-Caveat Lector-


The Heavenly Mountain

     There is much more, however, for it is not just the Iranian
and Jewish races that cite Kurdistan as the cradle of
     The mythologies of both the Sumerians, who ruled the various
Mesopotamian city-states from around 3000 BC onwards, and their
eventual conquerors, the Akkadians, placed the homeland of the
gods in this exact same region. The Akkadians originated as a
Semitic, or proto-Hebrew, race of uncertain origin, and in their
religious literature this heavenly abode is referred to as
Kharsag Khurra, the heavenly mountain. Here the gods, also known
as the Anannage, lived in a paradisical realm with gardens,
orchards, temples and irrigated fields that not only resemble the
     Seven Heavens described in the Book of Enoch, but is
actually referred to on more than one occasion as edin, the
Akkadian for `steppe' or `plateau'.
     Even further linking Kharsag with the Jewish domain of
angels is the knowledge that the Anannage, like the Enochian
Watchers, were governed by a council of seven. These undoubtedly
equate with the seven archangels of post-exilic Judaism as well
as the six so-called Amesha Spentas, or `bounteous spirits', who
with the supreme god Ahura Mazda, preside over the angelic
hierarchies in Iranian tradition.
     Were the Anannage, the gods and goddesses of Kharsag, simply
another form of the Watchers of Enochian and Dead Sea literature,
whose homeland was a lofty agricultural settlement called Eden or
heaven, located somewhere amid the mountains of Kurdistan?

                           The Search for Dilmun

     Kharsag is not the only name used by the ancient
Mesopotamians to refer to their place of first beginnings. This
cradle of civilisation was also known by the name Dilmun, or
Tilmun. Here, it was said, the god Ea and his wife were placed to
institute "a sinless age of complete happiness". Here too animals
lived in peace and harmony, man had no rival and the god Enlil
"in one tongue gave praise". It is also described as a pure,
clean and "bright" "abode of the immortals" where death, disease
and sorrow are unknown and some mortals have been given "life
like a god", words reminiscent of the Airyana Vaejah, the realm
of the immortals in Iranian myth and legend, and the Eden of
Hebraic tradition.
     Although Dilmun is equated by most scholars with the island
of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf, there is evidence to suggest that
a much earlier mythical Dilmun was located in a mountainous
region beyond the plains of Sumer. But where exactly was it
     Mesopotamian inscriptions do not say; however, the
Zoroastrian Bundahishn text and the Christian records of Arbela
in Iraqi Kurdistan both refer to a location named Dilam?n as
having existed around the headwaters of the Tigris, south-west of
Lake Van -- the very area in which the biblical Eden is said to
have been located.
     Furthermore, Ea (the Akkadian Enki) was said to have
presided over the concourse of Mesopotamia's two greatest rivers
-- the Tigris and Euphrates -- which are shown in depictions as
flowing from each of his shoulders. This would have undoubtedly
have meant that the head-waters, or sources, of these rivers
would have been looked upon as sacred to Ea
 by the cultures of
Mesopotamia's Fertile Crescent.
     More curious is the knowledge that, as in Hebrew and Iranian
myth, there would appear to have been a fall of the gods of Anu,
the Anannage. Whilst 300 of their number remained in heaven, some
600 others, under the leadership of Nergal, god of the
underworld, settled among mortal kind. Here they provided mankind
with everything from basic agriculture, to astronomy, land
irrigation, building technology and structured society.
     Sounds familiar?
     These rebel Anannage lived "in the earth", a reference to an
"underworld" realm connected with the ancient city of Kutha,
north of Babylon. In this "House of Darkness" lived "demons" and
Edimmu, giant blood-sucking vampires who would return to the
surface world after dark to steal the souls of the undead.
     Could these infernal beings be a distorted memory of the
rebel Watchers and their monstrous offspring, the Nephilim? Might
these fallen angels have lived in underground cities after their
descent on to the plains?

                            The Bodies of Birds

     Ancient Mesopotamia fathered whole pantheons of devils and
demons -- each class having its own appearance, functions and
attributes. Some were beneficial to mankind, while others caused
only pain, suffering and torment in the mortal world.
     In the story of the goddess Ishtar's descent to the
underworld, preserved in Assyrio-Babylonian tradition, the
"chiefs" of the "House of Darkness" were said to have been "like
birds covered with feathers", who "from the days of old ruled the
earth, (and) to whom the gods Anu and Bel have given terrible
names". In one cuneiform tablet written in the city of Kutha by a
scribe "in the temple of Sitlam, in the sanctuary of Nergal" it
describes the incursions into Mesopotamia of a race of demons,
fostered by the gods in some nether region. They are said to have
waged war on an unnamed king for three consecutive years and to
have had the appearance of:

          Men with the bodies of birds of the desert, human
          beings with the faces of ravens,
          these the great gods created,
          and in the earth the gods created for them a
          in the midst of the earth they grew up and became
          great, and increased in number,
          Seven kings, brothers of the same family,
          six thousand in number were their people.

     These "men with the bodies of birds" were looked upon as
"demons". They would appear only once a storm-cloud had consumed
the deserts and would slaughter those whom they took captive,
before returning to some inaccessible region for another year.
     There seems every reason to suggest that these fierce
"demons" were not incorporeal spirits at all, but beings of flesh
and blood adorned in cloaks of feathers and bird paraphernalia.
     But who were these human demons, and how did they relate to
the development of civilisation in Mesopotamia?

