-Caveat Lector-

On 20 Nov 99, at 18:11, William Shannon wrote:

> << It is well known that many homoeopathic medicines are
> ultramolecularthat is,
>  they are diluted to such a degree that not even a single molecule of
>  the original solute is likely to be present. As drug actions are
>  conventionally understood in biochemical terms, homoeopathy presents
>  an enormous intellectual challenge, if not a complete impasse. Many
>  scientists have suggested that the clinical effects of homoeopathic
>  medicines are solely due to the placebo effect. >>
> Purely placebo effect. Quackery at it's finest...but there's a sucker
> born every minute so this bollocks will persist. For shame, for shame.

Gee Bill,
I woke up this morning all stuffed up--nose, throat, yuck. Took 5
little round thingeys of Kali Bichromium and...Bingo!!....in ten
minutes it was all gone.

I don't mind being called a sucker....but I just love things that work.

Works for my dogs, too, when they get all those fall allergies from
leaf mold and all that....and they have no idea about placebos. But
they've been called worse things than "sucker" so it's okay by me.

You'd be happier if I went to a vet ($35) and got a prescription ($25).
Or a doctor ($135) and got a prescription ($40)?
The Kali Bichromium cost me $4.95. I may be a sucker, but I'm not
a sucker with a stuffed up running nose and a chest cold.


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