will open
the gates on the admission of extensive evidence  of Austin police and
District Attorney complicity which will destroy Earle's  career, and,
according to Seattle lawyer Erik C. Moebius, inflict Earle with  a
political and professional "black eye that will leave lumps on the back of
his head."
Ronnie Earle has drawn unfavorable attention in the last few  years,
exhibiting behavior that is either erratic or clumsy.  Ronnie  Earle has
been recently vilified in the national press for attempting to  convict a
10 year girl of murder, not once, but twice.  In the years  before that,
the Travis County District Attorney has distinguished himself  by indicting
a sitting U.S. Senator for sending Christmas lists out on her  computer.
When the Senator Kaye Baily Hutchison case came to trial,  D.A. Ronnie
Earle, who had apparently spent the previous night drinking  (according to
reliable sources, Earle has 5 DWI's, a decent record for a  District
Attorney) sat there in open court, in front of hundreds of TV  cameras,
ashened faced.  Earle refused to stand up, or even make an  audible grunt.
As a result, Senator Hutchison, walked free without  having to say a word.
For all his seemingly haphazard desire to  prosecute anything that moves,
Ronnie Earle has for almost 20 years refused  to prosecute the murder of an
Austin high school teacher who was shot and  killed at point blank range by
a shot to the head.  The student on the  other end of the gun delivered the
bullet in front of the entire classroom  full of children.  That student,
who to this day, has never been  prosecuted, was represented by Austin
lawyer Roy Q. Minton.  It is also  Mr. Minton that served as the insurance
defense attorney on the Yogurt Shop case.
Seattle Times Article:Punitive damages for pipeline  deaths? Maybe by Jim
Brunner Seattle Times Snohomish County bureau
BELLINGHAM - The families of two 10-year-old boys killed in the June 10
Olympic Pipe Line explosion and fire can't seek punitive damages under
Washington law - but may be able to seek such damages under Texas law, a
Whatcom County judge has ruled.
Whether Texas law applies will  depend on what facts emerge from the
ongoing investigation into the pipeline  operator's actions, Whatcom County
Superior Court Judge Steven Mura said  yesterday. The pipeline company's
managing partner is based in Houston.
The ruling came during the first court hearing in the wrongful-death
lawsuits brought by the families of Stephen Tsiorvas and Wade King, who
were  fatally burned while playing near Whatcom Creek after 277,000 gallons
of  gasoline spilled from a ruptured pipe operated by Olympic Pipe Line.
Touched off by a fireplace lighter lit by one of the boys, the gasoline
exploded into a fireball that scorched a mile and a half of creek bed and
sent black smoke billowing into the sky.
Liam Wood, 18, also died  after being overcome by gas fumes while
fly-fishing along the stream. His  family has not filed a lawsuit.
The Tsiorvas-King lawsuits name Olympic, several company employees, and
Equilon Enterprises, the Houston-based oil  company that is the managing
partner of Olympic Pipe Line, headquartered in  Renton. It is Equilon's
Texas connection that may leave the door open  for punitive damages.
Punitive damages are awarded on top of whatever money  might be awarded for
actual losses. They are used to punish civil offenders  for outrageous
Mura yesterday agreed with Olympic attorney  Richard Allen, who argued that
Washington law does not generally permit  punitive damages - a policy
repeatedly upheld by the state Supreme Court.  "This court does not have
the authority to overturn that," Mura said.  Whether the families will be
able to rely on Texas law to claim punitive damages from Olympic or Equilon
will likely depend on evidence uncovered in  the ongoing National
Transportation Safety Board investigation to determine what caused the
pipeline rupture and why operators failed to immediately notice it.
That investigation has been hindered by the refusal of  eight Olympic
workers to speak with investigators. The workers, worried  about possible
criminal charges in the case, have invoked their Fifth  Amendment rights
against self-incrimination.
David Beninger, the  attorney representing the Tsiorvas and King families,
said he'll argue that  decisions made at the company's Texas headquarters
contributed to the  rupture in the 30-year-old pipeline. "The fuse for this
bomb was lit in  Texas and just happened to explode in Washington,"
Beninger said.
Olympic representatives have defended the company's safety record and  said
construction work by Bellingham city contractors near the pipeline may
have damaged the pipe.
Jim Brunner's phone message number is  425-745-7808.
Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Full-name: Moebius50
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 12:22:24 EDT
Subject: Check out The Bellingham Herald Online