                              Uncertain Forces

     The Sumerians were a unique people with their own language
and culture. Nobody knows their true origin or where exactly they
may have obtained the seeds of knowledge that helped establish
the various city-states during the fourth millennium BC. Yet the
     Sumerians themselves were quite explicit on this point. They
said their entire culture had been inherited from the Anannage,
the gods of Anu, who had come from an ancestral homeland in the
mountains. To emphasise this point they used an ideogram of a
mountain to denote "the country", i.e. Sumer, and built
seven-tiered ziggurats in honour of these founder gods.
     Was it possible therefore that the proposed Watcher culture
of Kurdistan provided the impetus for the rise of western
     Archaeologists have no problem accepting Kurdistan as the
cradle of Near Eastern civilisation. Shortly after the recession
of the last Ice Age, c.8500 BC, there emerged in this region some
of the earliest examples of agriculture, animal domestication,
baked and painted pottery, metallurgy and worked obsidian tools
and utensils. Curiously enough, from c.5750 BC onwards for
several hundred years the trade in raw and worked obsidian
throughout Kurdistan seems to have been centred around an extinct
volcano named Nemrut Dag on the south-western shores of Lake Van,
the very area in which both the mythical lands of Eden and Dilmun
are likely to have been located.
     Kurdistan was undoubtedly the point of origin of the
so-called Neolithic explosion from the ninth millennium BC
onwards. Indeed, it is because of this settled community
lifestyle in Kurdistan that the earliest known form of token
bartering developed. This primitive method of exchange eventually
led to the establishment of the first written alphabet and
ideogram system on the Mesopotamian plains sometime during the
fourth millennium BC. It is therefore understandable that
civilisation first arose in the Fertile Crescent during this same
age. From here, of course, it quickly spread to many other
regions of the Old World.
     In the light of this information it appears that the
evolution of the Middle East seems cut and dry, the actions of a
few sophisticated protoneolithic farming communities located in
the mountains and foothills of Kurdistan being responsible for
the growth of civilised society. Yet what caused this so-called
`neolithic explosion', and why on earth did it start in this
remote, and very mountainous, region? Something was missing, for
as Mehrdad R. Izady, a noted scholar of Kurdish cultural history,
has observed:

          The inhabitants of this land went through an
          unexplained stage of accelerated technological
          evolution, prompted by yet uncertain forces. They
          rather quickly pulled ahead of their surrounding
          communities, the majority of which were also among the
          most advanced technological societies in the world, to
          embark on the transformation from a low-density,
          hunter-gatherer economy to a high-density, food
          producing economy.

     What might these "yet uncertain forces" have been? Were they
the Watchers, who were said to have provided mankind with the
forbidden arts and sciences of heaven? If so, was I overlooking
important evidence already unearthed by the spades of
palaeontologists and archaeologists that might support such a
wild hypothesis?
     Turning to the archaeological reports and transactions on
excavations in Kurdistan, I searched long and hard. What I found
astounded me. For instance, in the late 1950s Ralph and Rose
Solecki, two noted anthropologists, were uncovering the different
occupational levels inside a huge cave overlooking the Greater
Zab river at a site known as Zawi Chemi Shanidar, when they made
a discovery of incredible significance to this debate. They
unearthed a number of goat skulls placed alongside a collection
of wing bones belonging to large predatory birds. All of the
wings had been hacked from the bodies of the birds in question,
while many had still been in articulation when found. Carbon 14
dating of the organic deposits associated with these remains
indicated a date of 10,870 years (+/-300 years), that is 8870 BC.
     The bird wings were subsequently identified as those of four
Gyptaeus barbatus (the bearded vulture), one Gyps fulvus (the
griffon vulture), seven Haliaetus albicilla (the white-tailed sea
eagle) and one Otis tarda (the great bustard) -- only the last of
which is still indigenous to the region. There were also the
bones of four small eagles of indeterminable species. All except
for the great bustard were raptorial birds, while the vultures
were quite obviously eaters of carrion.
     The discovery of these severed bird wings had posed obvious
problems for the Soleckis. Why had only certain types of birds
been selected for this purpose, and what exactly had been the
role played by these enormous predatory birds in the minds of
those who had placed them within the Shanidar cave?

                               Shaman's Wings

     In an important article entitled `Predatory Bird Rituals at
Zawi Chemi Shanidar', published by the journal Sumer in 1977,
Rose Solecki outlined the discovery of the goat skulls and bird
remains. She suggested that the wings had almost certainly been
utilised as part of some kind of ritualistic costume, worn either
for personal decoration or for ceremonial purposes. She linked
them with the vulture shamanism of ?atal H?y?k, a protoneolithic
community in central Anatolia (Turkey), which reached its zenith
a full 2000 years after these bird's wings had been deposited 565
miles away in the Shanidar cave. Rose Solecki recognised the
enormous significance of these finds, and realised that they
constituted firm evidence for the presence of an important
religious cult in the Zawi Chemi Shanidar area, for as she had
concluded in her article:

          The Zawi Chemi people must have endowed these great
          raptorial birds with special powers, and the faunal
          remains we have described for the site must represent
          special ritual paraphernalia. Certainly, the remains
          represent a concerted effort by a goodly number of
          people just to hunt down and capture such a large
          number of birds and goats... (Furthermore, that) either
          the wings were saved to pluck out the feathers, or that
          wing fans were made, or that they were used as part of
          a costume for a ritual. One of the murals from a ?atal
          H?y?k shrine... depicts just such a ritual scene; i.e.,
          a human figure dressed in a vulture skin...

