-Caveat Lector-

<snip>...President Clinton told a story Saturday, repeated often since
the Thanksgiving weekend, of how a small child at his holiday gathering
posed him a bold question.

``How old are you?'' the child asked.

``Fifty-three,'' Clinton says he replied.

The audience at the Florida Democratic Convention laughed when, with a
rueful smile, the president related the child's reaction: ``She said,
'that's a lot.'''. . .<snip>

Apparently, Clinton repeated the girl's story about 4 times this past
week while fundraising. But, during a couple stops in California, back
on November 30, the president described the child as a "six-year-old

The White House response? A "slip up" and that the child is "indeed a

It's not so much about whether the kid is a boy or girl but whether the
president ever learned anything from the impeachment proceedings and
those six months during which he claimed to have never had "sexual
relations with that woman..." but later admitted that was not true.

Full story can be found at http://www.newsday.com/ap/rnmpne0f.htm

A.C. Szul
"If I had more time I would have written less." --Mark Twain

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