-Caveat Lector-

Congratulations People !

A quote regarding Monsanto and FrankenFoods:
"I think the old concept of life sciences is on life support," said William
Fiala, an analyst for the Edward Jones brokerage.

We're beating the tar out of Monsanto; the issue has also been VERY USEFUL
in terms of educating farmers on ORGANIC, and bringing awareness of
FrankenFoods and other unnecessary and/or DANGEROUS food additives to the
attention of food broker's and major chain store owners.

This death merchant deserves corporate death- charter revocation.

KEEP up the PRESSURE, and keep up the good work !

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Wolfson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 1999 4:20 PM
Subject: GENew11-18 summary

Here is a recent summary of GE news compiled by Mothers for Natural Law

For those who can afford it, we ask $35/yr to receive our regular GE Email
news postings, which we send out several times a week.


Mothers for Natural Law of the Natural Law Party

Biweekly News 99/11/17

Thanks to Dennis Dey, Richard Wolfson, and NLP Wessex for these items.

 1. Iceland boss to freeze out meat reared on GM feed
 2. Korea's tofu makers want to cultivate non-GM beans abroad
 3. [China - regulating genetically modified foods]
 4. Italy blocks GM crops
 5. Carlsberg to brew beer only from malt to avoid GM substances
 6. Vitasoy does not use genetically modified soybeans
 7. Government lab to set biotech detection methods
 8. Studies note risks of genetically modified plants
 9. 100-Year drought is no match for organic soybeans
10. Monsanto faces its many options
11. Lawmakers seek special labeling for genetically engineered food
12. Consortium calls for suspension of release of all genetically
      engineered organisms
13. List of approved GE foods in Canada

Articles have been aggressively shortened.


Iceland Boss to Freeze out Meat Reared on GM Feed

Sunday Mirror, 7th November

Iceland boss Malcolm Walker is taking on the High Street giants in a new
round of the GM-free food war. Last week, he banned artificially-coloured
eggs from his nationwide chain. Now he plans to remove meat and poultry
reared on GM feed. The ban, to start in the New Year, will force rival
stores to follow suit. Suppliers have warned him the competition think he's
"rocking the boat" but he is determined to carry on...

...On Friday, days after his yolk-colouring ban, nearly all 760 shops sold
out of eggs. Iceland was the first to withdraw GM ingredients from
own-brand products 18 months ago. Mr Walker said: "All we are advocating is
the removal of additives that are not really necessary."


Copyright 1999 Asia Pulse Pte Limited ASIA PULSE

Korea's Tofu Makers want to Cultivate Non-GM Beans Abroad

Seoul, Nov 4

The Korean Bean Processing Association and the Korea Soybean Food
Association said Thursday that they want to cultivate non-genetically
modified (non-GM) beans through free contracts with farming groups in the
United States, Canada and Australia... Meanwhile the Korea Consumer
Protection Board said Wednesday that a GM bean ingredient has been found in
18 tofu (bean curd) products out of 22 examined, or 81.8 percent, and many
famous tofu makers were also found to have used GM beans imported from the
United States.



[China - regulating genetically modified foods]

November 1, 1999

BEIJING - AP World News via NewsEdge Corporation: A senior Chinese
legislator called on Friday for legislation to regulate genetically
modified foods, adding China to the list of countries that have raised
concerns about the controversial technology.

``Whether imported or domestically produced, GM food should be regulated
before it is put into the market and on people's dinner tables,'' Wang Tao,
a member of the legislature's executive committee, was quoted as saying by
the official Xinhua News Agency.


Italy blocks GM crops

Xinhua via NewsEdge Corporation: ROME (Nov. 5)

XINHUA - Italian Farm Minister Paolo De Castro on Friday blocked three
genetically modified (GM) crops - maize, soya and chicory - that had
completed testing and were ready to proceed to field planting... For the
moment, De Castro has also halted all new GM testing programs. He said he
wanted responsibility for the schemes to be shared by regional governments
before giving the go-ahead. De Castro's decision was welcomed by the
Italian Green party, whose Lower House whip Mauro Paissan said the
experimental growing of GM crops in Italy was being carried out without the
necessary precautions or controls.