     Here was extraordinary evidence for the existence of vulture
shamans in the highlands of Kurdistan c.8870 BC! What's more, all
this was happening just 140 miles south-east of the suggested
location for Eden and Dilmun on Lake Van at a time when the
highland peoples of Kurdistan were changing from primitive
hunter-gatherers to settled protoneolithic communities. Might
these goats skulls and predatory bird remains have some
connection with the "yet uncertain forces" behind the sudden
Neolithic explosion in this region? Remember, I had already
established that the Watchers wore coats of feathers, plausibly
those of the crow or vulture.
     My mind reeled with possibilities. What on earth had been
going on in this cave overlooking the Greater Zab, which, of
course, has been cited as one of the four rivers of paradise? Had
it been visited by Watchers, human angels, in the ninth
millennium BC?
     The presence of the predatory bird remains made complete
sense, but what about the fifteen goat skulls -- how might they
have fitted into the picture?

                             A Goat for Azazel

     The Pentateuch records how each year on the Day of Atonement
a goat would be cast into the wilderness "for Azazel", carrying
on its back the sins of the Jewish people. Moreover, Azazel, one
of the two leaders of the fallen angels, was said to have
fostered a race of demons known as the seirim, or `he-goats'.
They are mentioned several times in the Bible and were worshipped
and adored by some Jews. There is even some indication that women
actually copulated with these goat-demons, for it states in the
Book of Leviticus: "And they shall no more sacrifice their
sacrifices unto the he-goats (seirim), after whom they go a
whoring", perhaps a distant echo of the way in which the Watchers
had taken wives from among mortal kind. This clear relationship
between the Watchers and he-goats is so strong that it led Hebrew
scholar J.T. Milik to conclude that Azazel "was evidently not a
simple he-goat, but a giant who combined goat-like
characteristics with those of man". In other words, he had been a
goat-man -- a goat shaman.
     So it seemed that not only were the Watchers "bird-men",
vulture shamans indulging in otherworldly practices, but also
goat shamans. It is bizarre to think that this association
between Azazel and the goat was the impetus behind the goat
becoming a symbol of the devil, as well as the reason why the
world is so adverse to the inverted pentagram today.

                             The Peacock Angel

     Kurdish scholar Mehrdad Izady also sees the predatory bird
remains of the Shanidar cave as evidence of a shamanistic culture
whose memory influenced the development of angel lore. Kurdistan
is home to three wholly indigenous angel-worshipping cults -- the
most notorious and enigmatic of these being the Yezidis of Iraqi
Kurdistan. Their beliefs centre around a supreme being named
Melek Taus, the `peacock angel', who is venerated in the form of
a strange bird icon known as a sanjaq. These statues, which sit
on a metal column similar to a candlestick, are usually made of
copper or brass. More curious is that the oldest known sanjaqs
are clearly not peacocks at all, showing instead a bulbous avian
body and head with a hooked nose. Izady has suggested that the
sanjaq idols are more likely to be representations of a predatory
bird like those apparently venerated by the shamans of Shanidar,
in other words either the vulture, eagle or bustard.

                             The Jarmo People

     All this was good news, for its helped vindicate the idea of
an advanced culture existing in the mountains of Kurdistan at the
point of inception of the Neolithic revolution. If it was these
vulture shamans who had carried this superior knowledge to the
gradually developing farming communities of the lower foothills,
then perhaps they really were the truth behind the myth of the
Watchers who imparted the heavenly sciences to mankind. There
was, however, no description of these shamans beyond the
appearance of their ceremonial garments. Did they in any way
resemble the tall, white-skinned individuals with shining
countenances and viper-like faces referred to in the Enochian and
Dead Sea literature? Might there also be archaeological evidence
for the former existence of a race bearing at least some of these
distinctive features?
     Indeed there is, for at a place called Jarmo, which
overlooks the Lesser Zab river in Iraqi Kurdistan, archaeologists
have uncovered evidence of an advanced protoneolithic community
that thrived from around 6750 BC for up to 2000 years; indeed,
the oldest known examples of primitive metallurgy have been found
at Jarmo. More interesting is the knowledge that these people
were a dab hand at producing small sculpted images in
slightly-baked clay. Literally thousands of these figurines have
been unearthed from the earliest occupational levels upwards.
Most of them depict animals and birds. Some represent typically
human heads, while others show a female figure, plausibly a
representation of the Mother Goddess.
     It almost appeared as if the Jarmo community enjoyed
capturing images of the world around them, in much the same way
that we take photographs today. Yet if this was the case, then
how can we explain the presence among these small figurines of
several anthropomorphic heads with elongated faces, slit eyes and
clear `lizard', or more correctly serpentine features? They are
virtually inhuman in appearance and have more in common with
bug-eyed aliens than abstract human forms.
     Seeing pictures of these Jarmo heads sent a shiver down my
spine, for the better examples bore striking similarities to the
description of Watchers in Enochian and Dead Sea literature. Was
it therefore possible that the neolithic people of Jarmo were
depicting in partially abstract form the viper-like faces of the
tall strangers in feather coats who would pay them uninvited
visits? Was it these strangers who had provided communities like
the one at Jarmo with the knowledge of metallurgy as well as the
basic rudiments of agriculture?
     We can only speculate, but it is worth pointing out that
obsidian tools found at Jarmo are known to have been fashioned
from raw material obtained from the base of Nemrut Dag on Lake
Van. Did the Watchers deal in obsidian? Might these finely-worked
tools be a sign of their presence among other similar-like
communities of Kurdistan?