 <A HREF="http://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/explosion/index.htm">Click
here: The Bellingham Herald Online                            </A>


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 15, 1999 1:04 PM
Subject: Fwd: Check out The Bellingham Herald Online


Dessie:  We believe that the same insurance carrier that covered the Yogurt
Shop work site also covered
the nine Equilon work site deaths.  We also believe that a very recent
ruling up here - which allowed us to apply Texas law in a Washington
courtroom - created the immediate need to "solve" the Yogurt Shop.

We received a ruling allowing the Washington courts to apply Texas law in
these deaths.  Which means we can get punitive damages.  Which really means
that we can ask an expanded range of questions ... such as "What other work
site deaths did your insurance carrier cover?"  and "Where is the check
that paid for the coverage on the Yogurt Shop."

Please check the above web site and the article about "Judge's Ruling" as
it mentions me.  It was
immediately the day after that ruling that they announced that they had
"solved" the Yogurt Shop Murders.

There are no new facts, there are only new external urgencies.  Minton
needs to close the door on the Yogurt Shop Murders because he is concerned
that we will get discovery into the insurance carrier on both work sites.

More to follow.

Q:  What is the connection between the nine work site deaths in Washington
State and the Yogurt Shop Murders?

A:  Within hours of the six men dying in Anacortes, the Texas law firm of
Provost Umphrey flew up here and signed the families of the dead.  We also
believe that the same insurance carrier covered both sites.

Q:  And that's a connection?

A:  The placement of unusual amounts of insurance coverage on a work site
in the months prior to the deaths taking place on that site is evidence of

Q:  Just like putting life insurance on grandma and then having her killed
to collect the coverage?

A:  Close.  Instead of putting the coverage on grandma, you put coverage in
place on the  work site where Grandma works.

Q:  And then kill her on that work site?

A:  Right.  Which starts enormous amounts of insurance money moving bank to

Q:  But you are saying that it isn't insurance money, that it is drug money
that is portrayed as insurance money?

A:  Right.  Drug money flowing through the veins of the insurance company's

Q:  So how does the drug money get into the insurance company?

A:  Premiums.  Insurance companies can take in enormous amounts of drug
money as "premiums."  And no one has ever paid a dime for tax for paying a

Q:  So an insurance company can suck in enormous amounts of drug money as

A:  Insurance carriers get audited once every five years.  And no one looks
to see if the premium intake matches up with real policies.

Q:  So ... they launder it in and ...

A:  Murder it out.

Q:  Is there claims fraud on the Equilon deaths?

A:  Just like the Yogurt Shop files.  No discovery, no depositions, no
pleading that Equilon caused the deaths of the nine, instead pleading only
that Equilon caused the families of the nine to suffer.

Q:  You mean that no one is claiming that Equilon killed anyone?

A:  No one is saying: "Equilon killed 10 year old Wade King.  And Wade King
suffered.  And Wade King has a survival action.  And even though Wade King
is dead, Wade King still has a right to recover for what he lost.  And we
want to prove that Equilon caused Wade King's death."

Q:  What are they pleading?

A:  That Wade King's parents have suffered because Wade is dead, that Wade
King's parents are hurt, that Equilon caused Wade King's parents to suffer.

Q:  You mean the derivative claims of the surviving family members?  The
claims for loss of consortium?