Copyright 1999 AFP-Extel News Limited Extel Examiner November 12, 1999
Friday 11:35AM Eastern Time

Carlsberg to Brew Beer only from Malt to Avoid GM Substances

Carlsberg AS said it will henceforth brew its beer only from malt and no
longer use corn to reassure consumers that the product will not contain any
genetically modified substances, spokesman Henrik Moelstroem said. He added
that the two first 100 pct malt beers "Hof" and "Tuborg" will be on sale at
the beginning of December. "We will start this experiment with beer without
corn on the Danish market and we imagine that the transition period --
until stocks are exhausted -- will be completed in the first quarter of
2000," he said.


Copyright 1999 AFX News Limited AFX - Asia November 2, 1999 Tuesday

Vitasoy Does Not Use Genetically Modified Soybeans

Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd said the company does not use
genetically modified soybeans in the processing of its soybean-based
beverages. It said in a statement "that the soybeans used by the company in
the processing of its products are derived from non-GMO (genetically
modified organism) sources." It said the company decided to use non-GMO
soybeans before the effects, if any, of GMO products are identified. The
company made the statement in response to a Greenpeace report on the
harmful effects of genetically engineered ingredients in food products.

------------------**** Important note:

Let's KEEP AN EYE on this. Something tells me this COULD be a
monkey-business prone area.
The USDA and FDA have so far shown THE PEOPLE that big corps are more
important to them than the PEOPLE's welfare and rights to full information.
We need to keep the bureacrats honest, and experience has shown that they
will likely get away with cheating where possible. USDA has been a leader in
BIOTECH/genetic engineering/manipulation and should NOT be trusted without
careful oversight. Some comments from USDA's site shows their firm
commitment to BIOTECH/genetic engineering/manipulation

Copyright 1999 U.P.I. United Press International November 15, 1999, Monday
02:46 AM Eastern Time

Government Lab to Set Biotech Detection Methods

An Agriculture Department agency announced plans Friday to establish a
laboratory that will develop and evaluate tests for detecting genetically
altered crops. The USDA's Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards
Administration (GIPSA) said the lab is slated to open at its Kansas City
facility in time for the 2000 crop year.



Studies Note Risks of Genetically Modified Plants

...There have also been a number of recent reports suggesting that the
popular crops that produce the insecticidal toxin known as Bt may pose
previously unsuspected risks. Bt corn, cotton and potatoes are already on
the market but many more Bt crops are in development.

Normally Bt is sprayed on plants to kill pests and is thought to remain
active for a matter of days. But in sharp contrast to industry studies, Dr.
Guenther Stotzky, soil microbiologist at New York University, has found
that Bt toxin in the soil, as it might be found after a crop is plowed
under, can remain active for at least eight months.

"We were surprised," Dr. Stotzky said. "I'm sure it hangs around longer. We
just terminated the experiment after eight months."

-- Carol Kaesuk Yoon


Posted: Sunday, November 14, 1999 | 6:14 a.m.

Monsanto faces its many options

By Robert Steyer
of The St. Louis Post-Dispatch

It's becoming clear that Robert B. Shapiro's vision exceeded his company's
coffers and Wall Street's patience.

Now, it appears Shapiro may wave the white flag with some transaction --
merger, sale, spin-off, joint venture -- that will cut back on Monsanto's

"I think the old concept of life sciences is on life support," said William
Fiala, an analyst for the Edward Jones brokerage.

Fiala and other analysts, who have followed Monsanto's transformation from
a traditional chemical company, said Shapiro is being pressured by some
events beyond his control.

He is being roughed up by the quick-score behavior of big-time money
managers who control about 80 percent of Monsanto's stock. "Once that
pressure starts, you can't afford to have the institutional investors
dumping their stock," said a former Monsanto executive who requested

At the same time, several Monsanto peers are pulling back on the
agricultural part of their life sciences strategy.

Novartis, DuPont and American Home are firing employees in their crop
protection divisions. American Home, Novartis and AstraZeneca are hinting
at sales or spinoffs of their crop units...

Monsanto has been staggered by the virulent reaction of European consumers,
politicians and, ultimately, food company customers against genetically
engineered foods.