     By 5500 BC the inhabitants of the Kurdish foothills were
beginning to descend in great numbers on to the plains of
Mesopotamia. It was around this date that Eridu (the biblical
Erech), the Fertile Crescent's first city, was established with
its own temple complex that included an underground ritual pool.
     Sometime around 5000 BC saw the arrival on to the northern
plains of Mesopotamia of a new culture who are known today as the
Ubaid (after Tell al'Ubaid, the mound-site where their presence
was first detected during excavations by the eminent Near Eastern
archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley in 1922). They brought with
them their own unique artistic style and funerary practices,
including the habit of placing very strange anthropomorphic
figurines in the graves of the dead. The statuettes were either
male or female (although predominantly female), with slim,
well-proportioned naked bodies, wide shoulders, and strange
reptilian heads that scholars generally refer to as `lizard-like'
in appearance. They bear long, tapered faces like snouts, with
wide, eye-slits -- usually elliptical pellets of clay pinched to
form what are known as `coffee-bean' eyes -- and a thick, dark
plume of bitumen on their heads to represent a coil of erect hair
(similar coils fashioned in clay appear on some of the heads
found at Jarmo). All statuettes display either female pubic hair
or male genitalia.
     Each Ubaid figurine has it own unique pose. By far the
strangest and most compelling shows a naked female holding a baby
to her left breast. The infant's left hand clings on to the
breast, and there can be little doubt that it is suckling milk.
It is a very touching image, although it bears one chilling
feature -- the child has long slanted eyes and the head of a
reptile. This is highly significant, for it suggests that the
baby was seen as having been born with these features. In other
words, the `lizard-like' heads of the figurines are not masks, or
symbolic animalistic forms, but abstract images of an actual race
believed by the Ubaid people to have possessed such reptilian
     In the past these `lizard-like' figurines have been
identified by scholars as representations of the Mother Goddess
-- a totally erroneous assumption since some of them are
obviously male - while ancient astronaut theorists such as Erich
von Daniken have seen fit to identity them as images of alien
entities. In my opinion, both explanations attempt to bracket the
clay figurines into popular frameworks that are insufficient to
explain their full symbolism. Furthermore, since most of the
examples found were retrieved from graves, where they were often
the only item of any importance, Sir Leonard Woolley concluded
that they represented "chthonic deities" that is, underworld
denizens connected in some way with the rites of the dead.
     In addition to this realisation, it seems highly unlikely
that they represent lizard-faced individuals, since lizards are
not known to have had any special place in Near Eastern
     Much more likely is that the heads are those of serpents
which are known to have been associated with Sumerian underworld
deities such as Ningiszida, Lord of the Good Tree.
     Since the heads of the Ubaid figurines appear to be styled
on the much earlier examples found at Jarmo in the Kurdish
mountains, were they highly abstract representations of
viper-faced Watchers?
     That these figurines were found specifically in grave sites
suggests that they were connected with some kind of superstitious
practice involving rites of the dead. What were the Ubaid
attempting to achieve by placing such strange images alongside
their deceased relatives? Were they trying to ensure the safe
passage of the soul into the next world, or were they attempting
to protect the corpse once the burial had taken place?
     In later Babylonian tradition there was a true fear that if
the dead were not interred in the correct manner, then their
souls would be taken down into the underworld to become
blood-sucking Edimmu. Is this what the Ubaid feared -- that their
departed would be made into vampires if the viper-faced Watchers
were not appeased in the current manner? Did this include the
burial of figurines bearing abstract features connected with
their distorted memory of the fallen race?

                              The Underworld

     Although no trace of any underworld domain can today be
found in Mesopotamia, chthonic citadels of extreme antiquity do
exist in the Near East. For example, beneath the plains of
Cappadocia in eastern Turkey there are no less than 36
underground cities, the most famous being the one at Derinkuyu
which is estimated to have housed some 20,000 inhabitants. Those
cities explored so far penetrate downwards for anything up to a
quarter of a mile. They have streets, complex tunnel systems,
living quarters and communal rooms and areas. Each one can be
sealed off from the outside world by rolling into place huge
circular doors, while on the surface the only visible sign of
their presence are upright megalithic stones marking the
positions of deep wells that double-up as air shafts to the
various levels.
     No one knows who built these underworld domains. They are at
least 4000 years old, while tentative evidence suggests they were
constructed as early as 9000 BC, when the final thrust of the
last Ice Age was about to bring arctic-style conditions to the
Middle East. At the same time rains of fire spewed out of active
volcanoes, and when the Ice Age finally receded floods comparable
with the deluge of the Bible wreaked havoc in low-lying areas.
Moreover, Persian myth records that the ancestors of the Iranian
race had escaped the long winter of snow and ice by building a
var, a word denoting an underground city (curiously, the word ark
means "city" in the Persian language).
     The memory of such subterranean worlds are also likely to
have been behind the Judaeo-Christian belief in Gehenna and Hell
-- the fiery realm into which the fallen angels were cast as a
punishment for their interference in the affairs of mankind.

