-Caveat Lector-

Why would neurotoxins be used?  If gas masks were "outlawed" tear gas would
take care of the job.  I've read a number of posts about neurotoxins, but
there is no mention of why...It seems like an extreme measure to me...


Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Neurotoxic Symptoms In Chemical Warfare Casualties At Seattle WTO Meeting

by Kirk James Murphy, MD
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10:04am Tue Dec 7 '99

Direct Action Network Medical Collective members
provided first aid and other care for thousands of
casualties of chemical warfare during the Seattle WTO
protests. Collective members identified a subset of
casualties with symptoms consistent with exposure to
neurotoxins which disrupt acetylcholine. Irritant
agents do not explain the symptoms.

The Direct Action Network Medical Collective was
organized to provide first aid and other health services
to activists and others (onlookers, media, residents, and
anyone else requesting assistance) in Seattle for the WTO
meeting last week. The Collective members rovided care for
literally hundreds of chemical warfare casualties on
both November 30 and December 1; hundreds more have
requested information and treatment in subsequent
days. As one may imagine, Collective members have
acquired extensive expertise in the recognitio  and
treatment of symptoms arising from exposure to pepper
spray (OC) and "tear gases" (CS and CN).

Individuals exposed to chemical weapons in the late
afternoon and evening of December 1st at two locations
downtown blocks adjacent to Pike Place Market and the
Seattle neighborhood of Capitol Hill evinced and
reported a pattern of  symptoms which is inconsistent
with the pattern of symptoms which may be ascribed to
irritating agents. This "atypical" pattern of symptoms
includes the rapid onset of:

mydriasis (pupillary dilation) with
resultant impairment of visual acuity;

tachycardia (rapid heart rate) with some

new-onset hypertension (high blood
pressure) in one individual;

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (persisting  for
days after exposure);

abrupt or immediate onset of menstruation
(asynchronous with usual menstrual cycle);

muscular fasciculation (twitches);

muscular dyscoordination;

lethargy, confusion, disorientation,
diminished concentration, nocturnal

Moreover, some casualties reported an abrupt
experience of loss of muscular tone and strength
that sometimes (but not always) immediately preceded a
loss of  consciousness; one observer of these
affected individuals reported uncontrolled, spasmodic
movements in  those affected.

Some individuals exposed in the Pike Place Market
area reported that the aforementioned symptoms came
immediately after exposure to a non-irritating agent
which was did not cause pain, lacrimation, or burning
on mucous membranes.

At least one individual complaining of fasciculations
and cognitive impairment days after exposure reported
resolution of both symptoms for a duration of
approximately five to six hours within twenty to thirty
minutes after treatment with 10 mg of the specific
antidote dicyclomine (Bentyl) - an anticholinergic
medication which crosses the blood-brain  barrier and
hence can relieve central nervous symptoms of excessive
cholinergic activity as well as relieving peripheral
symptoms of the same etiology.

The pattern of symptoms is not consistent with known
mechanisms of action of the irritant chemical weapons
OC, CS, or CN. The pattern, however, is consistent with
disruption of neurotransmitter activity. Lamentably,
the single most compelling explanation for the observed
findings is the (deliberate or accidental) inclusion of
"incapacitating agents" which disrupt neuronal function
in the chemical munitions discharged by law enforcement
agencies in Seattle during the WTO protest.

While direct cholinergic effects or indirect (inhibition
of acetylcholinesterase) effects arising from synergistic
combinations (of OC, CS, and CN) cannot be ruled out at this
time, the experience and observations Medical Collective
members, together with the aforementioned information, appears
to most robustly support the hypothesis that the casualties
described above resulted from exposure to cholinesterase
inhibitors used as chemical weapons in crowd control.

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported on December 4
that the Seattle Police Department had to replenish
its chemical weapons stocks by going to outside
sources. Various individuals have reported being told
by individual law enforcement officers that chemical
weapons in addition to OC, CS, and CN  were deployed
by various entities; these anecdotal accounts are not
yet confirmed.

Any information regarding the use of chemical
munitions in addition to OC, CS or CN, as well as
information regarding the discharge of chemical
weapons by agencies other than the Seattle Police
Department would be helpful.

Available Internet information from presumably
authoritative (eg, DOD) sources describes "nerve gases"
as lethal agents. While the casualties described
above - fortunately - have not included fatalities,
the apparent pattern of  excessive cholinergic activity
and the fact that "incapacitating agents" is the term
of art for a subset of chemical weapons used in crowd
control suggests that the term "nerve gas" may be a
suboptimal descriptive term. "Incapacitating agents"
or "neurotoxic agents" may be more precise ways of
describing chemical munitions with the effects
described above.

If you were exposed to chemical weapons during the
WTO protests and have the pattern of "atypical"
symptoms discussed below, please make a written,
signed, and dated account of your exposure, including
details such as the (approximate)  location in which
you were exposed and the date and part of the day
(morning, midday, afternoon, evening) of your
exposure, as well as the nature of your symptoms.
Please send such accounts to  the email above and to
the ACLU unit investigating law enforcement actions
in Seattle during the WTO protests.

Collection of discharged chemical weapons munitions
is proceeding apace at this time. Collection of serum
samples from affected individuals will probably be
organized over the next 48 hours. Assay of garments
(and other materials) exposed to the chemical
warfare agents on  individuals demonstrating the
aforementioned pattern of symptoms is also
contemplated. If you have canisters or other chemical
munitions containers discharged during the WTO
protest, please contact the above email address for
information about how to forward these containers for
chemical analysis

[NOTE: Canisters of "CS" or "CN" (tear gas) or "OC"
(Oleoresin Capsaiscum) are not needed - we know they
were used. The containers to be sent for chemical
analysis would only be those without the above
markings or those with markings consistent with the
use of other agents.]

Your comments are invited and desired.  Obviously,
the escalation of chemical weapons used in "crowd
control" to include even non-lethal neurotoxins is an
exceedingly grave prospect: the qualitative leap from
irritant agents (OC, CS, CN) to agents which disrupt
neuronal function is truly an appalling prospect.
This communication is intended to ensure the fullest
possible discussion and consideration of the events
and mechanisms described above.
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