A:  Exactly.  And those claims don't exist until Equilon's negligence for
causing Wade King's death is proved first.

Q:  So ... these pleadings aren't pleading at all?

A:  That's right.  They are a sham.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 1:10 PM
Subject: To: Dan Mills, Asst. U.S. Attorney, Austin, Texas Re: Work
SiteDeath Cases

Rob:  This letter was faxed to U.S. Attorney Dan Mills minutes ago.  I am
concerned about the sudden reappearance of William White.  I have no reason
to distrust him.  My only concern is whether or not this is an attempt by
Minton to re-establish control over the case.

The way to prevent an indictment is to make it clear that if Earle indicts,
then this is what our case is.  We have to prevent a judge from issuing
injunctions minutes before trial that prevent the trial.  If they know we
can prevent a "no trial trial", plain and simple, they won't indict.

As a result, it is not inconceivable that Minton could have been
instrumental in the re-contact with Mr. White.

You don't need a criminal lawyer to prevent an indictment.  You need to
convince them that you are loud enough, determined enough, and willing to
be outspoken enough that you are going to eat their lunch if they indict.
Anything ... anything ... that makes them feel they have reestablished
control over this case, anything like that will make them more likely to

They must be forced to feel an absolute lack of control.  It has to be
absolute and it has to be now.  They will not indict if they feel that
cannot get "sufficient" control over the case.

So, because of them, and not because of Mr. White, I am extremely
suspicious of Mr. White's reappearance.

Ronnie Earle must never feel for a second that he has ANY control over this
case.  I will be sending a letter later today to Buddy Meyers requesting
the issuance of subpoenas on Minton, Lt. Parkinson, Moerschell, Bauer
(Yogurt Shop owner), Jack Parker (Nartionwide adjuster) and other to
prevent flight
from the jurisdiction.  We are entitled to force the grand jury to do that.

When you initiate process, you take control.  Earle can be backed down from
an indictment, but you have to hit him hard.


TEL:  206-824-3644

October 19, 1999

Dan Mills                           Via Fax:  512-916-5854
Assistant U.S. Attorney         Off.  Tel:  512-916-5858
816 Congress Ave.
Suite 1000
Austin, Texas 78701

Re:     Yogurt Shop Murders
         False Prosecutions
Questions Regarding William White, Attorney


We recently experienced nine work site deaths here in Washington State.
Please see Equilon, Anacortes, November 25, 1998, "Six Die in Refinery
Blast" at www.seattletimes.com and Equilon, Olympic Pipeline, "Pipeline
Blast Kills Three," June 10, 1999, www.bellinghamherald.com.

The Washington State, Equilon work site deaths, like the Yogurt Shop work
site deaths, have the same post death claims fraud.  Anyone who understands
civil litigation can take a look at both the Yogurt Shop civil file and the
Equilon civil files and immediately see that the files are "dead files" or
cover files.

We believe that the same insurance carrier is involved in providing
coverage for all 13 work site deaths; four of them in Austin, and nine of
them more recently here in Washington.  We have always maintained, to our
enormous frustration, that the U.S. Attorney and the IRS-CID could easily
solve the Yogurt Shop Murders by identifying the insurance carrier that
covered the site, determine whether or not a check was issued which paid
for the site coverage, and track the flow of monies from that carrier's
reserve accounts into the lawyers' trust accounts of Roy Q. Minton and Jeff
Rusk.  Mr. Minton and Mr. Rusk were, respectively, the defendants' lawyer
and the plaintiffs' lawyer on the Yogurt Shop civil case.

Dan Mills
Assistant U.S. Attorney
October 19, 1999
Page Two

The Yogurt Shop case, until very recently, has been inactive since the day
of the girls' murders in December of 1991.  As you well know, Austin
Police's  only homicide reconstruction expert, former Sgt. Dusty Hesskew,
was immediately denied access to the Yogurt Shop murder files from the
beginning by Lt. David Parkinson.  As such, we have long complained that
there was never an investigation.