                        Cappadocia's Lunar Landscape

     In the same general vicinity as the underground cities of
Cappadocia is a virtual lunar landscape made up of thousands of
enormous rock cones whittled into shape by fierce winds over many
thousands of years. Local tradition refers to them as peri
bacalari, the fire chimneys of the Peri -- beautiful fallen
angels born of Iblis, the Arab-Persian form of Satan. These
`fairy chimneys', as they are inappropriately referred to in
English, are today said to be haunted by the djinn, spectral
relatives of the angels who also once lived in heaven before
their fall.
     Many of these `fairy chimneys' were occupied during early
Christian times, while a number of them were actually fashioned
into rupestral or troglodyte churches from the sixth century
onwards. The oldest contain many fascinating images beyond the
accepted iconography of the Early Church. These include recurring
geometric designs and, in one case a stylised bird-man, which may
well reflect an art-style found in the 8000-year-old vulture
shrines at ?atal H?y?k. The close proximity of both this unique
`Christian' art and the site of ?atal H?y?k to the underground
cities cannot be overlooked. Remember too that in the story of
Ishtar's descent into the underworld the goddess encounters
beings "like birds covered with feathers", who "from the days of
old ruled the earth".
     Is it possible that the dwellers of the underground cities
were indeed the forerunners of those who built the sub-surface
citadel of ?atal H?y?k? Might they have been connected with the
shamanistic Watcher culture of the Kurdish highlands, which lay
some distance to the east of Cappadocia?

                           Children of the Djinn

     If so, then where might these strange shamanistic cultures
have originated? Did it simply develop in Turkey and Kurdistan
shortly after the end of the last Ice Age, or had its original
ancestors migrated from some foreign land? The angel-worshipping
cults of Kurdistan see themselves only as descendents of the
patriarch Noah, the saviour of humanity whose direct family
settled in their land. In contrast, the Kurdish Jews preserve a
very curious story concerning the origins of their gentile
neighbours, whom they refer to as "children of the djinn". They
say that long ago King Solomon ordered 500 djinn to find him 500
of the most beautiful virgins in the world. They were not to
return until every last one was in their possession. The djinn
had set about their immense task, going to Europe to seek out the
     Finally, after gathering together the correct number, the
djinn were about to return to Jerusalem when they learnt that
Solomon had passed away. In a dilemma, the djinn decided what to
     Should they return the girls to their rightful homes in
Europe, or should they remain with them? Because the young
virgins had "found favor in the eyes of the jinn, the jinn took
them unto themselves as their wives. And they begot many
beautiful children, and those children bore more children... And
that is the way the nation of the Kurds came into being".
     In another version of the same story, 100 genies are
dispatched by Solomon to search out 100 of the world's most
beautiful maidens for his personal harem. Having achieved this
quota, Solomon then dies and the 100 genies decide to settle down
with the maidens amid the inaccessible mountains of Kurdistan.
The offspring of these marriages result in the foundation of the
Kurdish race, "who in their elusiveness resemble their genie
forefathers and in their handsomeness their foremothers".
     As non-sensical as these legend may seem, they attempt to
explain the inexplicable foreign features of certain Kurdish
communities and point to their origin in the biblical kingdom of
Solomon, in other words modern-day Israel.

                           Mountain of the Madai

     The Mandaeans of Lower Iraq are more specific about the
origin of their race. Although their direct ancestors are said to
have come from a mythical location known as the Mountain of the
Madai in Iranian Kurdistan, before that their most distant
ancestors apparently originated in Egypt. Even though this might
seem a mere fantasy on the part of the Mandaeans, it is a fact
that their language contains various words that are undoubtedly
of ancient Egyptian origin. More importantly, they believe that
after death the soul flies north (i.e. towards the mountains of
Kurdistan) where it enters a mythical domain known as Mataratha,
the place of judgement. Here the intelligences of the neter, the
watch-houses, can be found. The term neter can be used as a noun
     in some Near Eastern languages to mean `watchers', the very
name of the first angels given in Enochian and Dead Sea
literature, while in the ancient Egyptian language this same word
is used to define the semi-divine beings who lived in a golden
age known as zep tepi, the First Time. Was it possible that the
Watchers of Kurdistan were descendents of the neter-gods of

