-Caveat Lector-

nessie wrote:
> If violence is not a wholly appropriate method for dealing with people who
> exploit slave labor, then the American Civil War was a mistake.

        The pretense that the "abolition of slavery" was either
        a motive or justification for the war, is a fraud of
        the same character with that of "maintaining the
        national honor." Who, but such usurpers, robbers, and
        murderers as they, ever established slavery? Or what
        government, except one resting upon the sword, like the
        one we now have, was ever capable of maintaining
        slavery? And why did these men abolish slavery? Not
        from any love of liberty in general---not as an act of
        justice to the black man himself, but only "as a war
        measure," and because they wanted his assistance, and
        that of his friends, in carrying on the war they had
        undertaken for maintaining and intensifying that
        political, commercial, and industrial slavery, to which
        they have subjected the great body of the people, both
        black and white. And yet these imposters now cry out
        that they have abolished the chattel slavery of the
        black man---although that was not the motive of the
        war---as if they thought they could thereby conceal,
        atone for, or justify that other slavery which they
        were fighting to perpetuate, and to render more
        rigorous and inexorable than it ever was before.
        There was no difference of principle---but only of
        degree---between the slavery they boast they have
        abolished, and the slavery they were fighting to
        preserve; for all restraints upon men's natural
        liberty, not necessary for the simple maintenance
        of justice, are of the nature of slavery, and
        differ from each other only in degree.

        If their object had really been to abolish slavery,
        or maintain liberty or justice generally, they had only
        to say: All, whether white or black, who want the
        protection of this government, shall have it; and all
        who do not want it, will be left in peace, so long as
        they leave us in peace. Had they said this, slavery
        would necessarily have been abolished at once; the war
        would have been saved; and a thousand times nobler
        union than we have ever had would have been the result.
        It would have been a voluntary union of free men; such
        a union as will one day exist among all men, the world
        over, if the several nations, so called, shall ever get
        rid of the usurpers, robbers, and murderers, called
        governments, that now plunder, enslave, and destroy

        The lesson taught by all these facts is this: As
        long as mankind continue to pay "national debts,"
        so-called---that is, so long as they are such dupes
        and cowards as to pay for being cheated, plundered,
        enslaved, and murdered -- so long there will be enough
        to lend the money for those purposes; and with that
        money a plenty of tools, called soldiers (police), can
        be hired to keep them in subjection. But when they refuse
        any longer to pay for being thus cheated, plundered,
        enslaved, and murdered, they will cease to have cheats,
        and usurpers, and robbers, and murderers and
        blood-money loan-mongers for masters.

--Lysander Spooner
No Treason No. VI; Chapter 19 (1870)

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