However, the Equilon work site file cases here in Washington State have
been extremely active, but only as the result of the efforts of the father
of one of the six men that died in Anacortes.  We very recently received a
ruling in the Equilon cases that would allow Mr. Murdzia to apply Texas law
in a Washington courtroom.  That ruling would allow Mr. Murdzia to force
Equilon to declare the insurance carrier who covers the nine work site
deaths here in Washington.

As stated previously, we believe that Nationwide will prove to be the
insurance carrier covering all 13 work site deaths.  We also believe that
there will be gross anomalies in the manner in which coverage was
secured and put in place on each work site on which these many deaths
occurred. These anomalies will demonstrate pre-meditation by the carrier
that the work site deaths take place.  As such, we believe that we are
questions away from identifying the carrier on the Yogurt Shop Murders as a
result of our
work here in Washington State on the nine Equilon work site deaths.

If we are correct, if our recent ruling here in Washington puts us one
question away from solving the Yogurt Shops due to the presence of the same
carrier covering all work site deaths, then those that conducted the Yogurt
Shop Murders would feel strongly compelled to immediately "solve" the
Yogurt Shop Murders.  A very sudden, very convenient "solution" to the
horrific murders of these four girls would close the door on our inquiries
here in Washington.

In a tragic way, we have been extremely fortunate in Equilon's selection of
victims here in Washington.  The first 12, like so many people, died from
families that lacked the economic or political clout to force the U.S.
Attorney to do what our years of begging have been unable to do.

Dan Mills
Assistant U.S. Attorney
October 19, 1999
Page Three

However, the thirteenth victim is 11 year old Wade King.  Wade King is, or
was, a grandson of a Fortune 500 Family.  And that, to our relief, has
changed everything.

The simple truth is that access to justice in this country is not based on
the injustice suffered, but the status of the person suffering the
injustice.  By mentioning that Wade King was 11 years old when he was
tragically burned to death, I did not mean to imply that the Justice
Department would be willing to take a stand to stop or solve the murder of
innocents.  As we have too often observed, to our despair, even child death
is not sufficient to motivate the Justice Department from its usual
reluctance to act.

But money is.  And Wade King's family has both the will power and the
resources to make normally complacent heads role if justice is not
obtained. As a result, we find ourselves in a whole new ball game.  One
should not underestimate the perils associated with denying due process to
the powerful.  And it appears that this message has not been lost on our
opponents, those that we believe, and have believed for years, conducted
these murders. Unlike the Justice Department, that seems to perpetually lag
so far
behind in its comprehension of this criminal conduct as to make it
irrelevant, Minton and Ronnie Earle have always been quick to comprehend
when their interests are at stake.  They can change course in seconds if it
involves accomplishing their goals.

My immediate concern is Austin attorney William White.  Mr. White has
recontacted the Scott family, instructing them that the U.S. Attorney wants
Mr. White on the case.  Originally, Judge Lynch denied Mr. White to
represent the family, and instead placed Austin attorney Leon Grizzard on
the Scott case.   Mr. Grizzard and Mr. Minton go back together for a
substantial period of time.  It was Mr. Grizzard that was centrally
involved in the disbarment and indictment activity that Minton generated
against me as I and so
many others complained to you about these murders.  I am concerned that Mr.
White may have been contacted by Minton and instructed to recontact the
Scott family.

I would like to know if that is true that the U.S. Attorney has requested
that Mr. White reenter the case.

Dan Mills
Assistant U.S. Attorney
October 19, 1999
Page Four

My concern relates to the enormous amount of money and resources Roy Q.
Minton has at his disposal.  It is not inconceivable that Mr. White has
been asked by Minton to reapproach the Scott family in order to reestablish
Minton's control over these cases.  Due to your past reluctance to address
these murders, I find it surprising that your office would have gone out of
its way to contact Mr. White and ask that he resume his involvement in the
Scott defense.  I don't know how your office would even know to contact Mr.