                             The First Farmers

     Although the neolithic explosion is known to have begun in
the mountains of Kurdistan sometime around 8500 BC, this was not
the genesis of early agriculture, animal domestication, precision
tool manufacture and structured community lifestyles. There is
strong evidence that they were all present at various sites along
the Nile in southern Egypt and northern Sudan as early as 12,500
BC. These advanced communities continued to develop at a steady
pace until 10,500 BC, when suddenly they ceased farming for no
obvious reason. Scholars have put this complete and utter
cessation of a sophisticated agricultural-based lifestyle among
the Nilotic peoples down to the extremely high Nile floods which
occurred during this epoch. Yet in my opinion there was something
more behind this extraordinary U-turn on the part of these
     It almost seemed as if those who had taught the Nilotic
peoples the rudiments of an agricultural lifestyle had suddenly
departed the scene, leaving their obedient pupils to return to
primitive hunter-gatherer lifestyles more familiar to the age in
     It is therefore interesting to note that after its apparent
disappearance from Egypt c.10,500 BC, agriculture does not
reappear again until it blossoms in Kurdistan a full 1500 years
later. Is it therefore possible that the teachers of the Nilotic
communities departed Egypt for Kurdistan sometime between 10,500
and 9000 BC? Who exactly were these hypothetical agronomists and
what made them leave the cultivated steppes of palaeolithic Egypt
for pastures new? More importantly, were they the ancestors of
the Watchers, the human angels of Enochian and Dead Sea

                            Redating the Sphinx

     Hard evidence now emerging from Egypt strongly suggests that
the Great Sphinx of Giza was not carved during Pharaonic times,
as has always been believed, but much earlier instead. As has
been widely publicised over the past few years, the geological
profile of this most ancient of monuments suggests that it was
fashioned before the gradual desiccation of the Middle East in
the fourth millennium BC. The intense weathering on its body
would appear to have been induced, not by sand erosion, but by
rain precipitation over the course of many thousands of years.
The last time that rain fell in such profusion was during the
period known to climatologists as the neolithic sub-pluvial which
occurred between 8000 and 5000 BC. This suggests that the Sphinx
was carved either during or before this time.
     The Sphinx is quite obviously a lion, the head of which was
re-carved in Pharaonic times to represent a king wearing the
nemes-headdress. Orientated exactly due east, it gazes out
towards the point on the horizon where the sun rises each spring
and autumn equinox. Its function is like that of a time-marker, a
minute hand on a clock, recording the return of the solar orb as
it passes through its 365-day cycle. Yet it also possesses a less
obvious, though perhaps more important `hour' hand, and this one
marks the minuscule shift in the starry canopy as it turns about
its 26,000-year cycle of precession. This visual effect is caused
by the extremely slow wobble of the earth, which might be
compared with the swaying action of a child's spinning top if
revolving at a snail's pace.

                          Built in the Age of Leo

     In astronomical terms the phenomenon known as precession
causes the 12 zodiacal constellations to shift backwards in line
with the ecliptic, the sun's path, in a regular sequence. In
simple terms, this means that the stars rising alongside the sun
make way for another constellation every 2160 or so years until
all 12 signs have completed this astronomical merry-go-around. To
`read' precession as a long-term time-cycle the ancients noted
which sign rose with the sun on the spring equinox, the
zero-point of the yearly calendar in many Middle Eastern
cultures. If we look today towards the eastern horizon just
before sun-rise on 21 March we will see the stars of Pisces. When
Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire in 330 BC, the
stars of Aries the ram were seen rising with the equinoctial sun,
and when the Pyramids of Giza were built in c.2500 BC, it was the
stars of Taurus the bull that rose with the sun on the spring
     If the Great Sphinx was carved as an equinoctial marker at
the same time the neighbouring Pyramids were constructed in
Pharaonic times, then surely it would make more sense if it was a
bull.  Making it a lion hints at a connection with the stars of
Leo, suggesting that it marked an age when the constellation of
Leo rose with the equinoctial sun. The last Age of Leo occurred
between 10,970 and 8810 BC, suggesting that the construction date
of the Great Sphinx fell somewhere within this time-frame. This
is not a new idea by any stretch of the imagination. As far as I
am aware, this theory was first put forward by British
astro-mythologist Gerald Massey in 1907. In an extraordinary work
entitled Ancient Egypt -- The Light of the World he boldly
concluded that "... we may date the Sphinx as a monument which
was reared by these great (Egyptian) builders and thinkers, who
lived so largely out of themselves, some thirteen thousand years
ago (i.e. in the age of Leo, its astronomical counterpart)."
     More recent astro-mythological evidence presented by Graham
Hancock and Robert Bauval in their 1996 book Keeper of Genesis,
convincingly demonstrates that the Great Sphinx, as well as the
ground-plan of the Giza plateau as a whole, must date as early as
10,500 BC, the very time-frame given for the sudden cessation of
proto-agriculture along the Nile.
     Since we know that the great stone blocks removed from the
sunken enclosure around the leonine monument at the time of its
construction were used to build the nearby Sphinx and Valley
Temples, then these too must date from the same distant epoch of
human history. All this indicates the presence in Egypt around
10,500 BC of an advanced culture adept in agronomy, engineering,
building technology, as well as astro-mythology and geomythics
that included a profound knowledge of the earth's 26,000-year
precessional cycle.
     Who were these people? Were these builders of the Great
Sphinx really the ancestors of the tall, viper-faced Watchers of
Kurdistan? Folklore, legend and the spread of Old World
agriculture would appear to support this view. Yet if this was
the case, then what happened to make this Egyptian Elder culture
want to migrate to the highlands of Kurdistan?

