-Caveat Lector-


> Hypocrisy watch
>                     A dozen years of evidence concerning media
>                     bias
>                     By Marvin Olasky
>                     Each year liberal journalists, instead of honestly
>                     acknowledging their liberalism, describe themselves as Dan
>                     Rather defined himself in an exchange on CNN's Crossfire
>                     on June 24: "an honest broker of information" whose motto
>                     is "play no favorites."
>                     For the 12th straight year, the Media Research Center 
>[http://www.mrc.org] in
>                     Washington, D.C., in late November mailed to a panel of
>                     judges evidence of the way Dan Rather and others play
>                     favorites. On May 26, for example, Mr. Rather himself
>                     gushed about Hillary Clinton's "political lightning" and how
>                     she is a "crowd-pleaser." (Which crowd?)
>                     As a judge each year, I've seen repeatedly how the most
>                     influential newspapers play favorites while pretending to be
>                     objective. Ted Kennedy, according to New York Times
>                     reporter Adam Clymer, "deserves recognition not just as the
>                     leading Senator of his time but also as one of the greats in
>                     the history of this singular institution." Janet Reno, according
>                     to Juan Williams of the Washington Post, is approaching
>                     "Abe Lincoln status. People just assume she's honest, honest
>                     Janet Reno." (Which people?) . . . <snip>
See http://www.worldmag.com/world/issue/12-11-99/closing_2.asp

A.C. Szul
"If I had more time I would have written less." --Mark Twain

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