I am also enclosing a statement from Roy Rose of West Virginia.  Mr. Rose's
statement demonstrates that at about the same time our activities up here
in Washington began to create exposure to the insurance carrier covering
the Equilon work site deaths (and, we believe, the Yogurt Shop work site),
Austin PD came alive, after 8 stagnant years, and suddenly squeezed child
suspects out of thin air.

We are horrified at the prospect of even more children being victimized by
this murder.  And even more horrified that the Justice Department has never
been able to grasp the importance that parents in a civil society place on
the Justice Department being willing to focus its attention on preventing
the murder of our children.  Your Department's failure to grasp that one
essential dogma leaves us with the feeling that we have no effective
central government.

Please review the attached statement of Roy Rose.  And please provide
background on William White.  And I ask that you finally shake yourself
from your normal institutional complacency.  It is entirely conceivable
that these cases will be moved to U.S. District court on a removal petition
and that your office will become centrally involved at our request.  It
would be better that you not be caught flat footed.

Dan, you and I have always had a cordial relationship.  And you have always
been helpful.  But don't force us to watch your office standby while Ronnie
Earle and Roy Minton spin increasingly out of control.  It is more than
time to bring this man in.

Erik C. Moebius


Subj:   Statement of Yogurt Shop Witness:  Refusing to Appear Before Grand Jury

Date:   10/18/99 5:42:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:   Moebius50

TEL: 206-824-3644

Notice: Attorney Nic Milam of San Antonio and I represent Yogurt Shop
Defendants Robbie Springsteen and Mike Scott.  Mr. Roy Rose of Charleston,
West Virginia, will not appear before the grand jury in Austin.  As his
statements sets forth below, Mr. Roy Rose is not a material witness.
Statements that Mr. Rose implicated Robby Springsteen in the murders are

We believe that D.A. Ronnie Earle will not indict any of the four.  If he
does, you can expect a trial that will disclose the motives for the
murders, the perpetrators of the murders, and the very sudden need to close
these murders out at the expense of innocent people.

I am somewhat offended that after 8 years of doing nothing, you have
provided the Austin Police Department with a sudden aura of respectability.
One has to wonder why you are not more suspicious as to why these murders
were suddenly "solved" with information that APD had in their possession
since shortly after the murders in 1991.

Below is the statement of Roy Rose of Charleston, West Virginia.

October 17, 1999
Attention Grand Jury of Travis County

On 9-16-99 I received a phone call from Austin Detective Ron Lara. He asked
who my best friend was.  After some discussion, he mentioned Rob
Springsteen. I replied that yes, Robby was a friend of mine.  Detective
Lara  asked me to come to the Charleston police station to answer a few
questions.  I agreed
and went there with my wife, Charlene Rose.  When we arrived, Detective
Lara would not allow my wife to accompany me.  We went to a room where
several detectives were.  I think that three of them were from Charleston
and 1 or 2 were from Austin. I sat down where they indicated that they
wanted me to sit.

I can't recall exactly how he asked me, but he wanted to know anything that
I knew regarding Rob and any crimes. I told him that Rob had mentioned that
someone might want to talk to him about a robbery that occurred while he
lived in Texas.  Robby had once mentioned that he was a witness to a drive
by shooting.  But that was all.  Mr. Lara refused to believe that I didn't
know anything else.  He was sitting in a chair with rollers and wheeled
himself right in front of my face and stated in a loud voice that they knew
I knew more.  He said that Rob had already confessed and that Rob had told
Detective Lara that Robby had already told me and my wife everything that
Robby had confessed to Detective Lara.

I kept telling Detective Lara that I didn't know anything else about
anything.  I had never heard Rob brag about rape and murder.  And why would
Robby give them my name if he had bragged to me?  It didn't make sense. And
I was sitting in this room with this angry man.

