-Caveat Lector-

>From CANOE, http://www.canoe.ca/CalgaryNews/906_n2.html
November 28, 1999

Fuse lit on hi-tech powderkeg
New book by Sun's Margolis details world's most dangerous flashpoint

By PAUL JACKSON -- Calgary Sun

Canada's top foreign correspondent believes the flashpoint for the start of
a nuclear war is the remote province of Kashmir.

And if -- when -- India and Pakistan start hitting the nuclear buttons,
there will be 100 million dead and injured and the entire planet will be

 "There'll be nuclear dust falling in Calgary," says Eric Margolis, who
explains his contentions in a new book, War at the Top of the World: The
Clash for Mastery of Asia (Key Porter Books, $29.95).

 Margolis' work appears regularly in such newspapers as the New York Times,
Wall Street Journal and International Herald Tribune, and, of course, he
appears in the Sunday Sun every week.

 Not for nothing is he the envy of every foreign correspondent and would-be
foreign correspondent.

 Though his exploits are legendary -- he's dodged bullets and bombs on a
regular basis -- he's affable and charming when he sits down for a chat.

 If there is any scar-tissue from adventures in the ditches and dikes of the
world's hotspots, it doesn't show.

 When I tell Margolis few people in the West know anything about the dispute
between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, he replies: "There's a Roman saying
that war teaches geography. Very few people knew much about the Balkans
until war broke out there in 1991-92."

 Since then the ramifications of the breakup of Yugoslavia have dominated
headlines month after month and year after year.

 The NATO assault on Serbian aggression in Kosovo matched the campaign to
drive Saddam Hussein's troops out of Saudi Arabia.

 As Margolis details his gripping scenario -- he says his book is a primer
or a roadmap to south Asia -- he points out the region is the second-largest
English-speaking area in the world and by 2010, its population will surpass
that of China.

 And that's where another wrinkle comes into the picture, because India and
China are in a race for superpower supremacy and both now have nuclear
weapons and ballistic missiles to deliver them.

 No wonder Margolis thinks we should be on the edge of our seats and biting
our nails over the region.

 Yet, most of us are ignorant of what is building up and we're in for a rude

 Especially since the scenario is moving so quickly.

 In 1998, both India and Pakistan shocked the world when they conducted
nuclear tests.

 This year both tested medium-range weapons.

 Margolis believes if India launches a conventional attack, Pakistan will
have to go nuclear because its own conventional forces will be so

 If this seems alarmist, remember NATO stills hold a similar first-strike
nuclear policy.

 "The Central Intelligence Agency has already documented the confrontation
between India and Pakistan over Kashmir is the world's most dangerous
dispute, and has assessed a 'high' rating as to the probability of a nuclear
war breaking out there."

 "With only three minutes warning of a missile launch by either side, it's a
hair-trigger situation. There will simply be no time for either side to have
second thoughts about what may be happening and how to respond to it."

 That the conflict is escalating with long-range planning is also evidenced
by India's determination to build submarines with the capability of
launching nuclear-tipped missiles.

 Peace seems to be the last thing on India's mind.

 But then, with China now being India's principal enemy, and flexing its
muscles, India can hardly remain calm.

 Into this potent mix Margolis throws in Russia, which also has historic
interests in the area, and though bankrupt, still wants to be seen as a
global power.

 Being bankrupt, and with a military in disarray, Moscow would also be
tempted to wield power through its arsenal of nuclear weapons.

 Margolis' book is as terrifying as any doomsday movie and as fascinating as
any A&E or PBS documentary.

 You finish it wondering how on earth we are going to get out of this

 Probably not unscathed.

Dan S

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