                            Global Destruction

     As has already been adequately demonstrated elsewhere
(Hapgood, 1958 & 1970; Hancock, 1995; Flem-Ath, 1995), there is
ample evidence that as the last Ice Age came to a close in the
eleventh and tenth millennia BC, the world was shaken by a series
of severe climatic changes and geological upheavals. Volcanoes
erupted, earthquakes shook the ground, floods poured across the
landscape and long periods of darkness blotted out the sun. This
led to the destruction of countless millions of animals and the
outright extinction of dozens of individual species.
     Cataclysm legends across the world appear to record these
events in colourful and often symbolic detail.
     Egypt's proposed Elder culture would have been right in the
thick of this global destruction. Certainly it is known that the
climatic changes during this epoch caused wide-spread flooding
along the Nile, the reason scholars have suggested for the
cessation of its proto-agriculture.

                             Father of Terrors

     It seems likely that these troubled times forced Egypt's
high culture to fragment and disperse, hence the sudden cessation
of proto-agriculture among the various Nile communities. This
supposition is supported by vivid accounts of fire and flood from
Egypt itself. For example, surviving Coptic-Arab texts speak of
the land being devastated both by floods and a great fire that
came from "the constellation of Leo" -- a reference not
necessarily to some astronomical boloid coming from this part of
the heavens, but to the time-frame in which these events
occurred, in other words during the Age of Leo.
     More telling is the myth of Sekhmet, the lion-headed deity
in the Egyptian pantheon. Because the human race had turned its
back on the ways of the sun-god Ra, or Re, whom it saw as "too
old", the fierce goddess unleashed an all-consuming fire. Her
mass genocide would have resulted in the destruction of humanity
had it not been for Ra's personal intervention. He sent an
intoxicating brew to cover the earth. Consuming this mixture made
Sekhmet drunk so that she fell asleep.
     Assuming that Sekhmet's fierce fire was in some way
representative of an all encompassing conflagration that
devastated Egypt, then might the intoxicating brew that covered
the earth be a memory of a subsequent flood that also overwhelmed
the land? If so, then was Sekhmet herself simply an allegorical
allusion to the Age of Leo? The indications are that the lion of
Leo came to symbolise the age of chaos and destruction that
surrounded the end of the Ice Age, perhaps the reason why the
Arabs referred to the Great Sphinx as the "Father of Terrors".
     In the story of Sekhmet the survivors of the human race
attempt to escape the goddess' devastating fire either by
climbing a mountain or by hiding in `holes' like `snakes' or
     Similar means of protection against the cataclysms that
raged during the Age of Leo are found in mythologies around the
globe, while the presence of such stories in Egyptian legend
point towards the break-up of the Elder culture and its
subsequent re-establishment in other regions. Might this have
included Cappadocia, where underground cities would appear to
have been built as early as 9000 BC, and the mountains of
Kurdistan, where the Watchers may well have catalysed the
beginning of the Neolithic revolution as early as 8500 BC?
     The date for this apparent diaspora of the Elder culture
towards the end of the last Ice Age can actually be pinned down
with some degree of accuracy. For instance, a ninth-century
Coptic-Arab text known as Abou Hormeis records that the
astronomer-priests of Egypt, having realised the imminent
destruction of their race, conceded that: "The deluge was to take
place when the heart of the Lion entered into the first minute of
the head of Cancer."
     The `heart of the lion' was the name given in classical
times to the star Regulus, Leo's `royal star', which lies exactly
on the ecliptic, the sun's perceived daily course across the sky.
Since the constellation of Cancer follows Leo only in the
precessional cycle (Leo follows Cancer in the yearly cycle), then
this appears to confirm that this legend preserved, not just the
memory of probable historical events, but also the approximate
date in which they occurred.
     At my request, electronics engineer Rodney Hale punched the
astronomical information contained in the Abou Hormeis account
into a computer using a Skyglobe 3.5 programme. He ascertained
that the last time Leo's `royal star' would have risen and been
visible on the eastern horizon just prior to the equinoctial
sunrise, was around 9220 BC. When the star Regulus, the `heart of
the lion', no longer rose with the sun on the spring, or vernal,
equinox, this would have been seen by the astronomer-priests of
Egypt as a signal that the Age of Leo had come to an end, and the
age of Cancer was either about to commence, or that it had
already entered its `first minute' of arc across the sky. This
information therefore suggested that it was at this point that
the Elder culture had departed Egypt in anticipation of a major
deluge that was about to over-run their land.