I wanted out of that room.  I told Detective Lara about my medical
condition, that I was heavily sedated under a physician's care for a period
of several years.  My medical condition at that time or any other time
didn't seem to matter to them.

One of the other detectives in the room said that my medical condition, or
any of the medications that I brought up, were not mind altering so the
interrogation continued.  Mr. Lara continued to pressure and badger me and
I kept saying that I didn't know anything.

Around this time one of the detectives asked if I had ever been to Texas.
I replied yes, I was born there. He said something like:  Well, you're
about to go back at this time for a jail or prison sentence for withholding
information. This was the first time being subpoenaed to go to Texas was
brought up.

Detective Lara said that if I was under sedation, was it possible that Rob
spoke of committing a robbery, that Robby might have bragged about the
murders when I was sedated.

I didn't want to make Lara any madder than he was, so I said that it was
possible.  I don't know why Robby would brag about a murder to someone who
is sedated, but I didn't want to make this Lara guy any madder.

Then Detective Lara said, "C'mon Roy we know you know that Rob told you he
was in a robbery, that he told you all about it." Then he said "Could he
have committed a robbery?"  I said "Yeah, I guess so."  Lara moved from
there to "Was Robby with anybody when he committed the robbery?"

I kept saying that I really don't know about any of this.  Lara kept saying
"Yeah you do! We know he bragged to you all about it".  I started giving in
and telling them back information that they were giving me.  By now, this
was going on for almost five hours.  I was tired and scared and I wanted
out of there.  Every time that I told them that I didn't know anything,
they would respond by shouting at me that I did.  They were walking in and
out of the room, slamming their hands down on the table.

About this time I was asked if Robby was carrying a gun.  How would I know?
I told Lara that I didn't believe so.  I have never seen Robby carry a gun.
After that, I believe Mr. Lara dropped the gun issue for a while.  I kept
leaning forward, laying my head in my hands, at points almost crying. It
seemed like I never got even a moment's break.

I was tired and scared and exhausted and nervous.  As I would lean forward,
Detective Lara would immediately raise his voice in anger, or tell me its
OK, we know, Robby has already told us everything, we know its terrible,
but as soon as you tell us that Robby did these things, then you can leave.

Around this time, Detective Lara raised the issue, or the issue came up,
"Could this robbery have been botched?"  How would I know?  But this guy
was asking me to almost make up the crime.  I think I remarked that it
could have.  Mr. Lara replied something like "It was going wrong.  Robby
had to do something.  Didn't he?"

I would say that I really don't know, or that I can't remember anything
like that.  And Detective Lara would go off in his hard tone, yelling.  Mr.
Lara would tell me "Your best friend is bragging about this in great
detail, now tell us what really happened!"

So I said that Robby rob shot her in the ear.  I don't remember how we
decided it was a female cashier, but I remember saying; "Robby shot her in
the ear."  Mr. Lara again said; "That's not it, that's not how it
happened."  Somehow, about this time, the word rape was brought to my
attention.  I  believe my remark to Mr. Lara at this time was; "No, I don't
remember Robby telling me anything like that."

Around this time Mr. Lara said something like, Robby bragged so much about
this that we could hardly get him to shut up and leave, so just tell us,
you're only making this harder on yourself.  Detective Lara would
continue hammering on the issue if the cashier was raped.  Somehow, I said
yes, it could have happened.

Then the issue was brought up, did Robby shoot her first or rape her first?
So I guessed, I said, I remember saying after he shot her, Robby raped her.
Then somehow that issue was changed to raping her anally and then shooting
her in the back of the head.  They kept suggesting additional details.

At sometime during all this, the idea was brought up by one of the
detectives, who said; "Maybe you could remember things easier if we typed
this up and you can fill in some of the blanks."

