-Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Bunn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 1999 5:56 PM
Cc: Minister for the Olympics
Subject: Burma Out! Spain, drugs, and a ? of sport and standards?

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                      From Seattle to Sydney

Apart from its treatment of Basque prisoners and their families.
Spain has a number of reasons for which it should be proud.

It finally ended the Franco regime, regained a royal family,
whatever that means. And is even, with the assistance of the
UK Home Secretary Jack Straw, ex President of the National
Union of Students,  "bringing Spanish justice" to bear upon an
old friend of the CIA "who went sorta outa control".  General
Pinochet of Chile.

When one thinks of this wonderful nation. Picasso, flamenco,
the advance of tourism through sunshine, a young Seve
Ballesteros and golf ;-) one also thinks of it with affection.
And as a paid up member of the European Community.

The dictatorship in Chile killed thousands of innocent people.
But so too, depending upon his understanding of what is right
and what is "people unfriendly", may be one of their own.

>From his native Catalonia  A man from quality Spain, a man of
title. A man who has prospered through decades by his use of
high level Franco contacts and local sport. And who now sits at
the head of one of the most corrupt eras of an organisation
purporting to speak both on behalf of the spirit of the flame and
the international community.

Over the next few months, the behavior of this man and his
affluent cohorts from around the globe will either bring badly
needed relief and encouragement to millions currently suffering
from their own or their loved ones misuse of hard drugs, or an
Olympic sanitized death to far too many.

For it is the Juan Antonio, the Marquis de Samaranch and
his over powerful quango, the International Olympic Committee
who will decide if they will stand up for a history wherein
proudly, South Africa was barred from competition in Tokyo in
1964. And during the build up to Sydney, ban an ethically
unrepresentative team from the Burmese military junta from
Olympiad 2000.

Why? Because 86% of all the heroin on the streets of the host
nation, comes courtesy of the Rangoon junta. Which in turn,
launders all the cash.

And as the spotlights shine on the latest IOC twist to "regain their
image". The honest truth may be that the Marques and friends
already know the score on Burma and Australian heroin.

So maybe it is time that Spain took to task its own human rights
and heroin double standards, and straightened out one of their

Would someone be kind enough to mention this to them?


Follow the plea by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and the appreciations
of HH the Dalai Lama, the Shan Democratic Union,  film maker John
Pilger, the Free Burma Coalition,  author Alan Clements, Dennis
Skinner MP, Tony Benn MP, Ann Clwyd MP, Congress-woman
Maxine Waters,  Socialist Workers' Party,  Dr and Welsh rugby
star JPR Williams, Hendrix  bassist Noel Redding,  S African jazz
pianist Abdullah Ibrahim,  All Burma Students Democratic
Organisation,  All Burma Students Democratic Front, Tasmanian
Trades & Labour Council,  SACP (South African Communist Party),
COSATU,  Tim Gopsill, editor.  [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
numerous others.

Supporting a Genuine war upon drugs and human rights abuse.
Sydney 2000 : Burma Out!

Music Industry Human Rights Association
http://www.mihra.org / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Union Action http://www.mihra.org/2K/Union.htm

Unchained  : The "New Rachel" page.

Founded during UN50. Mihra's roots are in music and anti-racism and
was first in line in calling for a sports boycott of Burma for the Sydney
2000 Olympic Games. Mihra also advances protection of creators rights
in an anti-cultural market, currently 93.8% monopolised by the recording
/ publishing Grand Cartel.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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