     If we now turn to Iranian tradition we find that various
Zoroastrian texts, including the Bundahishn, speak of world
history beginning 9000 years before the traditionally accepted
date for the coming of its great prophet, Zoroaster, in 588 BC.
This gives a date of 9588 BC. It was at this time, so one text
states, that the faith's dualistic deities, Ahura Mazda and Angra
Mainyu, were born from "the fire of the air" and "the water of
the earth" -- cryptic references once again to fire and flood
during the age of Leo.
     The twin deities vie for superiority over heaven and earth,
a battle that is only settled when Zoroaster is said to have
vanquished the daeva-worshipping Magi priesthoods during his own
life-time. Ever since this time the `Good Spirit', Ahura Mazda,
has ruled supreme.
     Did all this imply that the ancestors of the Iranian
god-kings had first inhabited their mythical homeland, known as
the Airyana Vaejah, the Iranian Expanse, around 9585 BC? Give or
take a few centuries, this date was remarkably close to the
timeframe in which the Egyptian Elder culture would appear to
have broken up.
     Since the Airyana Vaejah is equated with the Kurdish
highlands, might this tradition also record the arrival in the
region of those Elders who went on to establish the proposed
Watcher culture?
     According to Iranian mythology, the dualistic forces of
Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu were born to a supreme being known
as Zurvan, who symbolised `infinite time'. In the Roman cult of
the god Mithras, which developed from primary Iranian sources,
the concept of `infinite time' was symbolised by a lion-headed
     Statues depicting this leonine figure show the twelve signs
of the zodiac on its chest and a snake curling up over the top of
its mane. Although the deity is not identified by name (although
it is occasionally linked with Aeon, a gnostic god of time),
scholars of Mithraism describe it as a kosmokrator, the
controlling intelligence behind the phenomenon of precession.
     To find a lion-headed kosmokrator that originated in a
tradition that saw world history as having begun in 9588 BC,
during the Age of Leo, was impossible to ignore. Could it be
possible that although knowledge of the precessional cycle was
understood by the Elder culture of Egypt, later cultures who
inherited this tradition failed to comprehend its mechanics. So
instead of Leo making way for the age of Cancer, and then Gemini,
and then Taurus, the symbol of the lion became the one and only
kosmokrator, or guardian of infinite time, in much the same way
that the Great Sphinx became a precessional time-marker on the
plateau at Giza.

                            Tragedy of the Fall

     Egypt's Elder culture never made it into the pages of
     The memory of their apparent descendents, the Watchers of
Kurdistan, is but a hollow victory on their part. Being
remembered as beautiful angels who fell from grace, or as
immortal gods and goddesses, or as lustful demons who corrupted
the minds of mankind, hardly befits their incredible achievements
in astronomy, agriculture, geomythics, building technology and
structured society. It was almost certainly the descendents of
the Egyptian Elder culture who paved the way for the growth of
civilisation in the Old World.
     Yet these individuals did much more than this, for they
would also appear to have left the world an important legacy. It
can be traced in the astro-mythology and geomythics of the Giza
plateau as well as in the universal myths and legends concerning
global cataclysms and precessional data. It transcends all
language barriers and can be `read' by all. It is a simple
message repeated again and again, like a recurring SOS Mayday
signal, and it suggests that what befell their race could one day
happen again. For whatever reason, we as a race could sink into
oblivion without trace and be wiped clean from the pages of
history, unless, that is, we wake up from this collective amnesia
we seem to have been experiencing for the past eleven thousand
years and realise that we were never the first.
     Free thinkers, mystics and maverick scholars have been
telling us that civilisation is much older than science would
like us to believe for the past hundred years or more. Often
their books repeat almost exactly the same evidence time after
time. The Pyramids, Tiahuanaco, the Maya, Piri Reis, Hapgood,
Plato and the Baghdad battery are just some of the buzz-words
repeated again and again. Yet no one other than believers has
ever taken these matters seriously.
     With the re-dating of the Great Sphinx in particular, there
is now too much evidence to deny that at the end of the last Ice
Age a high culture existed in this world. Where these people came
from is completely unknown. Some might suggest Atlantis, others
will say they came from the skies, but to be honest we simply do
not know. What is far more important is that we take each step at
a time, and stick to hard facts, in the hope that this time the
whole world will share in these greatest revelations of our time.

     All notes and references used for this article can be found
     in the author's book  "From the Ashes of Angels"  (published
     by Michael Joseph, London, ISBN 0-7181-4132-6)

                             Selected Booklist

     Bauval, Robert, and Graham Hancock, Keeper of Genesis, Wm
Heinemann, London, 1996
     Boyce, Mary, A History of Zoroastrianism, 1975, 3 vols.,
E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1989
     Charles, R.H., The Book of Enoch or 1 Enoch, Oxford Univ
Press, 1912
     Eisenman, R., and M. Wise, The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered,
     Element, Shaftesbury, Dorset, 1992

     Flem-Ath, Rand and Rose, When the Sky Fell -- In Search of
     Atlantis, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1995
     Fix, William R., Pyramid Odyssey, Jonathan-James Books,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1978
     Hancock, Graham, Fingerprints of the Gods -- A Quest for the
Beginning and the End, Wm Heinemann: London, 1995
     Hapgood, Professor Charles, The Path of the Pole, Chilton,
New York, 1970
     Hapgood, Professor Charles, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings,
1966, Tumstone Books, 1979
     Izady, Mehrdad R., The Kurds -- A Concise Handhook, Crane
Russak, London, 1992
     Massey, Gerald, Ancient Egypt -- The Light of the World, 2
vols., T. Fisher & Unwin, London, 1907
     Milik, J.T., The Book of Enoch -- Aramaic Fragments of
Qumran Cave 4, OUP, 1976
     Morfill, W.R., edit and intro R. Charles, The Book of the
Secrets of Enoch, Oxford Univ Press, 1896
     Ulansey, David, The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries --
Cosmology and Salvation in the Ancient World, OUP, 1989.


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