-Caveat Lector-

FYI. See http://www.parentstv.org/

> 1. Sponsors Lay the Smackdown on the WWF
>           The PTC's campaign to educate advertisers about the raunchy content of
>           UPN's WWF Smackdown! and encourage them to drop their sponsorship
>           of the wrestling show has met with incredible success -- in large part
>           thanks to the efforts of the PTC members and supporters who contacted
>           these advertisers. The U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force have all
>           ceased running ads on Smackdown!, as have the five members of the
>           Family Friendly Programming Forum who originally advertised on the show.
>           The PTC's most recent success came when Mars Inc. announced it would
>           no longer sponsor Smackdown!
>           The PTC's efforts now are winning recognition from the mainstream
>           media. Coca-Cola and AT&T have made public statements that they pulled
>           advertising from Smackdown! because of content issues. CNN's business
>           show, Moneyline, reported this week that the WWF's stock price dropped
>           a point and a half and cited the efforts of the PTC to get Coke to drop its
>           ads.
>           The WWF has certainly noticed, too. Following up on a promise made in a
>           letter to PTC Chairman L. Brent Bozell last month, WWF Chairman Vince
>           McMahon blasted the PTC during last Thursday's episode of Smackdown!
>           and encouraged viewers to protest the PTC's campaign. Angry and
>           often-incoherent e-mail has flooded the PTC's offices since last Thursday's
>           broadcast. The Wall Street Journal reported that McMahon appears to
>           have succumbed to the pressure, promising to tone down the content of this
>           week's episode of Smackdown! "You'll see less aggression, less-colorful
>           language, less sexuality," said McMahon. Check www.parentstv.org this
>           Friday for the Smackdown! report to see if the WWF is true to its word
>           this time - or if it's just another publicity stunt.

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