-Caveat Lector-

I am a little long in the tooth for it, but I am a great lover of
computer games--adventure games, not shoot-em-ups. And one of
my favorites has been the Gabriel Knight series from Sierra.

One of the most wonderful things about the Gabriel Knight
mysteries is that a.) they always have a metaphysical/occult
element and b) they are set in a specific place. When you finish
the game, you feel as though you have been in that place.

The first game "Sins of the Fathers" was set in New Orleans with a
voodoo theme. I absolutely fell in love with Gabriel and his
assistant, Grace Nakamora. What wonderful characters!

The second game, "The Beast Within" was set in Germany and
one section of the game explored the castle of Neufshwanstein
(sp?) complete with Wagnerian music and murals, a missing
Wagnerian manuscript, as well as the Wagner museum, among
other national monuments. And werewolves, too. Fabulous.

The newest game is set in Rennes-Le-Chateau and concerns the
Knights Templar and the Grail legends and the Grail treasure
supposedly hidden there. The visuals are not as impressive (to me)
as the earlier games but the sense of being in a place is
compelling. (Since I haven't been there, I can't really compare, but I
think if I went there tomorrow, I could find my way around <BG>)
I've just started playing this game, so I can't comment on the whole
of it--but the beginning is verry interesting. I've explored the church
rebuilt by Abbe Saunier, had a brief history,which included some
elements I hadn't heard elsewhere, and have "driven" around the
surrounding country with Gabriel on his Harley. Great fun.

I just thought I'd mention this, because I know there are those on
the list interested in the subject and that this might be of interest to
them. Not a scholar's game, but surely educational....and fun.


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