-Caveat Lector-

December 12, 1999

        Report: FALN Lobbyist Was

        By The Associated Press

        WASHINGTON (AP) -- The activist who successfully
        lobbied the White House for the release of 14 jailed
        Puerto Rican separatists was a leader in the terrorist
        organization FALN, a congressional report obtained on
        Saturday alleges.

        The report said that Luis Nieves Falcon corresponded
        with several top Clinton administration officials on the
        clemency and was a member and leader of the militant
        Puerto Rican independence group.

        The report, prepared by Rep. Daniel Burton's
        Committee on Government Reform, included letters
        documenting Falcon's correspondence and at least one
        meeting with the Clinton administration. And it cited
        federal law enforcement sources who had requested
        anonymity in declaring him a leader of the terrorist

        Falcon did not immediately return phone calls place to
        his home in Puerto Rico on Saturday.

        FALN -- the Spanish initials for the Armed Forces of
        National Liberation -- was responsible for a wave of
        bombings in the late 1970s and early 1980s that left six
        dead and dozens wounded.

        Burton, an Indiana Republican and frequent critic of the
        president, blasted the Clinton administration for
        negotiating with a terrorist.

        ``The fact that the White House and the Department of
        Justice were negotiating with a terrorist leader, and
        working with him as partner to achieve the goal of
        letting the terrorists out of prison is unconscionable,''
        Burton wrote.

        Jim Kennedy, of the White House Counsel's Office,
        said Falcon was one of the leading advocates for the
        prisoners release, but was not involved in negotiations.

        ``The notion that the White House negotiated with a
        terrorist is pure partisan fantasy,'' Kennedy said.

        Kennedy would not comment on whether Falcon was a
        terrorist or not.

        Subpoenas issued by Burton's committee turned up
        letters to Falcon from seven high-ranking Clinton
        administration officials, including then-White House
        Counsel Bernard Nussbaum and White House Deputy
        Chief of Staff Maria Echaveste. Most were routine
        letters acknowledging the receipt of information and
        letters which Falcon had sent on the prisoners behalf.
        Others answered Falcon's questions about the transfer
        of prisoners and other inquiries.

        But Burton said the frequent correspondence with
        Falcon was an ``insult to the victims'' of FALN
        bombings who have testified at recent Capitol Hill
        hearings that they were unable to even get letters to the
        administration answered.

        The documents indicate that Falcon met at least once
        with a Justice Department official.

        And they suggest he was scheduled to attend a White
        House meeting in December 1996 on the clemency,
        though it was unclear if he actually did. Administration
        officials said Falcon had been inside the White House
        in March 1996 with several lawmakers and advocates
        to deliver letters of support for the prisoners release.
        They were unaware on Saturday of any other visits and
        said he had never met with the president.

        President Clinton ignited a firestorm of controversy in
        August when he offered clemency to 16 Puerto Rican
        separatists affiliated with the FALN or its sister
        organization in Puerto Rico, Los Macheteros. The
        clemency was conditioned on the prisoners renouncing
        violence. Fourteen accepted the offer.

        Critics accused the president of extending the clemency
        to boost the standing of his wife's Senate candidacy in
        New York, which is home to about 1.3 million Puerto
        Ricans. Subpoenas from Burton's committee then
        unearthed a March memo from Jeffrey Farrow,
        co-chairman of the president's interagency group on
        Puerto Rico, which surmised that the prisoners release
        could benefit Vice President Al Gore in his bid for the

        Gore has said he had no prior knowledge of Clinton's
        clemency decision and has declined to take a position
        on it.

        Clinton has insisted that politics did not play role in his
        decision. He said he based it on the lengthy prison
        terms the nationalists were serving. None of those
        offered clemency were directly involved in activities
        that killed or maimed anyone, administration officials
        say. They were convicted of seditious conspiracy, and
        possession of weapons and explosives.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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