Somehow it happened to that effect.  I really was shook up.  All the
detectives would encourage me, and say that I was remembering more.  Mr.
Lara would remind me that "It's almost over.  Then, if you confess, we can
all get back to  business and you can get back out to this fine day."

On the left of me was a window with sun shining in, things kept going back
and forth.  Mr. Lara would ask what were the other guys doing?  I remember
saying something like ransacking the place.  The Lara asked me about the
issue of was any other employees working.  I think I said a couple other
girls around 20 years old and maybe a guy.  I'm not really sure how the
statement was worded about how many other employees were involved.

Then Detective Lara asked: "Well what did the other guys do with the other
employees at this time?  They mentioned ropes or something.  Somehow I came
up with the idea that they were tied up.  And then Lara asked were they
gagged.  So I said that they were gagged with their own clothes.  I
remember detective Lara saying what did they do next.  I said I really
didn't know.

Mr. Lara said that Robby had really bragged about this.  Detective Lara
said that Robby was really telling Lara that Robby had told me about all
this in great detail.  Lara said something like Robby was really excited
about telling you everything.

I remember at some point in this time Detective Lara shouting:  "Bang!
Bang! Bang!"  Mr. Lara would suggest; "Isn't this the way Robby bragged
about it?"

Then around this point, Lara asked me about the other employees.  I was
asked what were they tied up with.  I didn't know.  Mr. Lara asked what did
they do before they left?  I remember saying that they stole some
cigarettes and ran out.  Detective Lara said: "Out of an ice cream shop!"
Somehow ice cream shop became the targeted place were this was happening.
I remember stating convenience store at first, then I don't remember how
but the location of this crime became an ice cream shop.

I remember being asked again; "What did they do before they left the
scene?" After I told Lara I didn't know,  Detective Lara somehow said:
"Didn't Robby say that he torched the place?  I remember him saying this in
a loud voice. So I gave in to this idea, and said "Yes, Robby said he
torched the place."

"I believe I was asked if the other employees that was tied up was still
alive.  I believe I said yes.  Then I was asked again what did they did
after they torched the place and what did Robby tell you he used to do it
with.  I think at first, I think I said a cigarette lighter.  Detective
Lara said that was wrong.  Detective Lara kept reminding me that Robby had
told me all the details, that Robby had told Detective Lara
that Robby had told me all of this and that I should know it.

I believe in the statement that it says on several occasions that Robby
told me all about this crime.  Detective Lara would keep reminding me that
Robby couldn't keep this to himself; that Robby had to tell his best
friend. And then they started talking again about how they torched the
place.   They kept asking me to tell them how Robby torched the place.

I think I mentioned a bomb, and that didn't seem right to Lara, so finally
I said gasoline or possibly lighter fluid.  Then I said after they torched
the place they ran out of the store and ran down the street.

After this, the issue of the gun was brought up again.  One of the
detectives held up a piece of paper with 6 or 7 caliber guns on it and
asked me to pick the murder weapon.  After I picked a number of them, and
they were the wrong ones, the issue was dropped about the caliber gun that
was used.

I was also asked were they hid the gun, and somehow I come up with under a
train bridge or interstate bridge.  My memory has been affected by my
illnesses and medications.  My recall of the events of this day is affected
by this.  I have been in and out of hospitals for depression as I have a
terminal disease.  I am not strong,  and I will admit that I am easily
intimidated.  This statement is to the best of my recollection.  I am
willing and anxious to prove this by taking a polygraph test in front of
the grand jury, as long as the test is given by someone other than the
Austin police or anyone else with an interest in manipulating the results.

I say this because I understand that Robby offered to give the detectives
lie detector tests and DNA samples and that Lara said that it would not be
necessary.  Why would that not be necessary?  Why would DNA not prove or
disprove who did this robbery.  So I don't think that these people care
about the truth.  For some reason, all of the sudden, they seem in an awful
hurry to solve this robbery.

Roy Rose
Charleston, West Virginia
Sunday, October 17, 1999

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