Monday November 8, 8:01 am Eastern Time

Company Press Release

SOURCE: The Rodale Institute

100-Year Drought is No Match for Organic Soybeans; Scientific Trials at the
Rodale Institute Give Hope to Farmers Everywhere

KUTZTOWN, Pa., Nov. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- After one of the worst droughts on
record, the harvest for many farms in the U.S. has been a disaster. One
farm is celebrating, however. ``Despite a 100-year drought, the yield from
our organic soybeans is outstanding,'' says Jeff Moyer, Farm Manager at The
Rodale Institute's Farming Systems Trial(TM) (FST) in Kutztown,
Pennsylvania. Using replicated plots the trial compares highly productive,
intensive soybean systems under conventional and organic management.
Figures just released show yields of 30 bushels per acre from legume-based
organic soybeans compared to only 16 bushels per acre from
conventionally-grown crops. Improved soil quality under organic management
is credited for the high performance of Rodale's organic crops during this
year's unusual drought.

...The trial's manure-based organic soybean plots also performed well above
the level of conventional plots, achieving 24 bushels per acre. In a
non-drought year, yields for both conventional and organic would be
expected to be 40 bushels per acre.

CONTACT: Sarah Eykyn of EykynPR, 480-659-0614, [EMAIL PROTECTED], for the
Rodale Institute, or Lisa Bell of Fresh Ideas Group, 303-247-1100,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], for the Rodale Institute


November 11, 1999 Web posted at: 2:37 p.m. EST (1937 GMT)

Lawmakers seek special labeling for genetically engineered food

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Everybody who eats food made in America deserves to know
what's in it, a bipartisan group of lawmakers said as they offered
legislation to create special food labels.

"Today's limited scientific knowledge warrants allowing consumers to make a
better, more informed choice," said Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, leader of
an effort to identify for the marketplace all genetically altered food.

His bill would require a label that says "United States government notice:
This product contains genetically engineered material, or was produced with
a genetically engineered material."

Labeling supporter Rep. Bernard Sanders, I-Vermont, said such labeling
would help people make informed choices, just as current labels let
customers decide whether they want to buy foods containing artificial
colors and flavors.

The label wouldn't suggest the product inside is unsafe, Sanders said.

"There continues to be unanswered questions about these products that
science is still in the process of answering," he said, and in the meantime
people "should be able to expect a clear label that indicates whether their
food has been genetically altered."

Copyright 1999  The Associated Press. All rights reserved.



Contact:   Marc LappÈ, Director, CETOS
Phone:     707 884-1700 or 707-884-1846 FAX email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For Immediate Release: October 12 at 10:00 AM

Consortium Calls for Suspension of Release of All Genetically Engineered

Washington, D.C.: Citing major deficiencies in the government's regulatory
system, a coalition of environmentalists and scientists issued a document
today calling for the suspension of all further releases of genetically
engineered organisms.

The Pacific Declaration was first drafted at a national meeting on July
26-28, 1999 at the Commonweal Conference Center in Bolinas, California. The
Declaration cites the failure of governmental agencies to review the
long-term prospects for environmental and human harm stemming from
genetically engineered organisms. It states in part "those altering the
genetic integrity of natural species bear the burden of proving their
interventions will not jeopardize fundamental human values which include
respect for life and protecting ecosystems."

In light of revelations that unlabeled grocery shelf items contain new,
genetically modified ingredients, the signatories demand an effective
regulatory system to assure the public's access to safe food. The 42
co-signers also ask that practitioners of genetic engineering be held
liable for any adverse consequences of their work, and call for greater
attention to the equitable distribution of the benefits and risks of the
products of genetic engineering.

Among the groups endorsing the Declaration are the Sierra Club, Friends of
the Earth, the American Corn Growers Association,  Rural Advancement
Foundation International (RAFI), the Institute for Agriculture and Trade
Policy, the Council for Responsible Genetics, the Edmonds Institute, and
the Center for Ethics and Toxics (CETOS).


List of approved GE foods in Canada is at the website

This list of approved GE foods in Canada shows 13 canola, 3 tomato, 5
potato, 13 corn, 1 soybean, 1 flax, 4 cotton, 2 squash.


** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed for research and educational purposes only. **

Richard Wolfson,  PhD
Consumer Right to Know Campaign,
for Mandatory Labelling and Long-term
Testing of all Genetically Engineered Foods,
500 Wilbrod Street
Ottawa, ON  Canada  K1N 6N2
tel. 613-565-8517  fax. 613-565-1596

Our website, http://www.natural-law.ca/genetic
contains more information on genetic engineering as well as previous
genetic engineering news items.  Subscription fee to genetic engineering
news is $35 (USD for those outside Canada)  for 12 months, payable to
"BanGEF" and mailed to the above address. Or see website for details.

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